+SCRIPT_DIR=$(dirname "$0")/
# Runs the formatter, making sure it's the expected version.
format_cpp() {
local formatter=$1
# Using xargs to fail as soon as the formatter fails (`-exec`
# won't stop if its subprocess fails).
+ # Since clang-format 14 does not support ignore files, their
+ # support is crudely emulated here.
+ #
# shellcheck disable=SC2086
find "$root_dir" -path './src/vendor' -prune \
-o -type f \( -name '*\.h' -o -name '*\.hpp' -o -name '*\.c' -o -name '*\.cpp' \) \
- -not -path '*/\.*' -print0 | xargs -P$(nproc) -n1 -0 $formatter -i --style=file --fallback-style=none
+ -not -path '*/\.*' -print0 | grep -zv -f "$SCRIPT_DIR"/.clang-format-ignore | \
+ xargs -P"$(nproc)" -n1 -0 $formatter -i --style=file --fallback-style=none
if [[ -n "$FORMATTER" ]]; then