+ g_printf("MATD1 Different execution mode type (%lu.%09lu): ignore it\n",
+ tfs->parent.timestamp.tv_sec, tfs->parent.timestamp.tv_nsec);
+ g_printf("MATD1 process state has %s when pop_int is %s\n",
+ g_quark_to_string(process->state->t),
+ g_quark_to_string(t));
+ g_printf("MATD1 { %u, %u, %s, %s, %s }\n",
+ process->pid,
+ process->ppid,
+ g_quark_to_string(process->name),
+ g_quark_to_string(process->brand),
+ g_quark_to_string(process->state->s));
if(depth == 1){
g_info("Trying to pop last state on stack (%lu.%09lu): ignore it\n",
tfs->parent.timestamp.tv_sec, tfs->parent.timestamp.tv_nsec);
+ g_printf("MATD1 Trying to pop last state on stack (%lu.%09lu): ignore it\n",
+ tfs->parent.timestamp.tv_sec, tfs->parent.timestamp.tv_nsec);
/* Keep the stack bottom : a running user mode */
/* Disabled because of inconsistencies in the current statedump states. */
- /* Only keep the bottom */
+ /* Only keep the bottom
+ * FIXME Kernel thread : can be in syscall or interrupt or trap. */
+ /* Will cause expected trap when in fact being syscall (even after end of
+ * statedump event)
+ * Will cause expected interrupt when being syscall. (only before end of
+ * statedump event) */
+ // This will cause a "popping last state on stack, ignoring it."
process->execution_stack = g_array_set_size(process->execution_stack, 1);
es = process->state = &g_array_index(process->execution_stack,
LttvExecutionState, 0);
es->s = status;
es->n = submode;
} else {
- /* On top of it : */
+ /* User space process :
+ * bottom : user mode
+ * either currently running or scheduled out.
+ * can be scheduled out because interrupted in (user mode or in syscall)
+ * or because of an explicit call to the scheduler in syscall. Note that
+ * the scheduler call comes after the irq_exit, so never in interrupt
+ * context. */
+ // temp workaround : set size to 1 : only have user mode bottom of stack.
+ // will cause g_info message of expected syscall mode when in fact being
+ // in user mode. Can also cause expected trap when in fact being user
+ // mode in the event of a page fault reenabling interrupts in the handler.
+ // Expected syscall and trap can also happen after the end of statedump
+ // This will cause a "popping last state on stack, ignoring it."
+ process->execution_stack = g_array_set_size(process->execution_stack, 1);
+#if 0
es = process->state = &g_array_index(process->execution_stack,
LttvExecutionState, 1);
es->s = status;
es->n = submode;
+#endif //0
#if 0