--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (C) 2016 - Francis Deslauriers <francis.deslauriers@efficios.com>
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+import argparse
+import base64
+import json
+import os
+import random
+import sys
+import time
+import xmlrpc.client
+from collections import OrderedDict
+from enum import Enum
+USERNAME = 'frdeso'
+HOSTNAME = 'lava-master.internal.efficios.com'
+SCP_PATH = 'scp://jenkins-lava@storage.internal.efficios.com'
+class TestType():
+ baremetal_benchmarks=1
+ baremetal_tests=2
+ kvm_tests=3
+ kvm_fuzzing_tests=4
+ values = {
+ 'baremetal-benchmarks' : baremetal_benchmarks,
+ 'baremetal-tests' : baremetal_tests,
+ 'kvm-tests' : kvm_tests,
+ 'kvm-fuzzin-tests' : kvm_fuzzing_tests,
+ }
+def get_job_bundle_content(server, job):
+ try:
+ bundle_sha = server.scheduler.job_status(str(job))['bundle_sha1']
+ bundle = server.dashboard.get(bundle_sha)
+ except xmlrpc.client.Fault as f:
+ print('Error while fetching results bundle', f.faultString)
+ raise f
+ return json.loads(bundle['content'])
+# Parse the results bundle to see the run-tests testcase
+# of the lttng-kernel-tests passed successfully
+def check_job_all_test_cases_state_count(server, job):
+ content = get_job_bundle_content(server, job)
+ # FIXME:Those tests are part of the boot actions and fail randomly but
+ # doesn't affect the behaviour of the tests. We should update our Lava
+ # installation and try to reproduce it. This error was encountered on
+ # Ubuntu 16.04.
+ tests_known_to_fail=['mount', 'df', 'ls', 'ip', 'wait_for_test_image_prompt']
+ passed_tests=0
+ failed_tests=0
+ for run in content['test_runs']:
+ for result in run['test_results']:
+ if 'test_case_id' in result :
+ if result['result'] in 'pass':
+ passed_tests+=1
+ elif result['test_case_id'] in tests_known_to_fail:
+ pass
+ else:
+ failed_tests+=1
+ return (passed_tests, failed_tests)
+# Get the benchmark results from the lava bundle
+# save them as CSV files localy
+def fetch_benchmark_results(server, job):
+ content = get_job_bundle_content(server, job)
+ testcases = ['processed_results_close.csv',
+ 'processed_results_ioctl.csv',
+ 'processed_results_open_efault.csv',
+ 'processed_results_open_enoent.csv',
+ 'processed_results_dup_close.csv',
+ 'processed_results_raw_syscall_getpid.csv',
+ 'processed_results_lttng_test_filter.csv']
+ # The result bundle is a large JSON containing the results of every testcase
+ # of the LAVA job as well as the files that were attached during the run.
+ # We need to iterate over this JSON to get the base64 representation of the
+ # benchmark results produced during the run.
+ for run in content['test_runs']:
+ # We only care of the benchmark testcases
+ if 'benchmark-' in run['test_id']:
+ if 'test_results' in run:
+ for res in run['test_results']:
+ if 'attachments' in res:
+ for a in res['attachments']:
+ # We only save the results file
+ if a['pathname'] in testcases:
+ with open(a['pathname'],'wb') as f:
+ # Convert the b64 representation of the
+ # result file and write it to a file
+ # in the current working directory
+ f.write(base64.b64decode(a['content']))
+# Parse the attachment of the testcase to fetch the stdout of the test suite
+def print_test_output(server, job):
+ content = get_job_bundle_content(server, job)
+ found = False
+ for run in content['test_runs']:
+ if run['test_id'] in 'lttng-kernel-test':
+ for attachment in run['attachments']:
+ if attachment['pathname'] in 'stdout.log':
+ # Decode the base64 file and split on newlines to iterate
+ # on list
+ testoutput = str(base64.b64decode(bytes(attachment['content'], encoding='UTF-8')))
+ testoutput = testoutput.replace('\\n', '\n')
+ # Create a generator to iterate on the lines and keeping
+ # the state of the iterator across the two loops.
+ testoutput_iter = iter(testoutput.split('\n'))
+ for line in testoutput_iter:
+ # Find the header of the test case and start printing
+ # from there
+ if 'LAVA_SIGNAL_STARTTC run-tests' in line:
+ print('---- TEST SUITE OUTPUT BEGIN ----')
+ for line in testoutput_iter:
+ if 'LAVA_SIGNAL_ENDTC run-tests' not in line:
+ print(line)
+ else:
+ # Print until we reach the end of the
+ # section
+ break
+ print('----- TEST SUITE OUTPUT END -----')
+ break
+def create_new_job(name, build_device):
+ job = OrderedDict({
+ 'health_check': False,
+ 'job_name': name,
+ 'device_type': build_device,
+ 'tags': [ ],
+ 'timeout': 7200,
+ 'actions': []
+ })
+ if build_device in 'x86':
+ job['tags'].append('dev-sda1')
+ return job
+def get_boot_cmd():
+ command = OrderedDict({
+ 'command': 'boot_image'
+ })
+ return command
+def get_config_cmd(build_device):
+ packages=['bsdtar', 'psmisc', 'wget', 'python3', 'python3-pip', \
+ 'libglib2.0-dev', 'libffi-dev', 'elfutils', 'libdw-dev', \
+ 'libelf-dev', 'libmount-dev', 'libxml2', 'libpfm4-dev', \
+ 'libnuma-dev', 'python3-dev', 'swig', 'stress']
+ command = OrderedDict({
+ 'command': 'lava_command_run',
+ 'parameters': {
+ 'commands': [
+ 'cat /etc/resolv.conf',
+ 'echo nameserver > /etc/resolv.conf',
+ 'groupadd tracing'
+ ],
+ 'timeout':300
+ }
+ })
+ if build_device in 'x86':
+ command['parameters']['commands'].extend([
+ 'mount /dev/sda1 /tmp',
+ 'rm -rf /tmp/*'])
+ command['parameters']['commands'].extend([
+ 'depmod -a',
+ 'locale-gen en_US.UTF-8',
+ 'apt-get update',
+ 'apt-get upgrade',
+ 'apt-get install -y {}'.format(' '.join(packages))
+ ])
+ return command
+def get_baremetal_benchmarks_cmd():
+ command = OrderedDict({
+ 'command': 'lava_test_shell',
+ 'parameters': {
+ 'testdef_repos': [
+ {
+ 'git-repo': 'https://github.com/lttng/lttng-ci.git',
+ 'revision': 'master',
+ 'testdef': 'lava/system-tests/failing-close.yml'
+ },
+ {
+ 'git-repo': 'https://github.com/lttng/lttng-ci.git',
+ 'revision': 'master',
+ 'testdef': 'lava/system-tests/failing-ioctl.yml'
+ },
+ {
+ 'git-repo': 'https://github.com/lttng/lttng-ci.git',
+ 'revision': 'master',
+ 'testdef': 'lava/system-tests/failing-open-efault.yml'
+ },
+ {
+ 'git-repo': 'https://github.com/lttng/lttng-ci.git',
+ 'revision': 'master',
+ 'testdef': 'lava/system-tests/success-dup-close.yml'
+ },
+ {
+ 'git-repo': 'https://github.com/lttng/lttng-ci.git',
+ 'revision': 'master',
+ 'testdef': 'lava/system-tests/raw-syscall-getpid.yml'
+ },
+ {
+ 'git-repo': 'https://github.com/lttng/lttng-ci.git',
+ 'revision': 'master',
+ 'testdef': 'lava/system-tests/failing-open-enoent.yml'
+ },
+ {
+ 'git-repo': 'https://github.com/lttng/lttng-ci.git',
+ 'revision': 'master',
+ 'testdef': 'lava/system-tests/lttng-test-filter.yml'
+ }
+ ],
+ 'timeout': 7200
+ }
+ })
+ return command
+def get_baremetal_tests_cmd():
+ command = OrderedDict({
+ 'command': 'lava_test_shell',
+ 'parameters': {
+ 'testdef_repos': [
+ {
+ 'git-repo': 'https://github.com/lttng/lttng-ci.git',
+ 'revision': 'master',
+ 'testdef': 'lava/system-tests/perf-tests.yml'
+ }
+ ],
+ 'timeout': 3600
+ }
+ })
+ return command
+def get_kvm_tests_cmd():
+ command = OrderedDict({
+ 'command': 'lava_test_shell',
+ 'parameters': {
+ 'testdef_repos': [
+ {
+ 'git-repo': 'https://github.com/lttng/lttng-ci.git',
+ 'revision': 'master',
+ 'testdef': 'lava/system-tests/kernel-tests.yml'
+ },
+ {
+ 'git-repo': 'https://github.com/lttng/lttng-ci.git',
+ 'revision': 'master',
+ 'testdef': 'lava/system-tests/destructive-tests.yml'
+ }
+ ],
+ 'timeout': 7200
+ }
+ })
+ return command
+def get_kprobes_generate_data_cmd():
+ random_seed = random.randint(0, 1000000)
+ command = OrderedDict({
+ 'command': 'lava_test_shell',
+ 'parameters': {
+ 'testdef_repos': [
+ {
+ 'git-repo': 'https://github.com/lttng/lttng-ci.git',
+ 'revision': 'master',
+ 'testdef': 'lava/system-tests/kprobe-fuzzing-generate-data.yml',
+ 'parameters': { 'RANDOM_SEED': str(random_seed) }
+ }
+ ],
+ 'timeout': 60
+ }
+ })
+ return command
+def get_kprobes_test_cmd(round_nb):
+ command = OrderedDict({
+ 'command': 'lava_test_shell',
+ 'parameters': {
+ 'testdef_repos': [
+ {
+ 'git-repo': 'https://github.com/lttng/lttng-ci.git',
+ 'revision': 'master',
+ 'testdef': 'lava/system-tests/kprobe-fuzzing-tests.yml',
+ 'parameters': { 'ROUND_NB': str(round_nb) }
+ }
+ ],
+ 'timeout': 1000
+ }
+ })
+ return command
+def get_results_cmd(stream_name):
+ command = OrderedDict({
+ 'command': 'submit_results',
+ 'parameters': {
+ 'server': 'http://lava-master.internal.efficios.com/RPC2/'
+ }
+ })
+ command['parameters']['stream']='/anonymous/'+stream_name+'/'
+ return command
+def get_deploy_cmd_kvm(jenkins_job, kernel_path, linux_modules_path, lttng_modules_path):
+ command = OrderedDict({
+ 'command': 'deploy_kernel',
+ 'metadata': {},
+ 'parameters': {
+ 'customize': {},
+ 'kernel': None,
+ 'target_type': 'ubuntu',
+ 'rootfs': 'file:///var/lib/lava-server/default/media/images/xenial.img.gz',
+ 'login_prompt': 'kvm02 login:',
+ 'username': 'root'
+ }
+ })
+ command['parameters']['customize'][SCP_PATH+linux_modules_path]=['rootfs:/','archive']
+ command['parameters']['customize'][SCP_PATH+lttng_modules_path]=['rootfs:/','archive']
+ command['parameters']['kernel'] = str(SCP_PATH+kernel_path)
+ command['metadata']['jenkins_jobname'] = jenkins_job
+ return command
+def get_deploy_cmd_x86(jenkins_job, kernel_path, linux_modules_path, lttng_modules_path, nb_iter=None):
+ command = OrderedDict({
+ 'command': 'deploy_kernel',
+ 'metadata': {},
+ 'parameters': {
+ 'overlays': [],
+ 'kernel': None,
+ 'nfsrootfs': str(SCP_PATH+'/storage/jenkins-lava/rootfs/rootfs_amd64_trusty_2016-02-23-1134.tar.gz'),
+ 'target_type': 'ubuntu'
+ }
+ })
+ command['parameters']['overlays'].append( str(SCP_PATH+linux_modules_path))
+ command['parameters']['overlays'].append( str(SCP_PATH+lttng_modules_path))
+ command['parameters']['kernel'] = str(SCP_PATH+kernel_path)
+ command['metadata']['jenkins_jobname'] = jenkins_job
+ if nb_iter is not None:
+ command['metadata']['nb_iterations'] = nb_iter
+ return command
+def get_env_setup_cmd(build_device, lttng_tools_commit, lttng_ust_commit=None):
+ command = OrderedDict({
+ 'command': 'lava_command_run',
+ 'parameters': {
+ 'commands': [
+ 'pip3 install --upgrade pip',
+ 'hash -r',
+ 'pip3 install vlttng',
+ ],
+ 'timeout': 3600
+ }
+ })
+ vlttng_cmd = 'vlttng --jobs=$(nproc) --profile urcu-master' \
+ ' --override projects.babeltrace.build-env.PYTHON=python3' \
+ ' --override projects.babeltrace.build-env.PYTHON_CONFIG=python3-config' \
+ ' --profile babeltrace-stable-1.4' \
+ ' --profile babeltrace-python' \
+ ' --profile lttng-tools-master' \
+ ' --override projects.lttng-tools.checkout='+lttng_tools_commit + \
+ ' --profile lttng-tools-no-man-pages'
+ if lttng_ust_commit is not None:
+ vlttng_cmd += ' --profile lttng-ust-master ' \
+ ' --override projects.lttng-ust.checkout='+lttng_ust_commit+ \
+ ' --profile lttng-ust-no-man-pages'
+ virtenv_path = None
+ if build_device in 'kvm':
+ virtenv_path = '/root/virtenv'
+ else:
+ virtenv_path = '/tmp/virtenv'
+ vlttng_cmd += ' '+virtenv_path
+ command['parameters']['commands'].append(vlttng_cmd)
+ command['parameters']['commands'].append('ln -s '+virtenv_path+' /root/lttngvenv')
+ command['parameters']['commands'].append('sync')
+ return command
+def main():
+ test_type = None
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Launch baremetal test using Lava')
+ parser.add_argument('-t', '--type', required=True)
+ parser.add_argument('-j', '--jobname', required=True)
+ parser.add_argument('-k', '--kernel', required=True)
+ parser.add_argument('-km', '--kmodule', required=True)
+ parser.add_argument('-lm', '--lmodule', required=True)
+ parser.add_argument('-tc', '--tools-commit', required=True)
+ parser.add_argument('-uc', '--ust-commit', required=False)
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ if args.type not in TestType.values:
+ print('argument -t/--type {} unrecognized.'.format(args.type))
+ print('Possible values are:')
+ for k in TestType.values:
+ print('\t {}'.format(k))
+ return -1
+ test_type = TestType.values[args.type]
+ lava_api_key = None
+ try:
+ lava_api_key = os.environ['LAVA_JENKINS_TOKEN']
+ except Exception as e:
+ print('LAVA_JENKINS_TOKEN not found in the environment variable. Exiting...', e )
+ return -1
+ if test_type is TestType.baremetal_benchmarks:
+ j = create_new_job(args.jobname, build_device='x86')
+ j['actions'].append(get_deploy_cmd_x86(args.jobname, args.kernel, args.kmodule, args.lmodule))
+ elif test_type is TestType.baremetal_tests:
+ j = create_new_job(args.jobname, build_device='x86')
+ j['actions'].append(get_deploy_cmd_x86(args.jobname, args.kernel, args.kmodule, args.lmodule))
+ elif test_type is TestType.kvm_tests or test_type is TestType.kvm_fuzzing_tests:
+ j = create_new_job(args.jobname, build_device='kvm')
+ j['actions'].append(get_deploy_cmd_kvm(args.jobname, args.kernel, args.kmodule, args.lmodule))
+ j['actions'].append(get_boot_cmd())
+ if test_type is TestType.baremetal_benchmarks:
+ j['actions'].append(get_config_cmd('x86'))
+ j['actions'].append(get_env_setup_cmd('x86', args.tools_commit))
+ j['actions'].append(get_baremetal_benchmarks_cmd())
+ j['actions'].append(get_results_cmd(stream_name='benchmark-kernel'))
+ elif test_type is TestType.baremetal_tests:
+ if args.ust_commit is None:
+ print('Tests runs need -uc/--ust-commit options. Exiting...')
+ return -1
+ j['actions'].append(get_config_cmd('x86'))
+ j['actions'].append(get_env_setup_cmd('x86', args.tools_commit, args.ust_commit))
+ j['actions'].append(get_baremetal_tests_cmd())
+ j['actions'].append(get_results_cmd(stream_name='tests-kernel'))
+ elif test_type is TestType.kvm_tests:
+ if args.ust_commit is None:
+ print('Tests runs need -uc/--ust-commit options. Exiting...')
+ return -1
+ j['actions'].append(get_config_cmd('kvm'))
+ j['actions'].append(get_env_setup_cmd('kvm', args.tools_commit, args.ust_commit))
+ j['actions'].append(get_kvm_tests_cmd())
+ j['actions'].append(get_results_cmd(stream_name='tests-kernel'))
+ elif test_type is TestType.kvm_fuzzing_tests:
+ if args.ust_commit is None:
+ print('Tests runs need -uc/--ust-commit options. Exiting...')
+ return -1
+ j['actions'].append(get_config_cmd('kvm'))
+ j['actions'].append(get_kprobes_generate_data_cmd())
+ for i in range(10):
+ j['actions'].append(get_kprobes_test_cmd(round_nb=i))
+ j['actions'].append(get_results_cmd(stream_name='tests-kernel'))
+ else:
+ assert False, 'Unknown test type'
+ server = xmlrpc.client.ServerProxy('http://%s:%s@%s/RPC2' % (USERNAME, lava_api_key, HOSTNAME))
+ jobid = server.scheduler.submit_job(json.dumps(j))
+ print('Lava jobid:{}'.format(jobid))
+ print('Lava job URL: http://lava-master.internal.efficios.com/scheduler/job/{}/log_file'.format(jobid))
+ #Check the status of the job every 30 seconds
+ jobstatus = server.scheduler.job_status(jobid)['job_status']
+ not_running = False
+ while jobstatus in 'Submitted' or jobstatus in 'Running':
+ if not_running is False and jobstatus in 'Running':
+ print('Job started running')
+ not_running = True
+ time.sleep(30)
+ jobstatus = server.scheduler.job_status(jobid)['job_status']
+ if test_type is TestType.kvm_tests or test_type is TestType.baremetal_tests:
+ print_test_output(server, jobid)
+ elif test_type is TestType.baremetal_benchmarks:
+ fetch_benchmark_results(server, jobid)
+ print('Job ended with {} status.'.format(jobstatus))
+ if jobstatus not in 'Complete':
+ return -1
+ else:
+ passed, failed=check_job_all_test_cases_state_count(server, jobid)
+ print('With {} passed and {} failed Lava test cases.'.format(passed, failed))
+ if failed == 0:
+ return 0
+ else:
+ return -1
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ sys.exit(main())