Julien Desfossez <julien.desfossez@polymtl.ca>
August 2011
Make sure you have read permissions on the whole directory.
-Since this is an early release of lttngtop, it is still inside the babeltrace
-source tree. As soon as all babeltrace dependencies are available from the
-library and header files, lttngtop will be in its own repository. Until then,
-changes in the babeltrace source tree will be merged in this tree to avoid
-conflicts. This repository doesn't install the babeltrace binary, or any of its
-libraries. This way you can safely install it in the default locations.
glib 2.22 or better development libraries
(Debian : libglib2.0-0, libglib2.0-dev)
(Fedora : glib2, glib2-devel)
- uuid development libraries
- (Debian : uuid-dev)
- (Fedora : uuid-devel)
libpopt >= 1.13 development libraries
(Debian : libpopt-dev)
(Fedora : popt)
ncurses development libraries
(Debian : libncurses5-dev)
+ babeltrace development library
For developers using the git tree:
lttngtop.cpu_table = g_ptr_array_new();
-void usage(FILE *fd)
+void usage(FILE *fp)
+ fprintf(fp, "LTTngTop %s\n\n", VERSION);
+ fprintf(fp, "Usage : lttngtop /path/to/trace\n");