--- /dev/null
+ * Initial main.c file generated by Glade. Edit as required.
+ * Glade will not overwrite this file.
+ */
+# include <config.h>
+#include <gtk/gtk.h>
+#include <lttv/module.h>
+#include <lttv/hook.h>
+#include <lttv/lttv.h>
+#include "interface.h"
+#include "support.h"
+#include "mainWindow.h"
+#include "callbacks.h"
+/* global variable */
+systemView * gSysView;
+typedef view_constructor (* constructor)();
+constructor get_constructor = NULL;
+typedef void (*call_Event_Selected_Hook)(void * call_data);
+call_Event_Selected_Hook selected_hook = NULL;
+GModule *gm;
+view_constructor gConstructor = NULL;
+int Window_Creation_Hook(void *hook_data, void *call_data);
+ * Functions for module loading/unloading *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+ * plugin's init function
+ *
+ * This function initializes the GUI.
+ */
+typedef struct _WindowCreationData {
+ int argc;
+ char ** argv;
+} WindowCreationData;
+G_MODULE_EXPORT void init(LttvModule *self, int argc, char *argv[]) {
+ LttvAttributeValue value;
+ WindowCreationData *Window_Creation_Data = g_new(WindowCreationData, 1);
+ Window_Creation_Data->argc = argc;
+ Window_Creation_Data->argv = argv;
+ lttv_iattribute_find_by_path(LTTV_IATTRIBUTE(lttv_global_attributes()),
+ "/hooks/main/before", LTTV_POINTER, &value);
+ lttv_hooks_add(*(value.v_pointer), Window_Creation_Hook, Window_Creation_Data);
+int Window_Creation_Hook(void *hook_data, void *call_data)
+ GModule *gm;
+ GtkWidget * ToolMenuTitle_menu, *insert_view;
+ GtkWidget *window1;
+ mainWindow * mw = g_new(mainWindow, 1);
+ gSysView = g_new(systemView, 1);
+ WindowCreationData *Window_Creation_Data = (WindowCreationData*)call_data;
+ g_critical("GUI init()");
+#ifdef ENABLE_NLS
+ bind_textdomain_codeset (GETTEXT_PACKAGE, "UTF-8");
+ textdomain (GETTEXT_PACKAGE);
+ gtk_set_locale ();
+ gtk_init (&(Window_Creation_Data->argc), &(Window_Creation_Data->argv));
+ add_pixmap_directory (PACKAGE_DATA_DIR "/" PACKAGE "/pixmaps");
+ add_pixmap_directory ("pixmaps");
+ /*
+ * The following code was added by Glade to create one of each component
+ * (except popup menus), just so that you see something after building
+ * the project. Delete any components that you don't want shown initially.
+ */
+ window1 = create_MWindow ();
+ gtk_widget_show (window1);
+ mw->MWindow = window1;
+ mw->SystemView = gSysView;
+ mw->Tab = NULL;
+ mw->CurrentTab = NULL;
+ // mw->Attributes = lttv_attributes_new();
+ //test
+ gm = g_module_open("/home1/yangxx/poly/lttv/modules/libguiEvents.la",0);
+ printf("Main : the address of gm : %d\n", gm);
+ if(!g_module_symbol(gm, "get_constructor", (gpointer)&get_constructor)){
+ g_error("can not get constructor\n");
+ }
+ if(!g_module_symbol(gm, "call_Event_Selected_Hook", (gpointer)&selected_hook)){
+ g_error("can not get selected hook\n");
+ }
+ gConstructor = get_constructor();
+ ToolMenuTitle_menu = lookup_widget(mw->MWindow,"ToolMenuTitle_menu");
+ insert_view = gtk_menu_item_new_with_mnemonic ("insert_view");
+ gtk_widget_show (insert_view);
+ gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (ToolMenuTitle_menu), insert_view);
+ g_signal_connect ((gpointer) insert_view, "activate",
+ G_CALLBACK (insertViewTest),
+ NULL);
+ //end
+ gSysView->EventDB = NULL;
+ gSysView->SystemInfo = NULL;
+ gSysView->Options = NULL;
+ gSysView->Window = mw;
+ gSysView->Next = NULL;
+ g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(window1), "systemView", (gpointer)gSysView);
+ g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(window1), "mainWindow", (gpointer)mw);
+ gtk_main ();
+void destroy_walk(gpointer data, gpointer user_data)
+ //GuiControlFlow_Destructor((ControlFlowData*)data);
+ * plugin's destroy function
+ *
+ * This function releases the memory reserved by the module and unregisters
+ * everything that has been registered in the gtkTraceSet API.
+ */
+G_MODULE_EXPORT void destroy() {
+ WindowCreationData *Window_Creation_Data;
+ LttvAttributeValue value;
+ g_critical("GUI destroy()");
+ //int i;
+ //ControlFlowData *Control_Flow_Data;
+ //g_slist_foreach(sControl_Flow_Data_List, destroy_walk, NULL );
+ lttv_iattribute_find_by_path(LTTV_IATTRIBUTE(lttv_global_attributes()),
+ "/hooks/main/before", LTTV_POINTER, &value);
+ Window_Creation_Data = lttv_hooks_remove(*(value.v_pointer),
+ Window_Creation_Hook);
+ g_free(Window_Creation_Data);