dist_noinst_DATA = LTTngUst.java
liblttng_ust_java_la_LIBADD = -lc -L$(top_builddir)/liblttng-ust/.libs -llttng-ust
all: LTTngUst.class org_lttng_ust_LTTngUst.h liblttng-ust-java.jar
LTTngUst.c: org_lttng_ust_LTTngUst.h
LTTngUst.class: LTTngUst.java
- javac -d "$(builddir)" "$(srcdir)/LTTngUst.java"
+ $(JCC)/javac -d "$(builddir)" "$(srcdir)/LTTngUst.java"
org_lttng_ust_LTTngUst.h: LTTngUst.class
- javah org.lttng.ust.LTTngUst
+ $(JCC)/javah org.lttng.ust.LTTngUst
liblttng-ust-java.jar: LTTngUst.class
- jar cf liblttng-ust-java.jar org/*
+ $(JCC)/jar cf liblttng-ust-java.jar org/*
Configuration examples to build this library:
-dependency: sun-java6-jdk
-./configure --with-java-jdk=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun --with-jni-interface
-dependency: openjdk-6-jdk
-./configure --with-java-jdk=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk --with-jni-interface
-dependency: gcj-4.4-jdk
-./configure --with-java-jdk=/usr/lib/jvm/java-gcj --with-jni-interface
+dependency: openjdk-7-jdk
+./configure --with-java-jdk=/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk --with-jni-interface
+Note that the OpenJDK 7 is used for development and continuous integration thus
+we directly support that version for this library. However, it has been tested
+with OpenJDK 6 also. Please let us know if other Java version (commercial or
+not) work with this library.
After building, you can use the liblttng-ust-java.jar file in a Java project.
It requires the liblttng-ust-java.so* files (which get installed when doing