file is cleared and new sub-buffers containing events are written there.
LTTng does not guarantee that you can view the trace of an active
-tracing session (before you run the man:lttng-stop(1) command), even
+tracing session before you run the man:lttng-stop(1) command, even
with multiple trace files, because LTTng could overwrite them at any
moment, or some of them could be incomplete. You can archive a
tracing session's current trace chunk while the tracing session is
active to obtain an unmanaged and self-contained LTTng trace: see
-man:lttng-rotate(1) and man:lttng-enable-rotation(1).
+the man:lttng-rotate(1) and man:lttng-enable-rotation(1) commands.
is sent to the registered snapshot outputs.
The tracing session should be created in _snapshot mode_ to make sure
-taking snapshots is allowed. This is done at tracing session creation
-time using the man:lttng-create(1) command.
+that taking snapshots is allowed. This is done at tracing session
+creation time using the man:lttng-create(1) command's
+nloption:--snapshot option.
Note that, when a snapshot is taken, the sub-buffers are not cleared.
This means that different recorded snapshots may contain the same
+If you want, instead, to keep all the trace data, but divide it into
+archived chunks which are then free to process (just like snapshots),
+see the lttng-rotate(1) and lttng-enable-rotation(1) commands. Trace
+chunk archives do not overlap like snapshots can.
Snapshot outputs