jgit was used on Windows jobs to work around a path lenght limitation
that can now be configured with the regular git client using the
core.longpaths option.
Signed-off-by: Michael Jeanson <mjeanson@efficios.com>
name: babeltrace_{version}_winbuild
defaults: babeltrace
- # Use jgit on windows to work around path too long error
- scm:
- - git:
- url: git://github.com/{github_user}/{github_name}.git
- browser: githubweb
- browser-url: https://github.com/{github_user}/{github_name}
- branches:
- - origin/{version}
- basedir: src/babeltrace
- skip-tag: true
- git-tool: jgit
<<: *babeltrace_build_axes_defaults
<<: *babeltrace_build_builders_win
<<: *babeltrace_build_publishers_prod
- origin/{version}
basedir: src/liburcu
skip-tag: true
- git-tool: jgit
- pollscm:
name: arch
values: '{obj:arch}'
- scm:
- - git:
- url: https://github.com/{github_user}/{github_project}.git
- browser: githubweb
- browser-url: https://github.com/{github_user}/{github_project}
- branches:
- - origin/{version}
- skip-tag: true
- git-tool: 'jgit' # Use jgit on windows to work around path too long
- workspace-cleanup
- timestamps
- origin/{version}
basedir: src/lttng-tools
skip-tag: true
- git-tool: jgit
- pollscm: