+/* Construct a selector(filter), which will be associated with a viewer,
+ * and provides an interface for user to select interested events and traces
+ */
LttvTracesetSelector * construct_traceset_selector(LttvTraceset * traceset)
return s;
+/* insert_viewer function constructs an instance of a viewer first,
+ * then inserts the widget of the instance into the container of the
+ * main window
+ */
insert_viewer_wrap(GtkWidget *menuitem, gpointer user_data)
+/* get_label function is used to get user input, it displays an input
+ * box, which allows user to input a string
+ */
void get_label_string (GtkWidget * text, gchar * label)
GtkEntry * entry = (GtkEntry*)text;
return TRUE;
+/* get_window_data_struct function is actually a lookup function,
+ * given a widget which is in the tree of the main window, it will
+ * return the MainWindow data structure associated with main window
+ */
MainWindow * get_window_data_struct(GtkWidget * widget)
GtkWidget * mw;
return mw_data;
+/* create_new_window function, just constructs a new main window
+ */
void create_new_window(GtkWidget* widget, gpointer user_data, gboolean clone)
MainWindow * parent = get_window_data_struct(widget);
+/* move_*_viewer functions move the selected view up/down in
+ * the current tab
+ */
void move_up_viewer(GtkWidget * widget, gpointer user_data)
MainWindow * mw = get_window_data_struct(widget);
+/* delete_viewer deletes the selected viewer in the current tab
+ */
void delete_viewer(GtkWidget * widget, gpointer user_data)
MainWindow * mw = get_window_data_struct(widget);
+/* open_traceset will open a traceset saved in a file
+ * Right now, it is not finished yet, (not working)
+ */
void open_traceset(GtkWidget * widget, gpointer user_data)
char ** dir;
+/* get_max_event_number returns the event number limit used by
+ * lttv_process_traceset(LttvTracesetContext, endTime, maxNumEvents)
+ * each viewer can set the limit
+ */
unsigned get_max_event_number(MainWindow * mw_data)
unsigned nb = 0, *size;
return nb;
+/* redraw_viewer parses the traceset first by calling
+ * process_traceset_api, then display all viewers of
+ * the current tab
+ */
void redraw_viewer(MainWindow * mw_data, TimeWindow * time_window)
unsigned max_nb_events;
GdkCursor * new;
GtkWidget* widget;
+ //set the cursor to be X shape, indicating that the computer is busy in doing its job
new = gdk_cursor_new(GDK_X_CURSOR);
widget = lookup_widget(mw_data->mwindow, "MToolbar2");
win = gtk_widget_get_parent_window(widget);
//call hooks to show each viewer and let them remove hooks
+ //set the cursor back to normal
gdk_window_set_cursor(win, NULL);
+/* add_trace_into_traceset_selector, each instance of a viewer has an associated
+ * selector (filter), when a trace is added into traceset, the selector should
+ * reflect the change. The function is used to update the selector
+ */
void add_trace_into_traceset_selector(GtkMultiVPaned * paned, LttTrace * t)
int j, k, m, nb_tracefile, nb_control, nb_per_cpu, nb_facility, nb_event;
w = gtk_multi_vpaned_get_first_widget(paned);
s = g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(w), "Traceset_Selector");
- trace = lttv_trace_selector_new(t);
- lttv_traceset_selector_trace_add(s, trace);
- nb_facility = ltt_trace_facility_number(t);
- for(k=0;k<nb_facility;k++){
- fac = ltt_trace_facility_get(t,k);
- nb_event = (int) ltt_facility_eventtype_number(fac);
- for(m=0;m<nb_event;m++){
- et = ltt_facility_eventtype_get(fac,m);
- eventtype = lttv_eventtype_selector_new(et);
- lttv_trace_selector_eventtype_add(trace, eventtype);
- }
- }
- nb_control = ltt_trace_control_tracefile_number(t);
- nb_per_cpu = ltt_trace_per_cpu_tracefile_number(t);
- nb_tracefile = nb_control + nb_per_cpu;
- for(j = 0 ; j < nb_tracefile ; j++) {
- if(j < nb_control)
- tf = ltt_trace_control_tracefile_get(t, j);
- else
- tf = ltt_trace_per_cpu_tracefile_get(t, j - nb_control);
- tracefile = lttv_tracefile_selector_new(tf);
- lttv_trace_selector_tracefile_add(trace, tracefile);
- lttv_eventtype_selector_copy(trace, tracefile);
- }
+ if(s){
+ trace = lttv_trace_selector_new(t);
+ lttv_traceset_selector_trace_add(s, trace);
+ nb_facility = ltt_trace_facility_number(t);
+ for(k=0;k<nb_facility;k++){
+ fac = ltt_trace_facility_get(t,k);
+ nb_event = (int) ltt_facility_eventtype_number(fac);
+ for(m=0;m<nb_event;m++){
+ et = ltt_facility_eventtype_get(fac,m);
+ eventtype = lttv_eventtype_selector_new(et);
+ lttv_trace_selector_eventtype_add(trace, eventtype);
+ }
+ }
+ nb_control = ltt_trace_control_tracefile_number(t);
+ nb_per_cpu = ltt_trace_per_cpu_tracefile_number(t);
+ nb_tracefile = nb_control + nb_per_cpu;
+ for(j = 0 ; j < nb_tracefile ; j++) {
+ if(j < nb_control)
+ tf = ltt_trace_control_tracefile_get(t, j);
+ else
+ tf = ltt_trace_per_cpu_tracefile_get(t, j - nb_control);
+ tracefile = lttv_tracefile_selector_new(tf);
+ lttv_trace_selector_tracefile_add(trace, tracefile);
+ lttv_eventtype_selector_copy(trace, tracefile);
+ }
+ }else g_warning("Module does not support filtering\n");
w = gtk_multi_vpaned_get_next_widget(paned);
+/* add_trace adds a trace into the current traceset. It first displays a
+ * directory selection dialogue to let user choose a trace, then recreates
+ * tracset_context, and redraws all the viewer of the current tab
+ */
void add_trace(GtkWidget * widget, gpointer user_data)
LttTrace *trace;
+/* remove_trace_into_traceset_selector, each instance of a viewer has an associated
+ * selector (filter), when a trace is remove from traceset, the selector should
+ * reflect the change. The function is used to update the selector
+ */
void remove_trace_from_traceset_selector(GtkMultiVPaned * paned, unsigned i)
LttvTracesetSelector * s;
w = gtk_multi_vpaned_get_first_widget(paned);
s = g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(w), "Traceset_Selector");
- t = lttv_traceset_selector_trace_get(s,i);
- lttv_traceset_selector_trace_remove(s, i);
- lttv_trace_selector_destroy(t);
+ if(s){
+ t = lttv_traceset_selector_trace_get(s,i);
+ lttv_traceset_selector_trace_remove(s, i);
+ lttv_trace_selector_destroy(t);
+ }g_warning("Module dose not support filtering\n");
w = gtk_multi_vpaned_get_next_widget(paned);
+/* remove_trace removes a trace from the current traceset if all viewers in
+ * the current tab are not interested in the trace. It first displays a
+ * dialogue, which shows all traces in the current traceset, to let user choose
+ * a trace, then it checks if all viewers unselect the trace, if it is true,
+ * it will remove the trace, recreate the traceset_contex,
+ * and redraws all the viewer of the current tab. If there is on trace in the
+ * current traceset, it will delete all viewers of the current tab
+ */
void remove_trace(GtkWidget * widget, gpointer user_data)
LttTrace *trace;
w = gtk_multi_vpaned_get_widget(mw_data->current_tab->multi_vpaned);
s = g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(w), "Traceset_Selector");
- t = lttv_traceset_selector_trace_get(s,i);
- lttv_trace_selector_set_selected(t, FALSE);
+ if(s){
+ t = lttv_traceset_selector_trace_get(s,i);
+ lttv_trace_selector_set_selected(t, FALSE);
+ }
//check if other viewers select the trace
w = gtk_multi_vpaned_get_first_widget(mw_data->current_tab->multi_vpaned);
s = g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(w), "Traceset_Selector");
- t = lttv_traceset_selector_trace_get(s,i);
- selected = lttv_trace_selector_get_selected(t);
- if(selected)break;
+ if(s){
+ t = lttv_traceset_selector_trace_get(s,i);
+ selected = lttv_trace_selector_get_selected(t);
+ if(selected)break;
+ }
w = gtk_multi_vpaned_get_next_widget(mw_data->current_tab->multi_vpaned);
}else selected = FALSE;
+/* save will save the traceset to a file
+ * Not implemented yet
+ */
void save(GtkWidget * widget, gpointer user_data)
g_printf("Save as\n");
+/* zoom will change the time_window of all the viewers of the
+ * current tab, and redisplay them. The main functionality is to
+ * determine the new time_window of the current tab
+ */
void zoom(GtkWidget * widget, double size)
TimeInterval *time_span;
create_new_window((GtkWidget*)menuitem, user_data, TRUE);
+/* create_new_tab calls create_tab to construct a new tab in the main window
+ */
void create_new_tab(GtkWidget* widget, gpointer user_data){
gchar label[PATH_LENGTH];
MainWindow * mw_data = get_window_data_struct(widget);
+/* remove the current tab from the main window if it is not the default tab
+ */
on_close_tab_activate (GtkMenuItem *menuitem,
gpointer user_data)
tmp = mw_data->tab;
while(tmp != mw_data->current_tab){
tmp = tmp->next;
- count++;
+ count++;
g_printf("Trace facility selector: %s\n");
+/* Dispaly a file selection dialogue to let user select a module, then call
+ * lttv_module_load(), finally insert tool button and menu entry in the main window
+ * for the loaded module
+ */
on_load_module_activate (GtkMenuItem *menuitem,
gpointer user_data)
+/* Display all loaded modules, let user to select a module to unload
+ * by calling lttv_module_unload
+ */
on_unload_module_activate (GtkMenuItem *menuitem,
gpointer user_data)
+/* Display a directory dialogue to let user select a path for module searching
+ */
on_add_module_search_path_activate (GtkMenuItem *menuitem,
gpointer user_data)
return FALSE;
+/* Set current tab
+ */
on_MNotebook_switch_page (GtkNotebook *notebook,
GtkNotebookPage *page,
mw->current_tab = tab;
+/* callback function to check or uncheck the check box (filter)
+ */
void checkbox_changed(GtkTreeView *treeview,
GtkTreePath *arg1,
GtkTreeViewColumn *arg2,
+/* According to user's selection, update selector(filter)
+ */
void update_filter(LttvTracesetSelector *s, GtkTreeStore *store )
GtkTreeIter iter, child_iter, child_iter1, child_iter2;
+/* Display a dialogue showing all eventtypes and traces, let user to select the interested
+ * eventtypes, tracefiles and traces (filter)
+ */
gboolean get_filter_selection(LttvTracesetSelector *s,char *title, char * column_title)
GtkWidget * dialogue;
return FALSE;
+/* Select a trace which will be removed from traceset
+ */
char * get_remove_trace(char ** all_trace_name, int nb_trace)
return get_selection(all_trace_name, nb_trace,
"Select a trace", "Trace pathname");
+/* Select a module which will be unloaded
+ */
char * get_unload_module(char ** loaded_module_name, int nb_module)
return get_selection(loaded_module_name, nb_module,
"Select an unload module", "Module pathname");
+/* Display a dialogue which shows all selectable items, let user to
+ * select one of them
+ */
char * get_selection(char ** loaded_module_name, int nb_module,
char *title, char * column_title)
return unload_module_name;
+/* hash funtions
+ */
void main_window_destroy_hash_key(gpointer key)
+/* Insert menu entry and tool button into all main windows for modules
+ * It checks whether the menu entry or tool button exists or not,
+ * if they do not exist, then construct the widget and insert them
+ * into all main windows
+ */
void insert_menu_toolbar_item(MainWindow * mw, gpointer user_data)
int i;
+/* Create a main window
+ */
void construct_main_window(MainWindow * parent, WindowCreationData * win_creation_data)
+/* Free the memory occupied by a tab structure
+ * destroy the tab
+ */
void tab_destructor(Tab * tab_instance)
int i, nb, ref_count;
+/* Create a tab and insert it into the current main window
+ */
void * create_tab(MainWindow * parent, MainWindow* current_window,
GtkNotebook * notebook, char * label)
MainWindow * mw_data = current_window;
LttTime tmp_time;
+ //create a new tab data structure
tmp_tab = mw_data->tab;
while(tmp_tab && tmp_tab->next) tmp_tab = tmp_tab->next;
tmp_tab = tmp_tab->next;
+ //construct and initialize the traceset_info
tmp_tab->traceset_info = g_new(TracesetInfo,1);
tmp_tab->traceset_info->traceset =
+ //determine the current_time and time_window of the tab
// Will have to read directly at the main window level, as we want
// to be able to modify a traceset on the fly.
+ //add state update hooks
+ //insert tab into notebook
gtk_notebook_append_page(notebook, (GtkWidget*)tmp_tab->multi_vpaned, tmp_tab->label);
list = gtk_container_get_children(GTK_CONTAINER(notebook));
+/* Remove menu entry and tool button from main window for the
+ * unloaded module
+ */
void remove_menu_item(gpointer main_win, gpointer user_data)
MainWindow * mw = (MainWindow *) main_win;
- * Remove menu and toolbar item when a module unloaded
+ * Remove menu and toolbar item when a module unloaded from all
+ * main windows
void main_window_remove_menu_item(lttv_constructor constructor)