The configuration adjustment should be sufficient to avoid the
problem. It's not a big issue to use curl from bookworm-backports
otherwise, but the 'apt: upgrade' statement means that all the package
updates get run, violating an expectation for the default playbook
that only new packages will be installed - no updates should happen.
Change-Id: I8c083aa4d6a5d0a61a3924f52f295eab15467354
Signed-off-by: Kienan Stewart <>
# @see
when: ansible_distribution_release == 'bookworm'
- - name: Add bookworm-backports pref
- ansible.builtin.copy:
- dest: /etc/apt/preferences.d/bookworm-backports.pref
- content: "Package: curl libcurl3* libcurl4*\nPin: release n=bookworm-backports\nPin-Priority: 600\n"
- - name: Enable bookworm backports
- ansible.builtin.apt_repository:
- repo: 'deb bookworm-backports main'
- - ansible.builtin.apt:
- upgrade: 'yes'
- name: Use HTTP/1.1 with git HTTP operations
file: '/etc/gitconfig'