The LTTng Documentation
Philippe Proulx <>
-v2.10, 1 August 2017
+v2.10, 3 October 2017
-.Availability of LTTng{nbsp}{revision} for major Linux distributions as of 25 July 2017.
+.Availability of LTTng{nbsp}{revision} for major Linux distributions as of 3 October 2017.
|Distribution |Available in releases |Alternatives
other Ubuntu releases.
-|_Not available_
|link:/docs/v2.9#doc-fedora[LTTng{nbsp}2.9 for Fedora 26].
-<<building-from-source,Build LTTng{nbsp}{revision} from source>>.
+<<building-from-source,Build LTTng{nbsp}{revision} from source>> for
+other Fedora releases.
-|_Not available_
-|link:/docs/v2.9#doc-debian[LTTng{nbsp}2.9 for Debian "stretch"
-(stable), Debian "buster" (testing), and Debian "sid" (unstable)].
+|<<debian,Debian "buster" (testing) and Debian "sid" (unstable)>>.
+|link:/docs/v2.9#doc-debian[LTTng{nbsp}2.9 for Debian "stretch" (stable)].
<<building-from-source,Build LTTng{nbsp}{revision} from source>>.
|[Arch Linux]
-|_Not available_
-|link:/docs/v2.9#doc-arch-linux[LTTng{nbsp}2.9 in the latest AUR packages].
+|<<arch-linux,Current Arch Linux build>>.
+|<<building-from-source,Build LTTng{nbsp}{revision} from source>>.
|[Alpine Linux]
|_Not available_
+=== Fedora
+To install LTTng{nbsp}{revision} on Fedora{nbsp}27:
+. Install the LTTng-tools{nbsp}{revision} and LTTng-UST{nbsp}{revision}
+ packages:
+# yum install lttng-tools
+# yum install lttng-ust
+. Download, build, and install the latest LTTng-modules{nbsp}{revision}:
+$ cd $(mktemp -d) &&
+wget &&
+tar -xf lttng-modules-latest-2.10.tar.bz2 &&
+cd lttng-modules-2.10.* &&
+make &&
+sudo make modules_install &&
+sudo depmod -a
+.Java and Python application instrumentation and tracing
+If you need to instrument and trace <<java-application,Java
+applications>> on Fedora, you need to build and install
+LTTng-UST{nbsp}{revision} <<building-from-source,from source>> and pass
+the `--enable-java-agent-jul`, `--enable-java-agent-log4j`, or
+`--enable-java-agent-all` options to the `configure` script, depending
+on which Java logging framework you use.
+If you need to instrument and trace <<python-application,Python
+applications>> on Fedora, you need to build and install
+LTTng-UST{nbsp}{revision} from source and pass the
+`--enable-python-agent` option to the `configure` script.
+=== Debian
+To install LTTng{nbsp}{revision} on Debian "buster" (testing)
+or Debian "sid" (unstable):
+. Install the main LTTng{nbsp}{revision} packages:
+# apt-get install lttng-modules-dkms
+# apt-get install liblttng-ust-dev
+# apt-get install lttng-tools
+. **If you need to instrument and trace <<java-application,Java
+ applications>>**, install the LTTng-UST Java agent:
+# apt-get install liblttng-ust-agent-java
+. **If you need to instrument and trace <<python-application,Python
+ applications>>**, install the LTTng-UST Python agent:
+# apt-get install python3-lttngust
+=== Arch Linux
+LTTng-UST{nbsp}{revision} is available in Arch Linux's _Community_
+repository, while LTTng-tools{nbsp}{revision} and
+LTTng-modules{nbsp}{revision} are available in the
+To install LTTng{nbsp}{revision} on Arch Linux, using
+[pacaur] for the AUR packages:
+. Install the main LTTng{nbsp}{revision} packages:
+# pacman -Sy lttng-ust
+$ pacaur -Sy lttng-tools
+$ pacaur -Sy lttng-modules
+. **If you need to instrument and trace <<python-application,Python
+ applications>>**, install the LTTng-UST Python agent:
+# pacman -Sy python-lttngust
+# pacman -Sy python2-lttngust
=== RHEL, SUSE, and other enterprise distributions
The LTTng Documentation
Philippe Proulx <>
-v2.9, 25 July 2017
+v2.9, 3 October 2017
-.Availability of LTTng{nbsp}{revision} for major Linux distributions as of 25 July 2017.
+.Availability of LTTng{nbsp}{revision} for major Linux distributions as of 3 October 2017.
|Distribution |Available in releases |Alternatives
-|<<ubuntu,Ubuntu{nbsp}17.04 _Zesty Zapus_>>.
+|<<ubuntu,Ubuntu{nbsp}17.04 _Zesty Zapus_ and Ubuntu{nbsp}17.10 _Artful Aardvark_>>.
Ubuntu{nbsp}14.04 _Trusty Tahr_ and Ubuntu{nbsp}16.04 _Xenial Xerus_:
<<ubuntu-ppa,use the LTTng Stable{nbsp}{revision} PPA>>.
-|link:/docs/v2.8#doc-fedora[LTTng{nbsp}2.8 for Fedora 25].
+|link:/docs/v2.10#doc-fedora[LTTng{nbsp}2.10 for Fedora 27].
<<building-from-source,Build LTTng{nbsp}{revision} from source>> for
other Fedora releases.
-|xref:debian[Debian "stretch" (stable), Debian "buster" (testing),
-and Debian "sid" (unstable)].
+|xref:debian[Debian "stretch" (stable)].
|<<building-from-source,Build LTTng{nbsp}{revision} from source>> for
other Debian releases.
|[Arch Linux]
-|<<arch-linux,Latest AUR packages>>.
+|_Not available_
+|link:/docs/v2.10#doc-arch-linux[LTTng{nbsp}2.10 for the current Arch Linux build].
+<<building-from-source,Build LTTng{nbsp}{revision} from source>>.
|[Alpine Linux]
|<<alpine-linux,Alpine Linux "edge">>.
-|<<buildroot,Buildroot{nbsp}2017.02 and Buildroot{nbsp}2017.05>>.
+|xref:buildroot[Buildroot{nbsp}2017.02, Buildroot{nbsp}2017.05, and
|link:/docs/v2.8#doc-buildroot[LTTng{nbsp}2.8 for Buildroot{nbsp}2016.11].
<<building-from-source,Build LTTng{nbsp}{revision} from source>> for
=== [[ubuntu-official-repositories]]Ubuntu
-LTTng{nbsp}{revision} is available on Ubuntu{nbsp}17.04 _Zesty Zapus_.
-For previous releases of Ubuntu, <<ubuntu-ppa,use the LTTng
-Stable{nbsp}{revision} PPA>>.
+LTTng{nbsp}{revision} is available on Ubuntu{nbsp}17.04 _Zesty Zapus_
+and Ubuntu{nbsp}17.10 _Artful Aardvark_. For previous releases of
+Ubuntu, <<ubuntu-ppa,use the LTTng Stable{nbsp}{revision} PPA>>.
To install LTTng{nbsp}{revision} on Ubuntu{nbsp}17.04 _Zesty Zapus_:
=== Debian
-To install LTTng{nbsp}{revision} on Debian "stretch" (stable),
-Debian "buster" (testing), or Debian "sid" (unstable):
+To install LTTng{nbsp}{revision} on Debian "stretch" (stable):
. Install the main LTTng{nbsp}{revision} packages:
-=== Arch Linux
-To install LTTng{nbsp}{revision} on Arch Linux using
-. Install the main LTTng{nbsp}{revision} packages:
-$ pacaur -Sy lttng-tools
-$ pacaur -Sy lttng-ust
-$ pacaur -Sy lttng-modules
-. **If you need to instrument and trace <<python-application,Python
- applications>>**, install the LTTng-UST Python agent:
-$ pacaur -Sy python-lttngust
-$ pacaur -Sy python2-lttngust
=== Alpine Linux
=== Buildroot
-To install LTTng{nbsp}{revision} on Buildroot{nbsp}2017.02 or
+To install LTTng{nbsp}{revision} on Buildroot{nbsp}2017.02,
+Buildroot{nbsp}2017.05, or Buildroot{nbsp}2017.08:
. Launch the Buildroot configuration tool: