name: lttng-www
project-type: freestyle
defaults: global
- node: amd64-rootnode-jammy
+ node: amd64-rootnode
description: |
This job is responsible for updating the lttng website.
!include-raw: scripts/lttng-www/
- - lttng-www
+ - git:
+ url:
+ credentials-id: 63a5abb5-9056-47e2-b419-f5946c1b8f08
+ basedir: ./
+ skip-tag: true
+ branches:
+ - master
+ - archive:
+ artifacts: 'site/**,prod/**'
+ follow-symlinks: true
+ allow-empty: false
- ircbot:
strategy: statechange-only
message-type: summary
matrix-trigger: only-parent
- recipients
-- scm:
- name: lttng-www
- scm:
- - git:
- url:
- credentials-id: 63a5abb5-9056-47e2-b419-f5946c1b8f08
- basedir: ./
- skip-tag: true
- branches:
- - master
set -exu
+print_header() {
+ set +x
+ local message=" $1 "
+ local message_len
+ local padding_len
+ message_len="${#message}"
+ padding_len=$(( (80 - (message_len)) / 2 ))
+ printf '\n'; printf -- '#%.0s' {1..80}; printf '\n'
+ printf -- '-%.0s' {1..80}; printf '\n'
+ printf -- '#%.0s' $(seq 1 $padding_len); printf '%s' "$message"; printf -- '#%.0s' $(seq 1 $padding_len); printf '\n'
+ printf -- '-%.0s' {1..80}; printf '\n'
+ printf -- '#%.0s' {1..80}; printf '\n\n'
+ set -x
# Add ssh key for deployment
cp "$HOST_PUBLIC_KEYS" ~/.ssh/known_hosts
cp "$KEY_FILE_VARIABLE" ~/.ssh/id_rsa
# lttng-www dependencies
export DPKG_FRONTEND=noninteractive
-# Nodejs
-# Using Debian, as root
apt-get update
-apt-get install -y nodejs npm
-apt-get install -y ruby ruby-bundler ruby-dev
+print_header "Install web tooling dependencies"
+apt-get install -y nodejs node-grunt-cli npm ruby-bundler ruby-dev python3-pip python3-venv
ruby -v
-apt-get install -y asciidoc xmlto python3 python3-pip doclifter
-npm install -g grunt-cli
-npm install -g sass
+apt-get install -y xmlto doclifter linkchecker
+python3 -m venv build_venv
+# shellcheck disable=SC1091
+source build_venv/bin/activate
bundle config set --local path "vendor/bundle"
-bundle exec grunt build:prod --network
+print_header "Build website with grunt"
+bundle exec grunt build:prod
-apt-get install -y linkchecker
+print_header "Check links"
bundle exec grunt connect:prod watch:prod &
sleep 10 # While serve:prod starts up
-OUTPUT_FILE="$(mktemp -d)/linkchecker-out.csv"
-chown nobody "$(dirname "${OUTPUT_FILE}")"
+OUTPUT_DIR="$(mktemp -d)"
+# linkchecker drops privileges to 'nobody' when run as root
+chown nobody "${OUTPUT_DIR}"
# @Note: Only internal links are checked by default
if ! linkchecker -q -F "csv/utf-8/${OUTPUT_FILE}" http://localhost:10000/ ; then
echo "Linkchecker failed or found broken links"
cat "${OUTPUT_FILE}"
kill "${SERVER_PID}"
- rm -rf "${OUTPUT_FILE}/.."
+ rm -rf "${OUTPUT_DIR}"
sleep 5 # Let serve:prod stop
exit 1
- rm -rf "${OUTPUT_FILE}/.."
+ rm -rf "${OUTPUT_DIR}"
kill "${SERVER_PID}"
+print_header "Deploy website"
bundle exec grunt deploy:prod --network