--- /dev/null
+- hosts: localhost
+ vars:
+ # Useful for taking the first snapshot of a new rootnode
+ - revert_before: true
+ vars_prompt:
+ - name: target_rootnode
+ private: false
+ - name: rootnode_host
+ private: false
+ - name: snapshot_name
+ default: 'base-configuration'
+ private: false
+ vars_files:
+ - ../vars/ci-instances.yml
+ tasks:
+ # - Set a maintenance on the jenkins node
+ # - Wait until the task is done
+ # - Maybe interrupt the jenkins tasks
+ - name: Revert target rootnode
+ when: revert_before
+ ansible.builtin.command:
+ argv: ['virsh', 'snapshot-revert', "{{target_rootnode}}", '--snapshotname', "{{snapshot_name}}", '--running']
+ delegate_to: "{{rootnode_host}}"
+ - name: Wait for target rootnode to come back online
+ local_action: wait_for host={{ target_rootnode }}
+ port=22
+ delay=1
+ timeout=300
+ state=started
+ - ansible.builtin.pause:
+ prompt: "Run any playbooks or make other changes against {{target_rootnode}} then hit enter when ready to continue (Ctrl-C to abort)"
+ - name: Remove the jenkins workspace
+ ansible.builtin.file:
+ path: "{{item}}"
+ state: absent
+ with_items:
+ - /root/workspace
+ - /home/jenkins/workspace
+ delegate_to: "{{target_rootnode}}"
+ - name: Stop the VM
+ ansible.builtin.command:
+ argv: ['virsh', 'destroy', "{{target_rootnode}}"]
+ delegate_to: "{{rootnode_host}}"
+ - name: Check for existing base snapshot
+ ansible.builtin.shell:
+ cmd: "virsh snapshot-list '{{target_rootnode}}' --name | grep -E '^{{snapshot_name}}$'"
+ ignore_errors: true
+ register: existing_snapshot
+ delegate_to: "{{rootnode_host}}"
+ - name: Remove existing base snapshot
+ when: existing_snapshot.rc == 0
+ ansible.builtin.command:
+ argv: ['virsh', 'snapshot-delete', '--snapshotname', "{{snapshot_name}}", "{{target_rootnode}}"]
+ delegate_to: "{{rootnode_host}}"
+ - name: Snapshot
+ ansible.builtin.command:
+ argv: ['virsh', 'snapshot-create-as', '--name', "{{snapshot_name}}", "{{target_rootnode}}"]
+ delegate_to: "{{rootnode_host}}"
+ - name: Start the vm
+ ansible.builtin.command:
+ argv: ['virsh', 'start', "{{target_rootnode}}"]
+ delegate_to: "{{rootnode_host}}"
+ # - Remove maintenance on the jenkins node