MARKERS=`cat /proc/ltt|grep -v %k|awk '{print $2 " " $4}'|sort -u|grep -v ^metadata|grep -v ^locking|grep -v ^lockdep`
#separator is newline, ensure compatibility with bash and ash
for a in $MARKERS; do
echo Connecting $a
#Uncomment the following to also record lockdep events.
#MARKERS=`cat /proc/ltt|grep -v %k|awk '{print $2}'|sort -u|grep -e ^tap_ -e ^lockdep`
-#separator is newline, ensure compatibility with bash and ash
for a in $MARKERS; do
echo Connecting $a
echo Disconnecting all markers
MARKERS=`cat /proc/ltt|grep -v %k|awk '{print $2 " " $4}'|sort -u|grep -v ^metadata|grep -v ^locking|grep -v ^lockdep|grep -v ^tap`
#separator is newline, ensure compatibility with bash and ash
for a in $MARKERS; do echo Disconnecting $a; echo "disconnect $a" > /proc/ltt; done
# Markers starting with "tap_" are considered high-speed.
#Uncomment the following to also stop recording lockdep events.
#MARKERS=`cat /proc/ltt|grep -v %k|awk '{print $2}'|sort -u|grep -e ^tap_ -e ^lockdep`
-#separator is newline, ensure compatibility with bash and ash
for a in $MARKERS; do
echo Disconnecting $a