return 0;
-/* before_process_exit_hook
- *
- * Draw lines for process event.
- *
- * @param hook_data ControlFlowData structure of the viewer.
- * @param call_data Event context.
- *
- * This function adds items to be drawn in a queue for each process.
- *
- */
-//int before_process_exit_hook(void *hook_data, void *call_data)
-// LttvTraceHookByFacility *thf = (LttvTraceHookByFacility*)hook_data;
-// EventsRequest *events_request = (EventsRequest*)thf->hook_data;
-// ControlFlowData *control_flow_data = events_request->viewer_data;
-// LttvTracefileContext *tfc = (LttvTracefileContext *)call_data;
-// LttvTracefileState *tfs = (LttvTracefileState *)call_data;
-// LttvTraceState *ts = (LttvTraceState *)tfc->t_context;
-// LttEvent *e;
-// e = ltt_tracefile_get_event(tfc->tf);
-// LttvFilter *filter = control_flow_data->filter;
-// if(filter != NULL && filter->head != NULL)
-// if(!lttv_filter_tree_parse(filter->head,e,tfc->tf,
-// tfc->t_context->t,tfc,NULL,NULL))
-// return FALSE;
-// LttTime evtime = ltt_event_time(e);
-// /* Add process to process list (if not present) */
-// //LttvProcessState *process = tfs->process;
-// guint cpu = tfs->cpu;
-// guint trace_num = ts->parent.index;
-// LttvProcessState *process = ts->running_process[cpu];
-// guint pid = process->pid;
-// LttTime birth;
-// guint pl_height = 0;
-// HashedResourceData *hashed_process_data = NULL;
-// ProcessList *process_list = control_flow_data->process_list;
-// g_assert(process != NULL);
-// birth = process->creation_time;
-// if(likely(process_list->current_hash_data[trace_num][cpu] != NULL)) {
-// hashed_process_data = process_list->current_hash_data[trace_num][cpu];
-// } else {
-// hashed_process_data = processlist_get_process_data(process_list, "CPU0");
-//// hashed_process_data = processlist_get_process_data(process_list,
-//// pid,
-//// process->cpu,
-//// &birth,
-//// trace_num);
-// if(unlikely(hashed_process_data == NULL))
-// {
-// g_assert(pid == 0 || pid != process->ppid);
-// /* Process not present */
-// Drawing_t *drawing = control_flow_data->drawing;
-// ResourceInfo *process_info;
-// processlist_add(process_list,
-// drawing,
-// pid,
-// process->tgid,
-// process->cpu,
-// process->ppid,
-// &birth,
-// trace_num,
-// process->name,
-// process->brand,
-// &pl_height,
-// &process_info,
-// &hashed_process_data);
-// gtk_widget_set_size_request(drawing->drawing_area,
-// -1,
-// pl_height);
-// gtk_widget_queue_draw(drawing->drawing_area);
-// }
-// }
-// /* Now, the process is in the state hash and our own process hash.
-// * We definitely can draw the items related to the ending state.
-// */
-// if(likely(ltt_time_compare(hashed_process_data->next_good_time,
-// evtime) > 0))
-// {
-// if(unlikely(hashed_process_data->x.middle_marked == FALSE)) {
-// TimeWindow time_window =
-// lttvwindow_get_time_window(control_flow_data->tab);
-//#ifdef EXTRA_CHECK
-// if(ltt_time_compare(evtime, time_window.start_time) == -1
-// || ltt_time_compare(evtime, time_window.end_time) == 1)
-// return;
-//#endif //EXTRA_CHECK
-// Drawing_t *drawing = control_flow_data->drawing;
-// guint width = drawing->width;
-// guint x;
-// convert_time_to_pixels(
-// time_window,
-// evtime,
-// width,
-// &x);
-// /* Draw collision indicator */
-// gdk_gc_set_foreground(drawing->gc, &drawing_colors[COL_WHITE]);
-// gdk_draw_point(hashed_process_data->pixmap,
-// drawing->gc,
-// x,
-// COLLISION_POSITION(hashed_process_data->height));
-// hashed_process_data->x.middle_marked = TRUE;
-// }
-// } else {
-// TimeWindow time_window =
-// lttvwindow_get_time_window(control_flow_data->tab);
-//#ifdef EXTRA_CHECK
-// if(ltt_time_compare(evtime, time_window.start_time) == -1
-// || ltt_time_compare(evtime, time_window.end_time) == 1)
-// return;
-//#endif //EXTRA_CHECK
-// Drawing_t *drawing = control_flow_data->drawing;
-// guint width = drawing->width;
-// guint x;
-// convert_time_to_pixels(
-// time_window,
-// evtime,
-// width,
-// &x);
-// /* Jump over draw if we are at the same x position */
-// if(unlikely(x == hashed_process_data->x.middle &&
-// hashed_process_data->x.middle_used))
-// {
-// if(unlikely(hashed_process_data->x.middle_marked == FALSE)) {
-// /* Draw collision indicator */
-// gdk_gc_set_foreground(drawing->gc, &drawing_colors[COL_WHITE]);
-// gdk_draw_point(hashed_process_data->pixmap,
-// drawing->gc,
-// x,
-// COLLISION_POSITION(hashed_process_data->height));
-// hashed_process_data->x.middle_marked = TRUE;
-// }
-// /* jump */
-// } else {
-// DrawContext draw_context;
-// /* Now create the drawing context that will be used to draw
-// * items related to the last state. */
-// draw_context.drawable = hashed_process_data->pixmap;
-// draw_context.gc = drawing->gc;
-// draw_context.pango_layout = drawing->pango_layout;
-// draw_context.drawinfo.start.x = hashed_process_data->x.middle;
-// draw_context.drawinfo.end.x = x;
-// draw_context.drawinfo.y.over = 1;
-// draw_context.drawinfo.y.middle = (hashed_process_data->height/2);
-// draw_context.drawinfo.y.under = hashed_process_data->height;
-// draw_context.drawinfo.start.offset.over = 0;
-// draw_context.drawinfo.start.offset.middle = 0;
-// draw_context.drawinfo.start.offset.under = 0;
-// draw_context.drawinfo.end.offset.over = 0;
-// draw_context.drawinfo.end.offset.middle = 0;
-// draw_context.drawinfo.end.offset.under = 0;
-// {
-// /* Draw the line */
-// PropertiesLine prop_line = prepare_s_e_line(process);
-// draw_line((void*)&prop_line, (void*)&draw_context);
-// }
-// /* become the last x position */
-// hashed_process_data->x.middle = x;
-// hashed_process_data->x.middle_used = TRUE;
-// hashed_process_data->x.middle_marked = FALSE;
-// /* Calculate the next good time */
-// convert_pixels_to_time(width, x+1, time_window,
-// &hashed_process_data->next_good_time);
-// }
-// }
-// return 0;
-/* before_process_release_hook
- *
- * Draw lines for process event.
- *
- * @param hook_data ControlFlowData structure of the viewer.
- * @param call_data Event context.
- *
- * This function adds items to be drawn in a queue for each process.
- *
- */
-//int before_process_release_hook(void *hook_data, void *call_data)
-// LttvTraceHookByFacility *thf = (LttvTraceHookByFacility*)hook_data;
-// EventsRequest *events_request = (EventsRequest*)thf->hook_data;
-// ControlFlowData *control_flow_data = events_request->viewer_data;
-// LttvTracefileContext *tfc = (LttvTracefileContext *)call_data;
-// LttvTracefileState *tfs = (LttvTracefileState *)call_data;
-// LttvTraceState *ts = (LttvTraceState *)tfc->t_context;
-// LttEvent *e;
-// e = ltt_tracefile_get_event(tfc->tf);
-// LttvFilter *filter = control_flow_data->filter;
-// if(filter != NULL && filter->head != NULL)
-// if(!lttv_filter_tree_parse(filter->head,e,tfc->tf,
-// tfc->t_context->t,tfc,NULL,NULL))
-// return FALSE;
-// LttTime evtime = ltt_event_time(e);
-// guint trace_num = ts->parent.index;
-// guint pid;
-// {
-// pid = ltt_event_get_long_unsigned(e, thf->f1);
-// }
-// /* Add process to process list (if not present) */
-// /* Don't care about the process if it's not in the state hash already :
-// * that means a process that has never done anything in the trace and
-// * unknown suddently gets destroyed : no state meaningful to show. */
-// LttvProcessState *process = lttv_state_find_process(ts, ANY_CPU, pid);
-// if(process != NULL) {
-// LttTime birth;
-// guint pl_height = 0;
-// HashedResourceData *hashed_process_data = NULL;
-// ProcessList *process_list = control_flow_data->process_list;
-// birth = process->creation_time;
-// /* Cannot use current process : this event happens on another process,
-// * action done by the parent. */
-// hashed_process_data = processlist_get_process_data(process_list, "CPU0");
-//// hashed_process_data = processlist_get_process_data(process_list,
-//// pid,
-//// process->cpu,
-//// &birth,
-//// trace_num);
-// if(unlikely(hashed_process_data == NULL))
-// {
-// g_assert(pid == 0 || pid != process->ppid);
-// /* Process not present */
-// Drawing_t *drawing = control_flow_data->drawing;
-// ResourceInfo *process_info;
-// processlist_add(process_list,
-// drawing,
-// pid,
-// process->tgid,
-// process->cpu,
-// process->ppid,
-// &birth,
-// trace_num,
-// process->name,
-// process->brand,
-// &pl_height,
-// &process_info,
-// &hashed_process_data);
-// gtk_widget_set_size_request(drawing->drawing_area,
-// -1,
-// pl_height);
-// gtk_widget_queue_draw(drawing->drawing_area);
-// }
-// /* Now, the process is in the state hash and our own process hash.
-// * We definitely can draw the items related to the ending state.
-// */
-// if(likely(ltt_time_compare(hashed_process_data->next_good_time,
-// evtime) > 0))
-// {
-// if(unlikely(hashed_process_data->x.middle_marked == FALSE)) {
-// TimeWindow time_window =
-// lttvwindow_get_time_window(control_flow_data->tab);
-//#ifdef EXTRA_CHECK
-// if(ltt_time_compare(evtime, time_window.start_time) == -1
-// || ltt_time_compare(evtime, time_window.end_time) == 1)
-// return;
-//#endif //EXTRA_CHECK
-// Drawing_t *drawing = control_flow_data->drawing;
-// guint width = drawing->width;
-// guint x;
-// convert_time_to_pixels(
-// time_window,
-// evtime,
-// width,
-// &x);
-// /* Draw collision indicator */
-// gdk_gc_set_foreground(drawing->gc, &drawing_colors[COL_WHITE]);
-// gdk_draw_point(hashed_process_data->pixmap,
-// drawing->gc,
-// x,
-// COLLISION_POSITION(hashed_process_data->height));
-// hashed_process_data->x.middle_marked = TRUE;
-// }
-// } else {
-// TimeWindow time_window =
-// lttvwindow_get_time_window(control_flow_data->tab);
-//#ifdef EXTRA_CHECK
-// if(ltt_time_compare(evtime, time_window.start_time) == -1
-// || ltt_time_compare(evtime, time_window.end_time) == 1)
-// return;
-//#endif //EXTRA_CHECK
-// Drawing_t *drawing = control_flow_data->drawing;
-// guint width = drawing->width;
-// guint x;
-// convert_time_to_pixels(
-// time_window,
-// evtime,
-// width,
-// &x);
-// /* Jump over draw if we are at the same x position */
-// if(unlikely(x == hashed_process_data->x.middle &&
-// hashed_process_data->x.middle_used))
-// {
-// if(unlikely(hashed_process_data->x.middle_marked == FALSE)) {
-// /* Draw collision indicator */
-// gdk_gc_set_foreground(drawing->gc, &drawing_colors[COL_WHITE]);
-// gdk_draw_point(hashed_process_data->pixmap,
-// drawing->gc,
-// x,
-// COLLISION_POSITION(hashed_process_data->height));
-// hashed_process_data->x.middle_marked = TRUE;
-// }
-// /* jump */
-// } else {
-// DrawContext draw_context;
-// /* Now create the drawing context that will be used to draw
-// * items related to the last state. */
-// draw_context.drawable = hashed_process_data->pixmap;
-// draw_context.gc = drawing->gc;
-// draw_context.pango_layout = drawing->pango_layout;
-// draw_context.drawinfo.start.x = hashed_process_data->x.middle;
-// draw_context.drawinfo.end.x = x;
-// draw_context.drawinfo.y.over = 1;
-// draw_context.drawinfo.y.middle = (hashed_process_data->height/2);
-// draw_context.drawinfo.y.under = hashed_process_data->height;
-// draw_context.drawinfo.start.offset.over = 0;
-// draw_context.drawinfo.start.offset.middle = 0;
-// draw_context.drawinfo.start.offset.under = 0;
-// draw_context.drawinfo.end.offset.over = 0;
-// draw_context.drawinfo.end.offset.middle = 0;
-// draw_context.drawinfo.end.offset.under = 0;
-// {
-// /* Draw the line */
-// PropertiesLine prop_line = prepare_s_e_line(process);
-// draw_line((void*)&prop_line, (void*)&draw_context);
-// }
-// /* become the last x position */
-// hashed_process_data->x.middle = x;
-// hashed_process_data->x.middle_used = TRUE;
-// hashed_process_data->x.middle_marked = FALSE;
-// /* Calculate the next good time */
-// convert_pixels_to_time(width, x+1, time_window,
-// &hashed_process_data->next_good_time);
-// }
-// }
-// }
-// return 0;
-/* after_process_fork_hook
- *
- * Create the processlist entry for the child process. Put the last
- * position in x at the current time value.
- *
- * @param hook_data ControlFlowData structure of the viewer.
- * @param call_data Event context.
- *
- * This function adds items to be drawn in a queue for each process.
- *
- */
-//int after_process_fork_hook(void *hook_data, void *call_data)
-// LttvTraceHookByFacility *thf = (LttvTraceHookByFacility*)hook_data;
-// EventsRequest *events_request = (EventsRequest*)thf->hook_data;
-// ControlFlowData *control_flow_data = events_request->viewer_data;
-// LttvTracefileContext *tfc = (LttvTracefileContext *)call_data;
-// LttvTracefileState *tfs = (LttvTracefileState *)call_data;
-// LttvTraceState *ts = (LttvTraceState *)tfc->t_context;
-// LttEvent *e;
-// e = ltt_tracefile_get_event(tfc->tf);
-// LttvFilter *filter = control_flow_data->filter;
-// if(filter != NULL && filter->head != NULL)
-// if(!lttv_filter_tree_parse(filter->head,e,tfc->tf,
-// tfc->t_context->t,tfc,NULL,NULL))
-// return FALSE;
-// LttTime evtime = ltt_event_time(e);
-// guint child_pid;
-// {
-// child_pid = ltt_event_get_long_unsigned(e, thf->f2);
-// }
-// /* Add process to process list (if not present) */
-// LttvProcessState *process_child;
-// LttTime birth;
-// guint pl_height = 0;
-// HashedResourceData *hashed_process_data_child = NULL;
-// ProcessList *process_list = control_flow_data->process_list;
-// /* Find child in the list... */
-// process_child = lttv_state_find_process(ts, ANY_CPU, child_pid);
-// /* It should exist, because we are after the state update. */
-// g_assert(process_child != NULL);
-// birth = process_child->creation_time;
-// guint trace_num = ts->parent.index;
-// /* Cannot use current process, because this action is done by the parent
-// * on its child. */
-// hashed_process_data_child = processlist_get_process_data(process_list, "CPU0");
-//// hashed_process_data_child = processlist_get_process_data(process_list,
-//// child_pid,
-//// process_child->cpu,
-//// &birth,
-//// trace_num);
-// if(likely(hashed_process_data_child == NULL))
-// {
-// g_assert(child_pid == 0 || child_pid != process_child->ppid);
-// /* Process not present */
-// Drawing_t *drawing = control_flow_data->drawing;
-// ResourceInfo *process_info;
-// processlist_add(process_list,
-// drawing,
-// child_pid,
-// process_child->tgid,
-// process_child->cpu,
-// process_child->ppid,
-// &birth,
-// trace_num,
-// process_child->name,
-// process_child->brand,
-// &pl_height,
-// &process_info,
-// &hashed_process_data_child);
-// gtk_widget_set_size_request(drawing->drawing_area,
-// -1,
-// pl_height);
-// gtk_widget_queue_draw(drawing->drawing_area);
-// } else {
-// processlist_set_ppid(process_list, process_child->ppid,
-// hashed_process_data_child);
-// processlist_set_tgid(process_list, process_child->tgid,
-// hashed_process_data_child);
-// }
-// if(likely(ltt_time_compare(hashed_process_data_child->next_good_time,
-// evtime) <= 0))
-// {
-// TimeWindow time_window =
-// lttvwindow_get_time_window(control_flow_data->tab);
-//#ifdef EXTRA_CHECK
-// if(ltt_time_compare(evtime, time_window.start_time) == -1
-// || ltt_time_compare(evtime, time_window.end_time) == 1)
-// return;
-//#endif //EXTRA_CHECK
-// Drawing_t *drawing = control_flow_data->drawing;
-// guint width = drawing->width;
-// guint new_x;
-// convert_time_to_pixels(
-// time_window,
-// evtime,
-// width,
-// &new_x);
-// if(likely(hashed_process_data_child->x.over != new_x)) {
-// hashed_process_data_child->x.over = new_x;
-// hashed_process_data_child->x.over_used = FALSE;
-// hashed_process_data_child->x.over_marked = FALSE;
-// }
-// if(likely(hashed_process_data_child->x.middle != new_x)) {
-// hashed_process_data_child->x.middle = new_x;
-// hashed_process_data_child->x.middle_used = FALSE;
-// hashed_process_data_child->x.middle_marked = FALSE;
-// }
-// if(likely(hashed_process_data_child->x.under != new_x)) {
-// hashed_process_data_child->x.under = new_x;
-// hashed_process_data_child->x.under_used = FALSE;
-// hashed_process_data_child->x.under_marked = FALSE;
-// }
-// }
-// return 0;
-/* after_process_exit_hook
- *
- * Create the processlist entry for the child process. Put the last
- * position in x at the current time value.
- *
- * @param hook_data ControlFlowData structure of the viewer.
- * @param call_data Event context.
- *
- * This function adds items to be drawn in a queue for each process.
- *
- */
-//int after_process_exit_hook(void *hook_data, void *call_data)
-// LttvTraceHookByFacility *thf = (LttvTraceHookByFacility*)hook_data;
-// EventsRequest *events_request = (EventsRequest*)thf->hook_data;
-// ControlFlowData *control_flow_data = events_request->viewer_data;
-// LttvTracefileContext *tfc = (LttvTracefileContext *)call_data;
-// LttvTracefileState *tfs = (LttvTracefileState *)call_data;
-// LttvTraceState *ts = (LttvTraceState *)tfc->t_context;
-// LttEvent *e;
-// e = ltt_tracefile_get_event(tfc->tf);
-// LttvFilter *filter = control_flow_data->filter;
-// if(filter != NULL && filter->head != NULL)
-// if(!lttv_filter_tree_parse(filter->head,e,tfc->tf,
-// tfc->t_context->t,tfc,NULL,NULL))
-// return FALSE;
-// LttTime evtime = ltt_event_time(e);
-// /* Add process to process list (if not present) */
-// //LttvProcessState *process = tfs->process;
-// guint cpu = tfs->cpu;
-// guint trace_num = ts->parent.index;
-// LttvProcessState *process = ts->running_process[cpu];
-// /* It should exist, because we are after the state update. */
-// g_assert(process != NULL);
-// guint pid = process->pid;
-// LttTime birth;
-// guint pl_height = 0;
-// HashedResourceData *hashed_process_data = NULL;
-// ProcessList *process_list = control_flow_data->process_list;
-// birth = process->creation_time;
-// if(likely(process_list->current_hash_data[trace_num][cpu] != NULL) ){
-// hashed_process_data = process_list->current_hash_data[trace_num][cpu];
-// } else {
-// hashed_process_data = processlist_get_process_data(process_list, "CPU0");
-//// hashed_process_data = processlist_get_process_data(process_list,
-//// pid,
-//// process->cpu,
-//// &birth,
-//// trace_num);
-// if(unlikely(hashed_process_data == NULL))
-// {
-// g_assert(pid == 0 || pid != process->ppid);
-// /* Process not present */
-// Drawing_t *drawing = control_flow_data->drawing;
-// ResourceInfo *process_info;
-// processlist_add(process_list,
-// drawing,
-// pid,
-// process->tgid,
-// process->cpu,
-// process->ppid,
-// &birth,
-// trace_num,
-// process->name,
-// process->brand,
-// &pl_height,
-// &process_info,
-// &hashed_process_data);
-// gtk_widget_set_size_request(drawing->drawing_area,
-// -1,
-// pl_height);
-// gtk_widget_queue_draw(drawing->drawing_area);
-// }
-// /* Set the current process */
-// process_list->current_hash_data[trace_num][process->cpu] =
-// hashed_process_data;
-// }
-// if(unlikely(ltt_time_compare(hashed_process_data->next_good_time,
-// evtime) <= 0))
-// {
-// TimeWindow time_window =
-// lttvwindow_get_time_window(control_flow_data->tab);
-//#ifdef EXTRA_CHECK
-// if(ltt_time_compare(evtime, time_window.start_time) == -1
-// || ltt_time_compare(evtime, time_window.end_time) == 1)
-// return;
-//#endif //EXTRA_CHECK
-// Drawing_t *drawing = control_flow_data->drawing;
-// guint width = drawing->width;
-// guint new_x;
-// convert_time_to_pixels(
-// time_window,
-// evtime,
-// width,
-// &new_x);
-// if(unlikely(hashed_process_data->x.middle != new_x)) {
-// hashed_process_data->x.middle = new_x;
-// hashed_process_data->x.middle_used = FALSE;
-// hashed_process_data->x.middle_marked = FALSE;
-// }
-// }
-// return 0;
-/* Get the filename of the process to print */
-//int after_fs_exec_hook(void *hook_data, void *call_data)
-// LttvTraceHookByFacility *thf = (LttvTraceHookByFacility*)hook_data;
-// EventsRequest *events_request = (EventsRequest*)thf->hook_data;
-// ControlFlowData *control_flow_data = events_request->viewer_data;
-// LttvTracefileContext *tfc = (LttvTracefileContext *)call_data;
-// LttvTracefileState *tfs = (LttvTracefileState *)call_data;
-// LttvTraceState *ts = (LttvTraceState *)tfc->t_context;
-// LttEvent *e;
-// e = ltt_tracefile_get_event(tfc->tf);
-// LttvFilter *filter = control_flow_data->filter;
-// if(filter != NULL && filter->head != NULL)
-// if(!lttv_filter_tree_parse(filter->head,e,tfc->tf,
-// tfc->t_context->t,tfc,NULL,NULL))
-// return FALSE;
-// guint cpu = tfs->cpu;
-// guint trace_num = ts->parent.index;
-// LttvProcessState *process = ts->running_process[cpu];
-// g_assert(process != NULL);
-// guint pid = process->pid;
-// /* Well, the process_out existed : we must get it in the process hash
-// * or add it, and draw its items.
-// */
-// /* Add process to process list (if not present) */
-// guint pl_height = 0;
-// HashedResourceData *hashed_process_data = NULL;
-// ProcessList *process_list = control_flow_data->process_list;
-// LttTime birth = process->creation_time;
-// if(likely(process_list->current_hash_data[trace_num][cpu] != NULL)) {
-// hashed_process_data = process_list->current_hash_data[trace_num][cpu];
-// } else {
-// hashed_process_data = processlist_get_process_data(process_list, "CPU0");
-//// hashed_process_data = processlist_get_process_data(process_list,
-//// pid,
-//// process->cpu,
-//// &birth,
-//// trace_num);
-// if(unlikely(hashed_process_data == NULL))
-// {
-// g_assert(pid == 0 || pid != process->ppid);
-// ResourceInfo *process_info;
-// /* Process not present */
-// Drawing_t *drawing = control_flow_data->drawing;
-// processlist_add(process_list,
-// drawing,
-// pid,
-// process->tgid,
-// process->cpu,
-// process->ppid,
-// &birth,
-// trace_num,
-// process->name,
-// process->brand,
-// &pl_height,
-// &process_info,
-// &hashed_process_data);
-// gtk_widget_set_size_request(drawing->drawing_area,
-// -1,
-// pl_height);
-// gtk_widget_queue_draw(drawing->drawing_area);
-// }
-// /* Set the current process */
-// process_list->current_hash_data[trace_num][process->cpu] =
-// hashed_process_data;
-// }
-// processlist_set_name(process_list, process->name, hashed_process_data);
-// return 0;
-/* Get the filename of the process to print */
-//int after_user_generic_thread_brand_hook(void *hook_data, void *call_data)
-// LttvTraceHookByFacility *thf = (LttvTraceHookByFacility*)hook_data;
-// EventsRequest *events_request = (EventsRequest*)thf->hook_data;
-// ControlFlowData *control_flow_data = events_request->viewer_data;
-// LttvTracefileContext *tfc = (LttvTracefileContext *)call_data;
-// LttvTracefileState *tfs = (LttvTracefileState *)call_data;
-// LttvTraceState *ts = (LttvTraceState *)tfc->t_context;
-// LttEvent *e;
-// e = ltt_tracefile_get_event(tfc->tf);
-// LttvFilter *filter = control_flow_data->filter;
-// if(filter != NULL && filter->head != NULL)
-// if(!lttv_filter_tree_parse(filter->head,e,tfc->tf,
-// tfc->t_context->t,tfc,NULL,NULL))
-// return FALSE;
-// guint cpu = tfs->cpu;
-// guint trace_num = ts->parent.index;
-// LttvProcessState *process = ts->running_process[cpu];
-// g_assert(process != NULL);
-// guint pid = process->pid;
-// /* Well, the process_out existed : we must get it in the process hash
-// * or add it, and draw its items.
-// */
-// /* Add process to process list (if not present) */
-// guint pl_height = 0;
-// HashedResourceData *hashed_process_data = NULL;
-// ProcessList *process_list = control_flow_data->process_list;
-// LttTime birth = process->creation_time;
-// if(likely(process_list->current_hash_data[trace_num][cpu] != NULL)) {
-// hashed_process_data = process_list->current_hash_data[trace_num][cpu];
-// } else {
-// hashed_process_data = processlist_get_process_data(process_list, "CPU0");
-//// hashed_process_data = processlist_get_process_data(process_list,
-//// pid,
-//// process->cpu,
-//// &birth,
-//// trace_num);
-// if(unlikely(hashed_process_data == NULL))
-// {
-// g_assert(pid == 0 || pid != process->ppid);
-// ResourceInfo *process_info;
-// /* Process not present */
-// Drawing_t *drawing = control_flow_data->drawing;
-// processlist_add(process_list,
-// drawing,
-// pid,
-// process->tgid,
-// process->cpu,
-// process->ppid,
-// &birth,
-// trace_num,
-// process->name,
-// process->brand,
-// &pl_height,
-// &process_info,
-// &hashed_process_data);
-// gtk_widget_set_size_request(drawing->drawing_area,
-// -1,
-// pl_height);
-// gtk_widget_queue_draw(drawing->drawing_area);
-// }
-// /* Set the current process */
-// process_list->current_hash_data[trace_num][process->cpu] =
-// hashed_process_data;
-// }
-// processlist_set_brand(process_list, process->brand, hashed_process_data);
-// return 0;
-/* after_event_enum_process_hook
- *
- * Create the processlist entry for the child process. Put the last
- * position in x at the current time value.
- *
- * @param hook_data ControlFlowData structure of the viewer.
- * @param call_data Event context.
- *
- * This function adds items to be drawn in a queue for each process.
- *
- */
-//int after_event_enum_process_hook(void *hook_data, void *call_data)
-// LttvTraceHookByFacility *thf = (LttvTraceHookByFacility*)hook_data;
-// EventsRequest *events_request = (EventsRequest*)thf->hook_data;
-// ControlFlowData *control_flow_data = events_request->viewer_data;
-// LttvTracefileContext *tfc = (LttvTracefileContext *)call_data;
-// LttvTracefileState *tfs = (LttvTracefileState *)call_data;
-// LttvTraceState *ts = (LttvTraceState *)tfc->t_context;
-// guint first_cpu, nb_cpus, cpu;
-// LttEvent *e;
-// e = ltt_tracefile_get_event(tfc->tf);
-// LttvFilter *filter = control_flow_data->filter;
-// if(filter != NULL && filter->head != NULL)
-// if(!lttv_filter_tree_parse(filter->head,e,tfc->tf,
-// tfc->t_context->t,tfc,NULL,NULL))
-// return FALSE;
-// LttTime evtime = ltt_event_time(e);
-// /* Add process to process list (if not present) */
-// LttvProcessState *process_in;
-// LttTime birth;
-// guint pl_height = 0;
-// HashedResourceData *hashed_process_data_in = NULL;
-// ProcessList *process_list = control_flow_data->process_list;
-// guint trace_num = ts->parent.index;
-// guint pid_in;
-// {
-// pid_in = ltt_event_get_long_unsigned(e, thf->f1);
-// }
-// if(pid_in == 0) {
-// first_cpu = 0;
-// nb_cpus = ltt_trace_get_num_cpu(ts->parent.t);
-// } else {
-// first_cpu = ANY_CPU;
-// nb_cpus = ANY_CPU+1;
-// }
-// for(cpu = first_cpu; cpu < nb_cpus; cpu++) {
-// /* Find process pid_in in the list... */
-// process_in = lttv_state_find_process(ts, cpu, pid_in);
-// //process_in = tfs->process;
-// //guint cpu = tfs->cpu;
-// //guint trace_num = ts->parent.index;
-// //process_in = ts->running_process[cpu];
-// /* It should exist, because we are after the state update. */
-// #ifdef EXTRA_CHECK
-// //g_assert(process_in != NULL);
-// #endif //EXTRA_CHECK
-// birth = process_in->creation_time;
-// hashed_process_data_in = processlist_get_process_data(process_list, "CPU0");
-//// hashed_process_data_in = processlist_get_process_data(process_list,
-//// pid_in,
-//// process_in->cpu,
-//// &birth,
-//// trace_num);
-// if(hashed_process_data_in == NULL)
-// {
-// if(pid_in != 0 && pid_in == process_in->ppid)
-// g_critical("TEST %u , %u", pid_in, process_in->ppid);
-// g_assert(pid_in == 0 || pid_in != process_in->ppid);
-// ResourceInfo *process_info;
-// Drawing_t *drawing = control_flow_data->drawing;
-// /* Process not present */
-// processlist_add(process_list,
-// drawing,
-// pid_in,
-// process_in->tgid,
-// process_in->cpu,
-// process_in->ppid,
-// &birth,
-// trace_num,
-// process_in->name,
-// process_in->brand,
-// &pl_height,
-// &process_info,
-// &hashed_process_data_in);
-// gtk_widget_set_size_request(drawing->drawing_area,
-// -1,
-// pl_height);
-// gtk_widget_queue_draw(drawing->drawing_area);
-// } else {
-// processlist_set_name(process_list, process_in->name,
-// hashed_process_data_in);
-// processlist_set_ppid(process_list, process_in->ppid,
-// hashed_process_data_in);
-// processlist_set_tgid(process_list, process_in->tgid,
-// hashed_process_data_in);
-// }
-// }
-// return 0;
gint update_time_window_hook(void *hook_data, void *call_data)
ControlFlowData *control_flow_data = (ControlFlowData*) hook_data;