# Nodejs
# Using Debian, as root
apt-add-repository ppa:brightbox/ruby-ng
+apt-get update
apt-get install -y ruby${RUBY_VERSION} ruby${RUBY_VERSION}-dev ruby-switch ruby-bundler
ruby-switch --list
# As we've already opened a venv, set SKIP_VENV so the python job doesn't
# create a second nested virtual environment.
TERM=dumb SKIP_VENV=1 grunt build:prod --verbose
+apt-get install -y linkchecker
+grunt connect:prod watch:prod &
+sleep 10 # While serve:prod starts up
+OUTPUT_FILE="$(mktemp -d)/linkchecker-out.csv"
+chown nobody "$(dirname "${OUTPUT_FILE}")"
+# @Note: Only internal links are checked by default
+if ! linkchecker -q -F "csv/utf-8/${OUTPUT_FILE}" http://localhost:10000/ ; then
+ echo "Linkchecker failed or found broken links"
+ cat "${OUTPUT_FILE}"
+ kill "${SERVER_PID}"
+ rm -rf "${OUTPUT_FILE}/.."
+ sleep 5 # Let serve:prod stop
+ exit 1
+ rm -rf "${OUTPUT_FILE}/.."
+ kill "${SERVER_PID}"
grunt deploy:prod --verbose
# In the venv functions generated by the version of python installed on bionic