* TODO<br>
(4) create a event rate graphical view : Will be useful in conjonction with the
- # Parisa Heidari \<parisa.heidari@polymtl.ca\><br>
+ # Parisa Heidari <parisa.heidari@polymtl.ca><br>
(6) migrate align to lttv parser.<br>
(7) create an analysis of function time (like a precise gprof)<br>
-> with gcc -f inline-functions<br>
(1) port LTTng to 2.6.14 kernel.<br>
(2) add efficient and secure user space tracing. (1 month)<br>
(3) integrate LTTng State Dump : missing irq and process state.<br>
- # Jean-Hugues Deschenes \<jean-hugues.deschenes@polymtl.ca\><br>
+ # Jean-Hugues Deschenes <jean-hugues.deschenes@polymtl.ca><br>
(9) add genevent full functionnality : alignment, array, sequences, nested
(7) add gcc -finstrument-functions instrumentation<br>