EventRequest *Event_Request = (EventRequest*)hook_data;
ControlFlowData *control_flow_data = Event_Request->Control_Flow_Data;
- //static int i=0;
- //i++;
- //g_critical("%i", i);
LttvTracefileContext *tfc = (LttvTracefileContext *)call_data;
LttvTracefileState *tfs = (LttvTracefileState *)call_data;
LttEvent *e;
e = tfc->e;
+ if(strcmp(ltt_eventtype_name(ltt_event_eventtype(e)),"schedchange") == 0)
+ {
+ g_critical("schedchange!");
+ /* Add process to process list (if not present) and get drawing "y" from
+ * process position */
+ guint pid_out, pid_in;
+ LttvProcessState *process_out, *process_in;
+ LttTime birth;
+ guint y_in = 0, y_out = 0, height = 0, pl_height = 0;
+ ProcessList *process_list =
+ guicontrolflow_get_process_list(Event_Request->Control_Flow_Data);
+ LttField *f = ltt_event_field(e);
+ LttField *element;
+ element = ltt_field_member(f,0);
+ pid_out = ltt_event_get_long_unsigned(e,element);
+ element = ltt_field_member(f,1);
+ pid_in = ltt_event_get_long_unsigned(e,element);
+ g_critical("out : %u in : %u", pid_out, pid_in);
+ /* Find process pid_out in the list... */
+ process_out = lttv_state_find_process(tfs, pid_out);
+ g_critical("out : %s",g_quark_to_string(process_out->state->s));
+ birth = process_out->creation_time;
+ gchar *name = strdup(g_quark_to_string(process_out->name));
+ HashedProcessData *Hashed_Process_Data_out = NULL;
+ if(processlist_get_process_pixels(process_list,
+ pid_out,
+ &birth,
+ &y_out,
+ &height,
+ &Hashed_Process_Data_out) == 1)
+ {
+ /* Process not present */
+ processlist_add(process_list,
+ pid_out,
+ &birth,
+ name,
+ &pl_height,
+ &Hashed_Process_Data_out);
+ processlist_get_process_pixels(process_list,
+ pid_out,
+ &birth,
+ &y_out,
+ &height,
+ &Hashed_Process_Data_out);
+ drawing_insert_square( Event_Request->Control_Flow_Data->Drawing, y_out, height);
+ }
+ g_free(name);
+ /* Find process pid_in in the list... */
+ process_in = lttv_state_find_process(tfs, pid_in);
+ g_critical("in : %s",g_quark_to_string(process_in->state->s));
+ birth = process_in->creation_time;
+ name = strdup(g_quark_to_string(process_in->name));
+ HashedProcessData *Hashed_Process_Data_in = NULL;
+ if(processlist_get_process_pixels(process_list,
+ pid_in,
+ &birth,
+ &y_in,
+ &height,
+ &Hashed_Process_Data_in) == 1)
+ {
+ /* Process not present */
+ processlist_add(process_list,
+ pid_in,
+ &birth,
+ name,
+ &pl_height,
+ &Hashed_Process_Data_in);
+ processlist_get_process_pixels(process_list,
+ pid_in,
+ &birth,
+ &y_in,
+ &height,
+ &Hashed_Process_Data_in);
+ drawing_insert_square( Event_Request->Control_Flow_Data->Drawing, y_in, height);
+ }
+ g_free(name);
+ /* Find pixels corresponding to time of the event. If the time does
+ * not fit in the window, show a warning, not supposed to happend. */
+ guint x = 0;
+ guint width = control_flow_data->Drawing->Drawing_Area_V->allocation.width;
+ LttTime time = ltt_event_time(e);
+ LttTime window_end = ltt_time_add(control_flow_data->Time_Window.time_width,
+ control_flow_data->Time_Window.start_time);
+ convert_time_to_pixels(
+ control_flow_data->Time_Window.start_time,
+ window_end,
+ time,
+ width,
+ &x);
+ assert(x <= width);
+ /* draw what represents the event for outgoing process. */
+ DrawContext *draw_context_out = Hashed_Process_Data_out->draw_context;
+ draw_context_out->Current->modify_over->x = x;
+ draw_context_out->Current->modify_over->y = y_out;
+ draw_context_out->drawable = control_flow_data->Drawing->Pixmap;
+ draw_context_out->pango_layout = control_flow_data->Drawing->pango_layout;
+ GtkWidget *widget = control_flow_data->Drawing->Drawing_Area_V;
+ //draw_context_out->gc = widget->style->fg_gc[GTK_WIDGET_STATE (widget)];
+ draw_context_out->gc = widget->style->black_gc;
+ //draw_arc((void*)&prop_arc, (void*)draw_context_out);
+ //test_draw_item(control_flow_data->Drawing, control_flow_data->Drawing->Pixmap);
+ GdkColor colorfg_out = { 0, 0xffff, 0x0000, 0x0000 };
+ GdkColor colorbg_out = { 0, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff };
+ PropertiesText prop_text_out;
+ prop_text_out.foreground = &colorfg_out;
+ prop_text_out.background = &colorbg_out;
+ prop_text_out.size = 10;
+ prop_text_out.position = OVER;
+ /* Print status of the process : U, WF, WC, E, W, R */
+ if(process_out->state->s == LTTV_STATE_UNNAMED)
+ prop_text_out.Text = "U";
+ else if(process_out->state->s == LTTV_STATE_WAIT_FORK)
+ prop_text_out.Text = "WF";
+ else if(process_out->state->s == LTTV_STATE_WAIT_CPU)
+ prop_text_out.Text = "WC";
+ else if(process_out->state->s == LTTV_STATE_EXIT)
+ prop_text_out.Text = "E";
+ else if(process_out->state->s == LTTV_STATE_WAIT)
+ prop_text_out.Text = "W";
+ else if(process_out->state->s == LTTV_STATE_RUN)
+ prop_text_out.Text = "R";
+ else
+ prop_text_out.Text = "U";
+ draw_text((void*)&prop_text_out, (void*)draw_context_out);
+ /* Finally, update the drawing context of the pid_in. */
+ DrawContext *draw_context_in = Hashed_Process_Data_in->draw_context;
+ draw_context_in->Current->modify_over->x = x;
+ draw_context_in->Current->modify_over->y = y_in;
+ draw_context_in->drawable = control_flow_data->Drawing->Pixmap;
+ draw_context_in->pango_layout = control_flow_data->Drawing->pango_layout;
+ widget = control_flow_data->Drawing->Drawing_Area_V;
+ //draw_context_in->gc = widget->style->fg_gc[GTK_WIDGET_STATE (widget)];
+ draw_context_in->gc = widget->style->black_gc;
+ //draw_arc((void*)&prop_arc, (void*)draw_context_in);
+ //test_draw_item(control_flow_data->Drawing, control_flow_data->Drawing->Pixmap);
+ GdkColor colorfg_in = { 0, 0x0000, 0xffff, 0x0000 };
+ GdkColor colorbg_in = { 0, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff };
+ PropertiesText prop_text_in;
+ prop_text_in.foreground = &colorfg_in;
+ prop_text_in.background = &colorbg_in;
+ prop_text_in.size = 10;
+ prop_text_in.position = OVER;
+ /* Print status of the process : U, WF, WC, E, W, R */
+ if(process_in->state->s == LTTV_STATE_UNNAMED)
+ prop_text_in.Text = "U";
+ else if(process_in->state->s == LTTV_STATE_WAIT_FORK)
+ prop_text_in.Text = "WF";
+ else if(process_in->state->s == LTTV_STATE_WAIT_CPU)
+ prop_text_in.Text = "WC";
+ else if(process_in->state->s == LTTV_STATE_EXIT)
+ prop_text_in.Text = "E";
+ else if(process_in->state->s == LTTV_STATE_WAIT)
+ prop_text_in.Text = "W";
+ else if(process_in->state->s == LTTV_STATE_RUN)
+ prop_text_in.Text = "R";
+ else
+ prop_text_in.Text = "U";
+ draw_text((void*)&prop_text_in, (void*)draw_context_in);
+ }
+ return 0;
/* Temp dump */
GString *string = g_string_new("");;
/* End of text dump */
#endif //DONTSHOW
- /* Add process to process list (if not present) and get drawing "y" from
- * process position */
- guint pid = tfs->process->pid;
- LttTime birth = tfs->process->creation_time;
- gchar *name = strdup(g_quark_to_string(tfs->process->name));
- guint y = 0, height = 0, pl_height = 0;
- HashedProcessData *Hashed_Process_Data = NULL;
- ProcessList *process_list =
- guicontrolflow_get_process_list(Event_Request->Control_Flow_Data);
- if(processlist_get_process_pixels(process_list,
- pid,
- &birth,
- &y,
- &height,
- &Hashed_Process_Data) == 1)
- {
- /* Process not present */
- processlist_add(process_list,
- pid,
- &birth,
- name,
- &pl_height,
- &Hashed_Process_Data);
- g_free(name);
- drawing_insert_square( Event_Request->Control_Flow_Data->Drawing, y, height);
- }
- /* Find pixels corresponding to time of the event. If the time does
- * not fit in the window, show a warning, not supposed to happend. */
- guint x = 0;
- guint width = control_flow_data->Drawing->Drawing_Area_V->allocation.width;
- LttTime time = ltt_event_time(e);
- LttTime window_end = ltt_time_add(control_flow_data->Time_Window.time_width,
- control_flow_data->Time_Window.start_time);
- convert_time_to_pixels(
- control_flow_data->Time_Window.start_time,
- window_end,
- time,
- width,
- &x);
- assert(x <= width);
- /* Finally, draw what represents the event. */
- GdkColor color = { 0, 0xffff, 0x0000, 0x0000 };
- PropertiesArc prop_arc;
- prop_arc.color = &color;
- prop_arc.size = 10;
- prop_arc.filled = TRUE;
- prop_arc.position = OVER;
- DrawContext *draw_context = Hashed_Process_Data->draw_context;
- draw_context->Current->modify_over->x = x;
- draw_context->Current->modify_over->y = y;
- draw_context->drawable = control_flow_data->Drawing->Pixmap;
- draw_context->pango_layout = control_flow_data->Drawing->pango_layout;
- GtkWidget *widget = control_flow_data->Drawing->Drawing_Area_V;
- //draw_context->gc = widget->style->fg_gc[GTK_WIDGET_STATE (widget)];
- draw_context->gc = widget->style->black_gc;
- //draw_arc((void*)&prop_arc, (void*)draw_context);
- //test_draw_item(control_flow_data->Drawing, control_flow_data->Drawing->Pixmap);
- //GdkColor colorfg = { 0, 0xffff, 0x0000, 0x0000 };
- GdkColor colorfg;
- colorfg.red = 0xffff;
- colorfg.green = 0x0000;
- colorfg.blue = 0x0000;
- //GdkColor colorbg = { 0, 0xffff, 0x0000, 0xffff };
- GdkColor colorbg;
- colorbg.red = 0x0000;
- colorbg.green = 0x0000;
- colorbg.blue = 0x0000;
- PropertiesText prop_text;
- prop_text.foreground = &colorfg;
- prop_text.background = &colorbg;
- prop_text.size = 10;
- prop_text.position = OVER;
- /* Print status of the process : U, WF, WC, E, W, R */
- if(tfs->process->state->s == LTTV_STATE_UNNAMED)
- prop_text.Text = "U";
- else if(tfs->process->state->s == LTTV_STATE_WAIT_FORK)
- prop_text.Text = "WF";
- else if(tfs->process->state->s == LTTV_STATE_WAIT_CPU)
- prop_text.Text = "WC";
- else if(tfs->process->state->s == LTTV_STATE_EXIT)
- prop_text.Text = "E";
- else if(tfs->process->state->s == LTTV_STATE_WAIT)
- prop_text.Text = "W";
- else if(tfs->process->state->s == LTTV_STATE_RUN)
- prop_text.Text = "R";
- else
- prop_text.Text = "U";
- draw_text((void*)&prop_text, (void*)draw_context);
- return 0;
/* Find pixels corresponding to time of the event. If the time does
* not fit in the window, show a warning, not supposed to happend. */
- guint x = 0;
- guint width = control_flow_data->Drawing->Drawing_Area_V->allocation.width;
+ //guint x = 0;
+ //guint width = control_flow_data->Drawing->Drawing_Area_V->allocation.width;
- LttTime time = ltt_event_time(e);
+ //LttTime time = ltt_event_time(e);
- LttTime window_end = ltt_time_add(control_flow_data->Time_Window.time_width,
- control_flow_data->Time_Window.start_time);
+ //LttTime window_end = ltt_time_add(control_flow_data->Time_Window.time_width,
+ // control_flow_data->Time_Window.start_time);
- convert_time_to_pixels(
- control_flow_data->Time_Window.start_time,
- window_end,
- time,
- width,
- &x);
+ //convert_time_to_pixels(
+ // control_flow_data->Time_Window.start_time,
+ // window_end,
+ // time,
+ // width,
+ // &x);
- assert(x <= width);
+ //assert(x <= width);
/* draw what represents the event for outgoing process. */
DrawContext *draw_context_out = Hashed_Process_Data_out->draw_context;
- draw_context_out->Current->modify_over->x = x;
- draw_context_out->Current->modify_over->y = y_out;
+ //draw_context_out->Current->modify_over->x = x;
+ //draw_context_out->Current->modify_over->y = y_out;
draw_context_out->drawable = control_flow_data->Drawing->Pixmap;
draw_context_out->pango_layout = control_flow_data->Drawing->pango_layout;
GtkWidget *widget = control_flow_data->Drawing->Drawing_Area_V;
/* Finally, update the drawing context of the pid_in. */
DrawContext *draw_context_in = Hashed_Process_Data_in->draw_context;
- draw_context_in->Current->modify_over->x = x;
- draw_context_in->Current->modify_over->y = y_in;
+ //draw_context_in->Current->modify_over->x = x;
+ //draw_context_in->Current->modify_over->y = y_in;
draw_context_in->drawable = control_flow_data->Drawing->Pixmap;
draw_context_in->pango_layout = control_flow_data->Drawing->pango_layout;
widget = control_flow_data->Drawing->Drawing_Area_V;