// Parse a version string of format X.Y.Z.W-A
BasicVersion(String version, String ref) {
gitRefs = ref
- def tokenVersion
+ def tokenVersion
def token
if (version.contains('-')) {
// Release canditate
println("Unsupported version extension")
println("Trying to parse: ${version}")
println("Invalid sub version value: ${it}")
- //TODO: throw exception for jenkins
+ //TODO: throw exception for jenkins
-def cutoff = new BasicVersion("3.19", "")
-def modulesBranches = ["master","stable-2.5.0","stable-2.6.0"]
+def kernelTagCutOff = new BasicVersion("3.19", "")
+def modulesBranches = ["master","stable-2.5.0","stable-2.6.0", "stable-2.4.0"]
def linuxURL = "git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/stable/linux-stable.git"
def modulesURL = "git://git.lttng.org/lttng-modules.git"
def linuxGitReference = "/home/jenkins/gitcache/linux-stable.git"
String process = "git ls-remote -t $linuxURL | cut -c42- | sort -V"
-// Chekf if we are on jenkins
+// Check if we are on jenkins
// Useful for outside jenkins devellopment related to groovy only scripting
def isJenkinsInstance = binding.variables.containsKey('JENKINS_HOME')
if ( result.exitValue() == 0 ) {
def branches = out.readLines().collect {
- // Scrap special string tag
+ // Scrap special string tag
it.replaceAll("\\^\\{\\}", '')
List versions = []
branches.each { branch ->
- def stripBranch = branch.replaceAll("rc", '').replaceAll(/refs\/tags\/v/,'')
- KernelVersion kVersion = new KernelVersion(stripBranch, branch)
+ def stripBranch = branch.replaceAll("rc", '').replaceAll(/refs\/tags\/v/,'')
+ BasicVersion kVersion = new BasicVersion(stripBranch, branch)
versions = versions.sort()
// Find the version cut of
- def cutoffPos = versions.findIndexOf{(it.major >= cutoff.major) && (it.minor >= cutoff.minor) && (it.revision >= cutoff.revision) && (it.build >= cutoff.build) && (it.rc >= cutoff.rc)}
+ def cutoffPos = versions.findIndexOf{(it.major >= kernelTagCutOff.major) && (it.minor >= kernelTagCutOff.minor) && (it.revision >= kernelTagCutOff.revision) && (it.build >= kernelTagCutOff.build) && (it.rc >= kernelTagCutOff.rc)}
// Get last version and include only last rc
def last
lastNoRcPos = versions.size()
- // Actual job creation
+ String modulesPrefix = "lttng-modules"
+ String kernelPrefix = "kernel"
+ String separator = "-"
+ // Actual job creation
for (int i = cutoffPos; i < versions.size() ; i++) {
- // Only create for valid build
+ // Only create for valid build
if ( (i < lastNoRcPos && versions[i].rc == -1) || (i >= lastNoRcPos)) {
println ("Preparing job for")
- String kernel = versions[i].print()
- String jobName = "kernel-${kernel}"
- String moduleJobName = "lttng-modules-master-kernel-${kernel}"
+ String jobName = kernelPrefix + separator + versions[i].print()
+ // Generate modules job based on supported modules jobs
+ def modulesJob = [:]
+ modulesBranches.each { branch ->
+ modulesJob[branch] = modulesPrefix + separator + branch + separator + jobName
+ }
+ // Jenkins only dsl
- println(moduleJobName)
- // Jenkins only dsl
- if (isJenkinsInstance) {
- matrixJob("${jobName}") {
- using("linux-master")
- scm {
- git {
- remote {
- url("${linuxURL}")
- }
- branch(versions[i].gitRefs)
- shallowClone(true)
- relativeTargetDir(linuxCheckoutTo)
- reference(linuxGitReference)
- }
- }
- publishers {
- downstream(moduleJobName, 'SUCCESS')
- }
- }
- // Corresponding Module job
- matrixJob("${moduleJobName}") {
- using("modules")
- multiscm {
- git {
- remote {
- name("linux")
- url("${linuxURL}")
- }
- branch(versions[i].gitRefs)
- shallowClone(true)
- relativeTargetDir(linuxCheckoutTo)
- reference(linuxGitReference)
- }
- git {
- remote {
- name("lttng-modules")
- url(modulesURL)
- }
- branch("master")
- relativeTargetDir(modulesCheckoutTo)
- }
- }
- steps {
- copyArtifacts("${jobName}/arch=\$arch", "linux-artifact/**", '', false, false) {
- latestSuccessful(true) // Latest successful build
- }
- shell(readFileFromWorkspace('lttng-modules/lttng-modules-dsl-master.sh'))
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
+ if (isJenkinsInstance) {
+ matrixJob("${jobName}") {
+ using("linux-master")
+ scm {
+ git {
+ remote {
+ url("${linuxURL}")
+ }
+ branch(versions[i].gitRefs)
+ shallowClone(true)
+ relativeTargetDir(linuxCheckoutTo)
+ reference(linuxGitReference)
+ }
+ }
+ publishers {
+ modulesJob.each {
+ downstream(it.value, 'SUCCESS')
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Corresponding Module job
+ modulesJob.each {
+ println("\t" + it.key + " " + it.value)
+ if (isJenkinsInstance) {
+ matrixJob(it.value) {
+ using("modules")
+ multiscm {
+ git {
+ remote {
+ name(kernelPrefix)
+ url("${linuxURL}")
+ }
+ branch(versions[i].gitRefs)
+ shallowClone(true)
+ relativeTargetDir(linuxCheckoutTo)
+ reference(linuxGitReference)
+ }
+ git {
+ remote {
+ name(modulesPrefix)
+ url(modulesURL)
+ }
+ branch(it.key)
+ relativeTargetDir(modulesCheckoutTo)
+ }
+ }
+ steps {
+ copyArtifacts("${jobName}/arch=\$arch", "linux-artifact/**", '', false, false) {
+ latestSuccessful(true) // Latest successful build
+ }
+ shell(readFileFromWorkspace('lttng-modules/lttng-modules-dsl-master.sh'))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }