--- /dev/null
+/* This file is part of the Linux Trace Toolkit viewer
+ * Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Michel Dagenais
+ * 2006 Mathieu Desnoyers
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 2 as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation;
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+/* This module inserts a hook in the program main loop. This hook processes
+ all the events in the main tracefile while testing the speed and
+ functionality of the state and stats computations. */
+#include <config.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <lttv/lttv.h>
+#include <lttv/attribute.h>
+#include <lttv/hook.h>
+#include <lttv/option.h>
+#include <lttv/module.h>
+#include <lttv/tracecontext.h>
+#include <lttv/state.h>
+#include <lttv/stats.h>
+#include <ltt/trace.h>
+#include <ltt/event.h>
+#include <ltt/type.h>
+#include <ltt/facility.h>
+#define __UNUSED__ __attribute__((__unused__))
+static LttvTraceset *traceset;
+static LttvHooks
+ *before_traceset,
+ *after_traceset,
+ *before_trace,
+ *after_trace,
+ *before_tracefile,
+ *after_tracefile,
+ //*before_event,
+ //*after_event,
+ *event_hook,
+ *main_hooks;
+static char *a_trace;
+static char *a_dump_tracefiles;
+static char *a_save_sample;
+static int
+ a_sample_interval,
+ a_sample_number,
+ a_seek_number,
+ a_save_interval;
+static gboolean
+ a_trace_event,
+ a_save_state_copy,
+ a_test1,
+ a_test2,
+ a_test3,
+ a_test4,
+ a_test5,
+ a_test6,
+ a_test7,
+ a_test8,
+ a_test9,
+ a_test10,
+ a_test_all;
+LttEventPosition *a_event_position;
+typedef struct _save_state {
+ guint count;
+ FILE *fp;
+ guint interval;
+ guint position;
+ guint size;
+ LttTime *write_time;
+ guint version;
+} SaveState;
+static void lttv_trace_option(void __UNUSED__ *hook_data)
+ LttTrace *trace;
+ trace = ltt_trace_open(a_trace);
+ if(trace == NULL) {
+ g_critical("cannot open trace %s", a_trace);
+ } else {
+ lttv_traceset_add(traceset, lttv_trace_new(trace));
+ }
+static double get_time()
+ GTimeVal gt;
+ g_get_current_time(>);
+ return gt.tv_sec + (double)gt.tv_usec / (double)1000000.0;
+static double run_one_test(LttvTracesetState *ts, LttTime start, LttTime end)
+ double t0, t1;
+ unsigned int i;
+ //lttv_traceset_context_add_hooks(&ts->parent,
+ //before_traceset, after_traceset, NULL, before_trace, after_trace,
+ //NULL, before_tracefile, after_tracefile, NULL, before_event, after_event);
+ lttv_process_traceset_begin(&ts->parent,
+ before_traceset,
+ before_trace,
+ before_tracefile,
+ event_hook,
+ NULL);
+ for(i = 0 ; i < lttv_traceset_number(traceset) ; i++) {
+ ((LttvTraceState *)(ts->parent.traces[i]))->save_interval =a_save_interval;
+ }
+ t0 = get_time();
+ lttv_state_traceset_seek_time_closest(ts, start);
+ //lttv_process_traceset(&ts->parent, end, G_MAXULONG);
+ lttv_process_traceset_middle(&ts->parent,
+ end,
+ NULL);
+ t1 = get_time();
+ //lttv_traceset_context_remove_hooks(&ts->parent,
+ //before_traceset, after_traceset, NULL, before_trace, after_trace,
+ //NULL, before_tracefile, after_tracefile, NULL, before_event, after_event);
+ lttv_process_traceset_end(&ts->parent,
+ after_traceset,
+ after_trace,
+ after_tracefile,
+ event_hook,
+ NULL);
+ return t1 - t0;
+gboolean trace_event(void __UNUSED__ *hook_data, void *call_data)
+ LttvTracefileState *tfs = (LttvTracefileState *)call_data;
+ guint nb_block, offset;
+ guint64 tsc;
+ LttTracefile *tf;
+ LttEvent *e = ltt_tracefile_get_event(tfs->parent.tf);
+ ltt_event_position(e, a_event_position);
+ ltt_event_position_get(a_event_position, &tf, &nb_block, &offset, &tsc);
+ fprintf(stderr,"Event %s %lu.%09lu [%u 0x%x tsc %llu]\n",
+ g_quark_to_string(ltt_eventtype_name(ltt_event_eventtype(e))),
+ tfs->parent.timestamp.tv_sec, tfs->parent.timestamp.tv_nsec,
+ nb_block, offset, tsc);
+ return FALSE;
+static LttTime count_previous_time = { 0, 0 };
+gboolean count_event(void *hook_data, void __UNUSED__ *call_data)
+ LttvTracefileState *tfs = (LttvTracefileState *)call_data;
+ LttTracefile *tracefile = tfs->parent.tf;
+ guint nb_block, offset;
+ LttTracefile *tf_pos;
+ guint64 tsc;
+ LttEvent * event = ltt_tracefile_get_event(tracefile);
+ LttTime time;
+ guint *pcount = (guint *)hook_data;
+ (*pcount)++;
+ time = ltt_event_time(event);
+ ltt_event_position(event, a_event_position);
+ ltt_event_position_get(a_event_position, &tf_pos, &nb_block, &offset, &tsc);
+ if(ltt_time_compare(time, count_previous_time) < 0) {
+ g_warning("Time decreasing trace %s tracefile %s cpu %u position %u/0x%x",
+ g_quark_to_string(ltt_trace_name(ltt_tracefile_get_trace(tracefile))),
+ g_quark_to_string(ltt_tracefile_name(tracefile)),
+ tfs->cpu, nb_block, offset);
+ g_warning("last time %lu.%lu vs current %lu.%lu",
+ count_previous_time.tv_sec, count_previous_time.tv_nsec,
+ time.tv_sec, time.tv_nsec);
+ }
+ count_previous_time = time;
+ return FALSE;
+gboolean save_state_copy_event(void *hook_data, void *call_data)
+ SaveState __UNUSED__ *save_state = (SaveState *)hook_data;
+ LttvTracefileState *tfs = (LttvTracefileState *)call_data;
+ LttvTraceState *ts = (LttvTraceState *)tfs->parent.t_context;
+ LttEvent *e = ltt_tracefile_get_event(tfs->parent.tf);
+ GString *filename;
+ FILE *fp;
+ if(ts->nb_event == 0 &&
+ ltt_eventtype_name(ltt_event_eventtype(e))
+ if(a_save_sample != NULL) {
+ filename = g_string_new("");
+ g_string_printf(filename, "%s.copy.%lu.%09lu.xml", a_save_sample,
+ tfs->parent.timestamp.tv_sec, tfs->parent.timestamp.tv_nsec);
+ fp = fopen(filename->str, "w");
+ if(fp == NULL) g_error("Cannot open %s", filename->str);
+ g_string_free(filename, TRUE);
+ lttv_state_write(ts, tfs->parent.timestamp, fp);
+ fclose(fp);
+ } //else lttv_state_write(ts, tfs->parent.timestamp, save_state->fp);
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+gboolean save_state_event(void *hook_data, void *call_data)
+ SaveState *save_state = (SaveState *)hook_data;
+ LttvTracefileState *tfs = (LttvTracefileState *)call_data;
+ LttvTraceState *ts = (LttvTraceState *)tfs->parent.t_context;
+ GString *filename;
+ FILE *fp;
+ (save_state->count)++;
+ if(save_state->count % save_state->interval == 0 &&
+ save_state->position < save_state->size) {
+ if(a_save_sample != NULL) {
+ filename = g_string_new("");
+ g_string_printf(filename, "%s.%u.xml.%u", a_save_sample,
+ save_state->position, save_state->version);
+ fp = fopen(filename->str, "w");
+ if(fp == NULL) g_error("Cannot open %s", filename->str);
+ g_string_free(filename, TRUE);
+ lttv_state_write(ts, tfs->parent.timestamp, fp);
+ fclose(fp);
+ } //else lttv_state_write(ts, tfs->parent.timestamp, save_state->fp);
+ save_state->write_time[save_state->position] = tfs->parent.timestamp;
+ save_state->position++;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+static void sanitize_name(gchar *name)
+ while(*name != '\0') {
+ if(*name == '/') *name = '_';
+ name++;
+ }
+static void compute_tracefile(LttTracefile *tracefile, void *hook_data)
+ GString *filename;
+ guint nb_equal, nb_block, offset;
+ guint64 tsc;
+ FILE *fp;
+ LttTime time, previous_time;
+ LttEvent *event = ltt_tracefile_get_event(tracefile);
+ LttFacility *facility;
+ LttEventType *event_type;
+ int err;
+ gchar mod_name[PATH_MAX];
+ /* start_count is always initialized in this function _if_ there is always
+ * a block_start before a block_end.
+ */
+ long long unsigned cycle_count, start_count=0, delta_cycle;
+ filename = g_string_new("");
+ strcpy(mod_name, g_quark_to_string(ltt_tracefile_name(tracefile)));
+ sanitize_name(mod_name);
+ g_warning("test %s test", g_quark_to_string(ltt_tracefile_name(tracefile)));
+ g_string_printf(filename, "%s.%s.%u.trace", a_dump_tracefiles,
+ mod_name, ltt_tracefile_cpu(tracefile));
+ fp = fopen(filename->str, "w");
+ if(fp == NULL) g_error("Cannot open %s", filename->str);
+ g_string_free(filename, TRUE);
+ err = ltt_tracefile_seek_time(tracefile, ltt_time_zero);
+ if(err) goto close;
+ previous_time = ltt_time_zero;
+ nb_equal = 0;
+ do {
+ LttTracefile *tf_pos;
+ facility = ltt_event_facility(event);
+ event_type = ltt_event_eventtype(event);
+ time = ltt_event_time(event);
+ ltt_event_position(event, a_event_position);
+ ltt_event_position_get(a_event_position, &tf_pos, &nb_block, &offset, &tsc);
+ //fprintf(fp,"%s.%s: %llu %lu.%09lu position %u/%u\n",
+ fprintf(fp, "%s.%s: %llu %lu.%09lu position %u/%u, tracefile %s\n",
+ g_quark_to_string(ltt_facility_name(facility)),
+ g_quark_to_string(ltt_eventtype_name(event_type)),
+ tsc, (unsigned long)time.tv_sec,
+ (unsigned long)time.tv_nsec,
+ nb_block, offset,
+ g_quark_to_string(ltt_tracefile_name(tracefile)));
+ if(ltt_time_compare(time, previous_time) < 0) {
+ g_warning("Time decreasing trace %s tracefile %s cpu %u position %u/0x%x",
+ g_quark_to_string(ltt_trace_name(ltt_tracefile_get_trace(tracefile))),
+ g_quark_to_string(ltt_tracefile_name(tracefile)),
+ ltt_tracefile_cpu(tracefile), nb_block, offset);
+ g_warning("last time %lu.%lu vs current %lu.%lu",
+ previous_time.tv_sec, previous_time.tv_nsec,
+ time.tv_sec, time.tv_nsec);
+ }
+#if 0 //FIXME
+ if(ltt_eventtype_name(event_type) == QUARK_BLOCK_START) {
+ start_count = cycle_count;
+ start_time = time;
+ }
+ else if(ltt_eventtype_name(event_type) == QUARK_BLOCK_END) {
+ delta_cycle = cycle_count - start_count;
+ end_nsec_sec = (long long unsigned)time.tv_sec * (long long unsigned)1000000000;
+ end_nsec_nsec = time.tv_nsec;
+ end_nsec = end_nsec_sec + end_nsec_nsec;
+ start_nsec = (long long unsigned)start_time.tv_sec * (long long unsigned)1000000000 + (long long unsigned)start_time.tv_nsec;
+ delta_nsec = end_nsec - start_nsec;
+ cycle_per_nsec = (double)delta_cycle / (double)delta_nsec;
+ nsec_per_cycle = (double)delta_nsec / (double)delta_cycle;
+ added_nsec = (double)delta_cycle * nsec_per_cycle;
+ interpolated_nsec = start_nsec + added_nsec;
+ added_nsec2 = (double)delta_cycle / cycle_per_nsec;
+ interpolated_nsec2 = start_nsec + added_nsec2;
+ fprintf(fp,"Time: start_count %llu, end_count %llu, delta_cycle %llu, start_nsec %llu, end_nsec_sec %llu, end_nsec_nsec %llu, end_nsec %llu, delta_nsec %llu, cycle_per_nsec %.25f, nsec_per_cycle %.25f, added_nsec %llu, added_nsec2 %llu, interpolated_nsec %llu, interpolated_nsec2 %llu\n", start_count, cycle_count, delta_cycle, start_nsec, end_nsec_sec, end_nsec_nsec, end_nsec, delta_nsec, cycle_per_nsec, nsec_per_cycle, added_nsec, added_nsec2, interpolated_nsec, interpolated_nsec2);
+ }
+ else {
+#endif //0
+ if(ltt_time_compare(time, previous_time) == 0) nb_equal++;
+ else if(nb_equal > 0) {
+ g_warning("Consecutive %d events with time %lu.%09lu",
+ nb_equal + 1, previous_time.tv_sec, previous_time.tv_nsec);
+ nb_equal = 0;
+ }
+ previous_time = time;
+ //}
+ } while((!ltt_tracefile_read(tracefile)));
+ fclose(fp);
+static gboolean process_traceset(void __UNUSED__ *hook_data,
+ void __UNUSED__ *call_data)
+ GString *filename;
+ LttvTracesetStats *tscs;
+ LttvTracesetState *ts;
+ LttvTracesetContext *tc;
+ FILE *fp;
+ double t;
+ //guint count, nb_control, nb_tracefile, nb_block, nb_event;
+ //guint i, j, count, nb_control, nb_tracefile, nb_block, nb_event, nb_equal;
+ guint i, j, count;
+ LttTrace *trace;
+ long long unsigned start_nsec, end_nsec, delta_nsec, added_nsec, added_nsec2;
+ double cycle_per_nsec, nsec_per_cycle;
+ long long interpolated_nsec, interpolated_nsec2, end_nsec_sec, end_nsec_nsec;
+ LttTime start_time;
+ LttTime max_time = { G_MAXULONG, G_MAXULONG };
+ a_event_position = ltt_event_position_new();
+ GData **tracefiles_groups;
+ struct compute_tracefile_group_args args;
+ args.func = compute_tracefile;
+ args.func_args = NULL;
+ if(a_dump_tracefiles != NULL) {
+ for(i = 0 ; i < lttv_traceset_number(traceset) ; i++) {
+ trace = lttv_trace(lttv_traceset_get(traceset, i));
+ tracefiles_groups = ltt_trace_get_tracefiles_groups(trace);
+ g_datalist_foreach(tracefiles_groups,
+ (GDataForeachFunc)compute_tracefile_group,
+ &args);
+ }
+ }
+ tscs = g_object_new(LTTV_TRACESET_STATS_TYPE, NULL);
+ ts = &tscs->parent;
+ tc = &tscs->parent.parent;
+ lttv_context_init(tc, traceset);
+ /* For each case compute and print the elapsed time.
+ The first case is simply to run through all events with a
+ simple counter. */
+ if(a_test1 || a_test_all) {
+ count = 0;
+ lttv_hooks_add(event_hook, count_event, &count, LTTV_PRIO_DEFAULT);
+ t = run_one_test(ts, ltt_time_zero, max_time);
+ lttv_hooks_remove_data(event_hook, count_event, &count);
+ g_message(
+ "Processing trace while counting events (%u events in %g seconds)",
+ count, t);
+ }
+ /* Run through all events computing the state. */
+ if(a_test2 || a_test_all) {
+ lttv_state_add_event_hooks(ts);
+ t = run_one_test(ts, ltt_time_zero, max_time);
+ lttv_state_remove_event_hooks(ts);
+ g_message("Processing trace while updating state (%g seconds)", t);
+ }
+ /* Run through all events computing the state and writing it out
+ periodically. */
+ SaveState save_state;
+ save_state.interval = a_sample_interval;
+ save_state.size = a_sample_number;
+ save_state.fp = stderr;
+ save_state.write_time = g_new(LttTime, a_sample_number);
+ if(a_test3 || a_test_all) {
+ for(i = 0 ; i < 2 ; i++) {
+ save_state.count = 0;
+ save_state.position = 0;
+ save_state.version = i;
+ lttv_state_add_event_hooks(ts);
+ lttv_hooks_add(event_hook, save_state_event, &save_state,
+ t = run_one_test(ts, ltt_time_zero, max_time);
+ lttv_state_remove_event_hooks(ts);
+ lttv_hooks_remove_data(event_hook, save_state_event, &save_state);
+ g_warning("Processing while updating/writing state (%g seconds)", t);
+ }
+ }
+ /* Run through all events computing the stats. */
+ if(a_test4 || a_test_all) {
+ if(lttv_profile_memory) {
+ g_message("Memory summary before computing stats");
+ g_mem_profile();
+ }
+ lttv_stats_add_event_hooks(tscs);
+ t = run_one_test(ts, ltt_time_zero, max_time);
+ lttv_stats_remove_event_hooks(tscs);
+ g_message("Processing trace while counting stats (%g seconds)", t);
+ if(lttv_profile_memory) {
+ g_message("Memory summary after computing stats");
+ g_mem_profile();
+ }
+ lttv_stats_sum_traceset(tscs);
+ if(lttv_profile_memory) {
+ g_message("Memory summary after summing stats");
+ g_mem_profile();
+ }
+ lttv_context_fini(tc);
+ lttv_context_init(tc, traceset);
+ if(lttv_profile_memory) {
+ g_message("Memory summary after cleaning up the stats");
+ g_mem_profile();
+ }
+ }
+ /* Run through all events computing the state and stats. */
+ if(a_test5 || a_test_all) {
+ if(lttv_profile_memory) {
+ g_message("Memory summary before computing state and stats");
+ g_mem_profile();
+ }
+ lttv_state_add_event_hooks(ts);
+ lttv_stats_add_event_hooks(tscs);
+ t = run_one_test(ts, ltt_time_zero, max_time);
+ lttv_state_remove_event_hooks(ts);
+ lttv_stats_remove_event_hooks(tscs);
+ g_message(
+ "Processing trace while counting state and stats (%g seconds)", t);
+ if(lttv_profile_memory) {
+ g_message("Memory summary after computing and state and stats");
+ g_mem_profile();
+ }
+ lttv_context_fini(tc);
+ lttv_context_init(tc, traceset);
+ if(lttv_profile_memory) {
+ g_message("Memory summary after cleaning up the stats");
+ g_mem_profile();
+ }
+ }
+ /* Run through all events computing and saving the state. */
+ if(a_trace_event) lttv_hooks_add(event_hook, trace_event, NULL,
+ if(a_test6 || a_test_all) {
+ if(lttv_profile_memory) {
+ g_message("Memory summary before computing and saving state");
+ g_mem_profile();
+ }
+ lttv_state_add_event_hooks(ts);
+ lttv_state_save_add_event_hooks(ts);
+ if(a_save_state_copy)
+ lttv_hooks_add(event_hook, save_state_copy_event, &save_state,
+ t = run_one_test(ts, ltt_time_zero, max_time);
+ lttv_state_remove_event_hooks(ts);
+ lttv_state_save_remove_event_hooks(ts);
+ if(a_save_state_copy)
+ lttv_hooks_remove_data(event_hook,save_state_copy_event, &save_state);
+ g_message("Processing trace while updating/saving state (%g seconds)", t);
+ if(lttv_profile_memory) {
+ g_message("Memory summary after computing/saving state");
+ g_mem_profile();
+ }
+ }
+ /* Seek a few times to each saved position */
+ if((a_test7 && a_test3) || a_test_all) {
+ g_assert(a_seek_number >= 0);
+ for(i = 0 ; i < (guint)a_seek_number ; i++) {
+ gint reverse_j; /* just to make sure j is unsigned */
+ for(reverse_j = save_state.position - 1 ; reverse_j >= 0 ; reverse_j--) {
+ j = (guint)reverse_j;
+ lttv_state_add_event_hooks(ts);
+ t = run_one_test(ts, save_state.write_time[j],
+ save_state.write_time[j]);
+ lttv_state_remove_event_hooks(ts);
+ g_message("Seeking to %lu.%lu (%g seconds)",
+ save_state.write_time[j].tv_sec, save_state.write_time[j].tv_nsec,
+ t);
+ if(a_save_sample != NULL) {
+ filename = g_string_new("");
+ g_string_printf(filename, "%s.%d.xml.bak%d", a_save_sample, j, i);
+ fp = fopen(filename->str, "w");
+ if(fp == NULL) g_error("Cannot open %s", filename->str);
+ g_string_free(filename, TRUE);
+ lttv_state_write((LttvTraceState *)tc->traces[0],
+ save_state.write_time[j], fp);
+ fclose(fp);
+ }
+ //else lttv_state_write((LttvTraceState *)tc->traces[0],
+ // save_state.write_time[j], save_state.fp);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Seek at specified interval, using states computed in 6, making
+ * sure that there is no more than the number of events between
+ * state save interval to read before getting there.
+ */
+ if((a_test8 && a_test6) || a_test_all) {
+ g_message("Running test 8 : check save interval");
+ LttTime time = tc->time_span.start_time;
+ LttTime interval;
+ interval.tv_sec = 0;
+ interval.tv_nsec = 175674987;
+ guint count;
+ while(ltt_time_compare(time, tc->time_span.end_time) < 0) {
+ //g_message("Seeking at time %u.%u", time.tv_sec, time.tv_nsec);
+ lttv_process_traceset_seek_time(&ts->parent, ltt_time_zero);
+ lttv_state_traceset_seek_time_closest(ts, time);
+ /* We add no hook to the traceset, not necessary */
+ count = lttv_process_traceset_middle(&ts->parent,
+ time, G_MAXUINT, NULL);
+ g_info("Number of events to jump over : %u", count);
+ g_warning("Oops! Save interval is %u and it took %u events to seek to a time %lu.%lu supposed to be closer from the last saved state.",
+ LTTV_STATE_SAVE_INTERVAL, count, time.tv_sec, time.tv_nsec);
+ time = ltt_time_add(time, interval);
+ }
+ }
+ if(a_test9 || a_test_all) {
+ double t0, t1;
+ /* Run seek_forward and seek_backward test */
+ guint count;
+ LttvTracesetContext *tsc = &ts->parent;
+ LttvTracesetContextPosition *saved_pos =
+ lttv_traceset_context_position_new(tsc);
+ g_message("Running test 9 : seek_forward and seek_backward");
+ lttv_process_traceset_seek_time(tsc, ltt_time_zero);
+ count = lttv_process_traceset_seek_n_forward(tsc, 500, NULL);
+ g_assert(count == 500);
+ lttv_traceset_context_position_save(tsc, saved_pos);
+ t0 = get_time();
+ count = lttv_process_traceset_seek_n_forward(tsc, 150000, NULL);
+ t1 = get_time();
+ g_message("Seek forward 150000 events in %g seconds", t1 - t0);
+ g_assert(count == 150000);
+ t0 = get_time();
+ count = lttv_process_traceset_seek_n_backward(tsc, 150000,
+ seek_back_default_offset, lttv_process_traceset_seek_time, NULL);
+ t1 = get_time();
+ g_message("Seek backward 150000 events in %g seconds", t1 - t0);
+ g_assert(count == 150000);
+ if(lttv_traceset_context_ctx_pos_compare(tsc, saved_pos)) {
+ g_warning("Problem with seek_n ! Positions differ. (1)");
+ }
+ lttv_process_traceset_seek_n_forward(tsc, 500, NULL);
+ lttv_traceset_context_position_save(tsc, saved_pos);
+ lttv_process_traceset_seek_n_forward(tsc, 15000, NULL);
+ lttv_process_traceset_seek_n_backward(tsc, 15005,
+ seek_back_default_offset, lttv_process_traceset_seek_time, NULL);
+ lttv_process_traceset_seek_n_forward(tsc, 5, NULL);
+ if(lttv_traceset_context_ctx_pos_compare(tsc, saved_pos)) {
+ g_warning("Problem with seek_n ! Positions differ. (2)");
+ }
+ lttv_process_traceset_seek_time(tsc, ltt_time_infinite);
+ count = lttv_process_traceset_seek_n_forward(tsc, 15000, NULL);
+ if(count > 0)
+ g_warning("Problem with seek_n ! Forward at end of traceset.");
+ lttv_process_traceset_seek_time(tsc, ltt_time_infinite);
+ lttv_traceset_context_position_save(tsc, saved_pos);
+ t0 = get_time();
+ lttv_process_traceset_seek_n_backward(tsc, 300,
+ seek_back_default_offset, lttv_process_traceset_seek_time, NULL);
+ t1 = get_time();
+ g_message("Seek backward 300 events in %g seconds", t1 - t0);
+ count = lttv_process_traceset_seek_n_forward(tsc, 299, NULL);
+ count = lttv_process_traceset_seek_n_forward(tsc, 1, NULL);
+ if(lttv_traceset_context_ctx_pos_compare(tsc, saved_pos)) {
+ g_warning("Problem with seek_n ! Positions differ. (4)");
+ }
+ lttv_traceset_context_position_save(tsc, saved_pos);
+ t0 = get_time();
+ lttv_process_traceset_seek_n_backward(tsc, 10,
+ seek_back_default_offset, lttv_process_traceset_seek_time, NULL);
+ t1 = get_time();
+ g_message("Seek backward 10 events in %g seconds", t1 - t0);
+ t0 = get_time();
+ count = lttv_process_traceset_seek_n_forward(tsc, 10, NULL);
+ t1 = get_time();
+ g_message("Seek forward 10 events in %g seconds", t1 - t0);
+ /* try a volountary error */
+ lttv_process_traceset_seek_time(tsc, ltt_time_infinite);
+ lttv_traceset_context_position_save(tsc, saved_pos);
+ lttv_process_traceset_seek_n_backward(tsc, 301,
+ seek_back_default_offset, lttv_process_traceset_seek_time, NULL);
+ count = lttv_process_traceset_seek_n_forward(tsc, 299, NULL);
+ count = lttv_process_traceset_seek_n_forward(tsc, 1, NULL);
+ if(lttv_traceset_context_ctx_pos_compare(tsc, saved_pos) == 0) {
+ g_warning("Problem with seek_n ! Positions _should_ differ. (5)");
+ }
+ /* Try a seek by closest time : Hint : try this one with and without states
+ * computed. */
+ lttv_process_traceset_seek_time(tsc, ltt_time_zero);
+ count = lttv_process_traceset_seek_n_forward(tsc, 200000, NULL);
+ lttv_traceset_context_position_save(tsc, saved_pos);
+ t0 = get_time();
+ lttv_process_traceset_seek_n_backward(tsc, 100301,
+ seek_back_default_offset,
+ (seek_time_fct)lttv_state_traceset_seek_time_closest, NULL);
+ t1 = get_time();
+ g_message("Seek backward 100301 events (with seek closest) in %g seconds",
+ t1 - t0);
+ count = lttv_process_traceset_seek_n_forward(tsc, 100301, NULL);
+ if(lttv_traceset_context_ctx_pos_compare(tsc, saved_pos)) {
+ g_warning("Problem with seek_n with state seek time! Positions differ. (6)");
+ }
+ lttv_traceset_context_position_destroy(saved_pos);
+ }
+ if(a_test10 || a_test_all) {
+ g_message("Running test 10 : check seek traceset context position");
+ LttvTracesetContext *tsc = &ts->parent;
+ LttvTracesetContextPosition *saved_pos =
+ lttv_traceset_context_position_new(tsc);
+ lttv_process_traceset_seek_time(tsc, ltt_time_zero);
+ lttv_process_traceset_seek_n_forward(tsc, 200000, NULL);
+ lttv_traceset_context_position_save(tsc, saved_pos);
+ if(lttv_traceset_context_ctx_pos_compare(tsc, saved_pos) != 0)
+ g_critical("Error in seek position. (1)");
+ lttv_process_traceset_seek_time(tsc, ltt_time_infinite);
+ lttv_process_traceset_seek_n_backward(tsc, 500,
+ seek_back_default_offset, lttv_process_traceset_seek_time, NULL);
+ lttv_traceset_context_position_save(tsc, saved_pos);
+ if(lttv_traceset_context_ctx_pos_compare(tsc, saved_pos) != 0)
+ g_critical("Error in seek position. (2)");
+ lttv_traceset_context_position_destroy(saved_pos);
+ }
+ if(a_trace_event) lttv_hooks_remove_data(event_hook, trace_event, NULL);
+ g_free(save_state.write_time);
+ g_free(a_event_position);
+ lttv_context_fini(tc);
+ g_object_unref(tscs);
+ if(lttv_profile_memory) {
+ g_message("Memory summary at the end of batchtest");
+ g_mem_profile();
+ }
+ g_info("BatchTest end process traceset");
+ return 0;
+static void init()
+ LttvAttributeValue value;
+ LttvIAttribute *attributes = LTTV_IATTRIBUTE(lttv_global_attributes());
+ g_info("Init batchtest.c");
+ /* Init GQuarks */
+ QUARK_BLOCK_START = g_quark_from_string("block_start");
+ QUARK_BLOCK_END = g_quark_from_string("block_end");
+ lttv_option_add("trace", 't',
+ "add a trace to the trace set to analyse",
+ "pathname of the directory containing the trace",
+ LTTV_OPT_STRING, &a_trace, lttv_trace_option, NULL);
+ a_trace_event = FALSE;
+ a_dump_tracefiles = NULL;
+ lttv_option_add("dump-tracefiles", 'D',
+ "Write event by event the content of tracefiles",
+ "basename for the files where to dump events",
+ LTTV_OPT_STRING, &a_dump_tracefiles, NULL, NULL);
+ a_save_sample = NULL;
+ lttv_option_add("save-sample", 's',
+ "Save state samples to multiple files",
+ "basename for the files containing the state samples",
+ LTTV_OPT_STRING, &a_save_sample, NULL, NULL);
+ a_save_state_copy = FALSE;
+ lttv_option_add("save-state-copy", 'S', "Write the state saved for seeking",
+ "", LTTV_OPT_NONE, &a_save_state_copy, NULL, NULL);
+ a_save_interval = 100000;
+ lttv_option_add("save-interval", 'i',
+ "Interval between saving state",
+ "number of events before a block start triggers saving state",
+ LTTV_OPT_INT, &a_save_interval, NULL, NULL);
+ a_sample_interval = 100000;
+ lttv_option_add("sample-interval", 'S',
+ "Interval between sampling state",
+ "number of events before sampling and writing state",
+ LTTV_OPT_INT, &a_sample_interval, NULL, NULL);
+ a_sample_number = 20;
+ lttv_option_add("sample-number", 'N',
+ "Number of state samples",
+ "maximum number",
+ LTTV_OPT_INT, &a_sample_number, NULL, NULL);
+ a_seek_number = 200;
+ lttv_option_add("seek-number", 'K',
+ "Number of seek",
+ "number",
+ LTTV_OPT_INT, &a_seek_number, NULL, NULL);
+ a_test1 = FALSE;
+ lttv_option_add("test1", '1', "Test just counting events", "",
+ LTTV_OPT_NONE, &a_test1, NULL, NULL);
+ a_test2 = FALSE;
+ lttv_option_add("test2", '2', "Test computing the state", "",
+ LTTV_OPT_NONE, &a_test2, NULL, NULL);
+ a_test3 = FALSE;
+ lttv_option_add("test3", '3', "Test computing the state, writing out a few",
+ "", LTTV_OPT_NONE, &a_test3, NULL, NULL);
+ a_test4 = FALSE;
+ lttv_option_add("test4", '4', "Test computing the stats", "",
+ LTTV_OPT_NONE, &a_test4, NULL, NULL);
+ a_test5 = FALSE;
+ lttv_option_add("test5", '5', "Test computing the state and stats", "",
+ LTTV_OPT_NONE, &a_test5, NULL, NULL);
+ a_test6 = FALSE;
+ lttv_option_add("test6", '6', "Test computing and saving the state", "",
+ LTTV_OPT_NONE, &a_test6, NULL, NULL);
+ a_test7 = FALSE;
+ lttv_option_add("test7", '7', "Test seeking to positions written out in 3",
+ "", LTTV_OPT_NONE, &a_test7, NULL, NULL);
+ a_test8 = FALSE;
+ lttv_option_add("test8", '8', "Test seeking to positions using saved states computed at 6 : check if number of events fits",
+ "", LTTV_OPT_NONE, &a_test8, NULL, NULL);
+ a_test9 = FALSE;
+ lttv_option_add("test9", '9', "Test seeking backward/forward positions",
+ "", LTTV_OPT_NONE, &a_test9, NULL, NULL);
+ a_test10 = FALSE;
+ lttv_option_add("test10", ' ', "Test seeking traceset by position",
+ "", LTTV_OPT_NONE, &a_test10, NULL, NULL);
+ a_test_all = FALSE;
+ lttv_option_add("testall", 'a', "Run all tests ", "",
+ LTTV_OPT_NONE, &a_test_all, NULL, NULL);
+ traceset = lttv_traceset_new();
+ before_traceset = lttv_hooks_new();
+ after_traceset = lttv_hooks_new();
+ before_trace = lttv_hooks_new();
+ after_trace = lttv_hooks_new();
+ before_tracefile = lttv_hooks_new();
+ after_tracefile = lttv_hooks_new();
+ //before_event = lttv_hooks_new();
+ //after_event = lttv_hooks_new();
+ event_hook = lttv_hooks_new();
+ g_assert(lttv_iattribute_find_by_path(attributes, "hooks/traceset/before",
+ LTTV_POINTER, &value));
+ *(value.v_pointer) = before_traceset;
+ g_assert(lttv_iattribute_find_by_path(attributes, "hooks/traceset/after",
+ LTTV_POINTER, &value));
+ *(value.v_pointer) = after_traceset;
+ g_assert(lttv_iattribute_find_by_path(attributes, "hooks/trace/before",
+ LTTV_POINTER, &value));
+ *(value.v_pointer) = before_trace;
+ g_assert(lttv_iattribute_find_by_path(attributes, "hooks/trace/after",
+ LTTV_POINTER, &value));
+ *(value.v_pointer) = after_trace;
+ g_assert(lttv_iattribute_find_by_path(attributes, "hooks/tracefile/before",
+ LTTV_POINTER, &value));
+ *(value.v_pointer) = before_tracefile;
+ g_assert(lttv_iattribute_find_by_path(attributes, "hooks/tracefile/after",
+ LTTV_POINTER, &value));
+ *(value.v_pointer) = after_tracefile;
+ //g_assert(lttv_iattribute_find_by_path(attributes, "hooks/event/before",
+ // LTTV_POINTER, &value));
+ //*(value.v_pointer) = before_event;
+ //g_assert(lttv_iattribute_find_by_path(attributes, "hooks/event/after",
+ // LTTV_POINTER, &value));
+ //*(value.v_pointer) = after_event;
+ g_assert(lttv_iattribute_find_by_path(attributes, "hooks/event",
+ LTTV_POINTER, &value));
+ *(value.v_pointer) = event_hook;
+ g_assert(lttv_iattribute_find_by_path(attributes, "hooks/main/before",
+ LTTV_POINTER, &value));
+ g_assert((main_hooks = *(value.v_pointer)) != NULL);
+ lttv_hooks_add(main_hooks, process_traceset, NULL, LTTV_PRIO_DEFAULT);
+static void destroy()
+ guint i, nb;
+ LttvTrace *trace;
+ g_info("Destroy batchAnalysis.c");
+ lttv_option_remove("trace");
+ lttv_option_remove("dump-tracefiles");
+ lttv_option_remove("save-sample");
+ lttv_option_remove("save-state-copy");
+ lttv_option_remove("sample-interval");
+ lttv_option_remove("sample-number");
+ lttv_option_remove("seek-number");
+ lttv_option_remove("save-interval");
+ lttv_option_remove("test1");
+ lttv_option_remove("test2");
+ lttv_option_remove("test3");
+ lttv_option_remove("test4");
+ lttv_option_remove("test5");
+ lttv_option_remove("test6");
+ lttv_option_remove("test7");
+ lttv_option_remove("test8");
+ lttv_option_remove("test9");
+ lttv_option_remove("test10");
+ lttv_option_remove("testall");
+ lttv_hooks_destroy(before_traceset);
+ lttv_hooks_destroy(after_traceset);
+ lttv_hooks_destroy(before_trace);
+ lttv_hooks_destroy(after_trace);
+ lttv_hooks_destroy(before_tracefile);
+ lttv_hooks_destroy(after_tracefile);
+ //lttv_hooks_destroy(before_event);
+ //lttv_hooks_destroy(after_event);
+ lttv_hooks_destroy(event_hook);
+ lttv_hooks_remove_data(main_hooks, process_traceset, NULL);
+ nb = lttv_traceset_number(traceset);
+ for(i = 0 ; i < nb ; i++) {
+ trace = lttv_traceset_get(traceset, i);
+ lttv_traceset_remove(traceset,i);
+ ltt_trace_close(lttv_trace(trace));
+ lttv_trace_destroy(trace);
+ }
+ lttv_traceset_destroy(traceset);
+LTTV_MODULE("batchtest", "Batch processing of a trace for tests", \
+ "Run through a trace calling all the registered hooks for tests", \
+ init, destroy, "state", "stats", "option" )