const LttvTracefileContext *trace_b = (const LttvTracefileContext *)b;
if(likely(trace_a != trace_b)) {
- comparison = ltt_time_compare(trace_a->timestamp, trace_b->timestamp);
+ comparison = ltt_time_compare(trace_b->timestamp, trace_a->timestamp);
if(unlikely(comparison == 0)) {
if(trace_a->index < trace_b->index) comparison = -1;
else if(trace_a->index > trace_b->index) comparison = 1;
else if(trace_a->t_context->index > trace_b->t_context->index)
comparison = 1;
- } else {
- comparison = 0;
return comparison;
static gboolean get_first(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data) {
+ g_assert(key == value);
*((LttvTracefileContext **)user_data) = (LttvTracefileContext *)value;
return TRUE;
static gboolean test_tree(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data) {
- g_assert(((LttvTracefileContext *)user_data) != (LttvTracefileContext *)value);
+ LttvTracefileContext *tfc = (LttvTracefileContext *)key;
+ g_debug("Tracefile name %s, time %lu.%lu, tfi %u, ti %u",
+ g_quark_to_string(ltt_tracefile_name(tfc->tf)),
+ tfc->timestamp.tv_sec, tfc->timestamp.tv_nsec,
+ tfc->index, tfc->t_context->index);
+ if(((LttvTracefileContext *)user_data) == (LttvTracefileContext *)value) {
+ g_assert(compare_tracefile(user_data, value) == 0);
+ } else
+ g_assert(compare_tracefile(user_data, value) != 0);
+ //g_assert(((LttvTracefileContext *)user_data) != (LttvTracefileContext *)value);
return FALSE;
or more tracefiles have events for the same time, hope that lookup
and remove are consistent. */
+ g_debug("test tree before remove");
+ g_tree_foreach(pqueue, test_tree, tfc);
g_tree_remove(pqueue, tfc);
+ g_debug("test tree after remove");
g_tree_foreach(pqueue, test_tree, tfc);
e = ltt_tracefile_get_event(tfc->tf);
read_ret = ltt_tracefile_read(tfc->tf);
if(likely(!read_ret)) {
- g_debug("got someting");
+ g_debug("An event is ready");
tfc->timestamp = ltt_event_time(e);
g_tree_insert(pqueue, tfc, tfc);
} else {
if(read_ret == ERANGE)
for(i = 0 ; i < nb_tracefile ; i++) {
tfc = g_array_index(self->tracefiles, LttvTracefileContext*, i);
+ g_tree_remove(pqueue, tfc);
ret = ltt_tracefile_seek_time(tfc->tf, start);
if(ret == EPERM) g_error("error in lttv_process_trace_seek_time seek");
- g_tree_remove(pqueue, tfc);
if(ret == 0) { /* not ERANGE especially */
tfc->timestamp = ltt_event_time(ltt_tracefile_get_event(tfc->tf));