df.rename(columns=new_cols, inplace=True)
return df
+def convert_us_to_ns(df):
+ cols = [col for col in df.columns if 'periter' in col]
+ df[cols] = df[cols].apply(lambda x: x*1000)
+ return df
def create_plot(df, graph_type):
# We split the data into two plots so it's easier to read
lower = ['basel_1thr', 'basel_2thr', 'basel_4thr', 'lttng_1thr', 'lttng_2thr', 'lttng_4thr']
upper = ['basel_8thr', 'basel_16thr', 'lttng_8thr', 'lttng_16thr']
upper_color = ['deepskyblue', 'orange', 'mediumblue', 'saddlebrown']
title='Meantime per syscalls for {} testcase'.format(graph_type)
# Create a plot with 2 sub-plots
df = pd.concat(list_)
+ df = convert_us_to_ns(df)
df = rename_cols(df)