--- /dev/null
+- defaults:
+ name: lttng-ust-benchmarks
+ description: |
+ <p>Job is managed by Jenkins Job Builder.</p>
+ project-type: freestyle
+ wrappers:
+ - workspace-cleanup
+ - timestamps
+ - ansicolor
+ scm:
+ - git:
+ url: git://github.com/{github_user}/{github_name}.git
+ browser: githubweb
+ browser-url: https://github.com/{github_user}/{github_name}
+ branches:
+ - origin/{version}
+ basedir: src/lttng-ust-benchmarks
+ skip-tag: true
+ triggers:
+ - reverse:
+ jobs:
+ - liburcu_master_build
+ - lttng-tools_master_build
+ - lttng-ust_master_build
+ result: 'success'
+ properties:
+ - inject:
+ properties-content: |
+ PROJECT_NAME=lttng-ust-benchmarks
+ - build-discarder:
+ num-to-keep: 7
+ - github:
+ url: https://github.com/{github_user}/{github_name}
+## Templates
+- job-template:
+ name: lttng-ust-benchmarks_{version}_{buildtype}
+ defaults: lttng-ust-benchmarks
+ project-type: freestyle
+ node: x86-64
+ builders:
+ - copyartifact:
+ project: liburcu_master_build/arch=x86-64,build=std,conf=std
+ which-build: last-successful
+ stable: true
+ filter: 'build/**'
+ target: 'deps/liburcu'
+ do-not-fingerprint: true
+ - copyartifact:
+ project: babeltrace_master_build/arch=x86-64,build=std,conf=std
+ which-build: last-successful
+ stable: true
+ filter: 'build/**'
+ target: 'deps/babeltrace'
+ do-not-fingerprint: true
+ - copyartifact:
+ project: lttng-tools_master_build/arch=x86-64,babeltrace_version=master,build=std,conf=python-bindings,liburcu_version=master
+ which-build: last-successful
+ stable: true
+ filter: 'build/**'
+ target: 'deps/lttng-tools'
+ do-not-fingerprint: true
+ - copyartifact:
+ project: lttng-ust_master_build/arch=x86-64,build=std,conf=std,liburcu_version=master/
+ which-build: last-successful
+ stable: true
+ filter: 'build/**'
+ target: 'deps/lttng-ust'
+ do-not-fingerprint: true
+ - shell:
+ !include-raw-escape: scripts/lttng-ust-benchmarks/build.sh
+ # TODO: Scan for open tasks
+ publishers:
+ - archive:
+ artifacts: 'src/lttng-ust-benchmarks/benchmarks.json'
+ allow-empty: false
+ - plot:
+ - title: Process Start Time Overhead (app with 1 TP)
+ group: Benchmarks
+ yaxis: s
+ style: line
+ series:
+ - file: jenkins_plot_data/8_cpus.basic.tracing_disabled.start_overhead_s.properties
+ format: properties
+ - file: jenkins_plot_data/8_cpus.basic.tracing_enabled.start_overhead_s.properties
+ format: properties
+ - file: jenkins_plot_data/8_cpus.sha2.tracing_disabled.start_overhead_s.properties
+ format: properties
+ - file: jenkins_plot_data/8_cpus.sha2.tracing_enabled.start_overhead_s.properties
+ format: properties
+ - title: Event Overhead (app with 1 TP)
+ group: Benchmarks
+ yaxis: ns/event
+ style: line
+ series:
+ - file: jenkins_plot_data/8_cpus.basic.tracing_disabled.ns_per_event.properties
+ format: properties
+ - file: jenkins_plot_data/8_cpus.basic.tracing_enabled.ns_per_event.properties
+ format: properties
+ - file: jenkins_plot_data/8_cpus.sha2.tracing_disabled.ns_per_event.properties
+ format: properties
+ - file: jenkins_plot_data/8_cpus.sha2.tracing_enabled.ns_per_event.properties
+ format: properties
+ label: SHA-256 benchmark (tracing enabled)
+ - workspace-cleanup:
+ clean-if:
+ - failure: false
+ - not-built: false
+## Project
+- project:
+ name: lttng-ust-benchmarks
+ github_user: PSRCode
+ github_name: lttng-ust-benchmarks
+ version:
+ - master
+ jobs:
+ - 'lttng-ust-benchmarks_{version}_{buildtype}':
+ buildtype: build
+++ /dev/null
-- job:
- name: ops_job-generator_kernel
- disabled: true # Currently unused
- node: master
- description: |
- The kernel job generator auto generate from jenkins job builder all the
- kernel and lttng-modules jobs.
- <p>Job is managed by Jenkins Job Builder.</p>
- project-type: freestyle
- properties:
- - build-discarder:
- num-to-keep: 2
- wrappers:
- - timestamps
- - ansicolor:
- colormap: xterm
- - credentials-binding:
- - username-password-separated:
- credential-id: 72e4d7dd-6c82-413d-ab79-d89d7e6bc959
- username: JJB_JENKINS_USER
- triggers:
- - timed: '@hourly'
- scm:
- - git:
- url: https://github.com/lttng/lttng-ci.git
- branches:
- - origin/master
- wipe-workspace: false
- builders:
- - shell:
- !include-raw-escape: scripts/kernel/job-generator-kernel.sh
- - system-groovy:
- command:
- !include-raw: scripts/kernel/job-trigger-kernel.groovy
- publishers:
- - email:
- recipients: joraj@efficios.com
--- /dev/null
+#!/bin/bash -exu
+# Copyright (C) 2015, Jonathan Rajotte-Julien <jonathan.rajotte-julien@efficios.com>
+# 2016, Michael Jeanson <mjeanson@efficios.com>
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+# Create build directory
+rm -rf "$WORKSPACE/build"
+mkdir -p "$WORKSPACE/build"
+P3_VERSION=$($PYTHON3 -c "import sys;print(sys.version[:3])")
+# liburcu
+# lttng-ust
+# babeltrace
+# lttng-tools
+rm -rf "$WORKSPACE/deps/lttng-modules"
+git clone git://github.com/lttng/lttng-modules.git "$WORKSPACE/deps/lttng-modules"
+export LTTNG_MODULES_DIR="$WORKSPACE/deps/lttng-modules/"
+export LTTNG_SESSION_CONFIG_XSD_PATH="$WORKSPACE/deps/lttng-tools/build/share/xml/lttng"
+export LTTNG_CONSUMERD64_BIN="$WORKSPACE/deps/lttng-tools/build/lib/lttng/libexec/lttng-consumerd"
+cd "$SRCDIR"
+# EOF