+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Tests related to filtering
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ /**
+ * Test with a filter expression using a context, but not having the actual
+ * context enabled.
+ *
+ * The JNI should still send the context so UST can use it for filtering,
+ * but it should not be present in the resulting trace.
+ */
+ @Test
+ public void testContextFilterExpressionNotEnabled() {
+ assertTrue(cim.registerContextInfoRetriever(RETRIEVER_NAME_1, ContextInfoRetrieverStubs.STRING_RETRIEVER));
+ assertTrue(session.enableEvent(EVENT_NAME, null, false,
+ "$app." + RETRIEVER_NAME_1 + '.' + CONTEXT_NAME + "==\"" + ContextInfoRetrieverStubs.STRING_VALUE + '\"'));
+ assertTrue(session.start());
+ sendEventsToLoggers();
+ assertTrue(session.stop());
+ List<String> output = session.view();
+ assertNotNull(output);
+ assertFalse(output.isEmpty());
+ testContextNotPresentInTrace(output, RETRIEVER_NAME_1, CONTEXT_NAME);
+ assertTrue(cim.unregisterContextInfoRetriever(RETRIEVER_NAME_1));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test with a filter expression and an enabled context. The filter however
+ * should *exclude* the events, so no events should be present in the
+ * resulting trace.
+ */
+ @Test
+ public void testContextFilterExpressionEnabledNotMatching() {
+ assertTrue(cim.registerContextInfoRetriever(RETRIEVER_NAME_1, ContextInfoRetrieverStubs.STRING_RETRIEVER));
+ assertTrue(session.enableEvent(EVENT_NAME, null, false,
+ "$app." + RETRIEVER_NAME_1 + '.' + CONTEXT_NAME + "!=\"" + ContextInfoRetrieverStubs.STRING_VALUE + '\"'));
+ assertTrue(session.enableAppContext(RETRIEVER_NAME_1, CONTEXT_NAME));
+ assertTrue(session.start());
+ sendEventsToLoggers();
+ assertTrue(session.stop());
+ List<String> output = session.view();
+ assertNotNull(output);
+ assertTrue(output.isEmpty());
+ assertTrue(cim.unregisterContextInfoRetriever(RETRIEVER_NAME_1));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test with a filter expression and an enabled context. The filter however
+ * should match the events, so events with the context info should be
+ * present in the resulting trace.
+ */
+ @Test
+ public void testContextFilterExpressionEnabledMatching() {
+ assertTrue(cim.registerContextInfoRetriever(RETRIEVER_NAME_1, ContextInfoRetrieverStubs.STRING_RETRIEVER));
+ assertTrue(session.enableEvent(EVENT_NAME, null, false,
+ "$app." + RETRIEVER_NAME_1 + '.' + CONTEXT_NAME + "==\"" + ContextInfoRetrieverStubs.STRING_VALUE + '\"'));
+ assertTrue(session.enableAppContext(RETRIEVER_NAME_1, CONTEXT_NAME));
+ assertTrue(session.start());
+ sendEventsToLoggers();
+ assertTrue(session.stop());
+ List<String> output = session.view();
+ assertNotNull(output);
+ assertFalse(output.isEmpty());
+ testContextPresentInTrace(output, RETRIEVER_NAME_1, CONTEXT_NAME,
+ "{ string = \"" + ContextInfoRetrieverStubs.STRING_VALUE + "\" } }");
+ assertTrue(cim.unregisterContextInfoRetriever(RETRIEVER_NAME_1));
+ }
assertEquals(expectedDisabledCommands, actualDisabledCommands);
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Application context filtering
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ /**
+ * Test that enabling an event with a filter string referring to a context
+ * should send an agent message about this context now being "enabled".
+ *
+ * This is because we will pass the context information to UST for the
+ * filtering step, even if the actual context won't be present in the trace.
+ */
+ @SuppressWarnings("static-method")
+ @Test
+ public void testContextInFilterString() {
+ try (ILttngSession session2 = ILttngSession.createSession(null, SESSION_DOMAIN);) {
+ session2.enableEvent(EVENT_NAME_A, null, false, "$app." + CONTEXT_RETRIEVER_NAME_A + ':' + CONTEXT_NAME_A + "=\"bozo\"");
+ List<String> expectedEnabledCommands = Collections.singletonList(CONTEXT_RETRIEVER_NAME_A + ':' + CONTEXT_NAME_A);
+ assertEquals(expectedEnabledCommands, clientListener.getEnabledAppContextCommands());
+ } // close(), aka destroy the session, sending "disable context" messages
+ List<String> expectedDisabledCommands = Collections.singletonList(CONTEXT_RETRIEVER_NAME_A + ':' + CONTEXT_NAME_A);
+ assertEquals(expectedDisabledCommands, clientListener.getDisabledAppContextCommands());
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test that if we the context is both referred to by a filter string *and*
+ * enabled directly, we receive *2* messages about this context being
+ * enabled (and disabled on session teardown).
+ */
+ @SuppressWarnings("static-method")
+ @Test
+ public void testContextEnabledAndInFilterString() {
+ try (ILttngSession session2 = ILttngSession.createSession(null, SESSION_DOMAIN);) {
+ session2.enableEvent(EVENT_NAME_A, null, false, "$app." + CONTEXT_RETRIEVER_NAME_A + ':' + CONTEXT_NAME_A + "=\"bozo\"");
+ session2.enableAppContext(CONTEXT_RETRIEVER_NAME_A, CONTEXT_NAME_A);
+ List<String> expectedEnabledCommands = Collections.nCopies(2, CONTEXT_RETRIEVER_NAME_A + ':' + CONTEXT_NAME_A);
+ assertEquals(expectedEnabledCommands, clientListener.getEnabledAppContextCommands());
+ } // close(), aka destroy the session, sending "disable context" messages
+ List<String> expectedDisabledCommands = Collections.nCopies(2, CONTEXT_RETRIEVER_NAME_A + ':' + CONTEXT_NAME_A);
+ assertEquals(expectedDisabledCommands, clientListener.getDisabledAppContextCommands());
+ }