CURDIR=$(dirname $0)/
TRACE_PATH=$(mktemp -d)
destroy_lttng_session_ok $SESSION_NAME
touch $file_sync_before_exit
- diag "Wait for application to exit"
+ diag "Waiting for application to exit"
wait $app_pid
pass "Wait for application to exit"
diag "Wait for viewer to exit"
clean_path $bt_output_path
+function test_ust_streaming_live_viewer_new_metadata_after_clear ()
+ local tracing_active=$1
+ local clear_twice=$2
+ # 3, 4 unused
+ local buffer_type=$5
+ local local_path="${TRACE_PATH}/${HOSTNAME}/${SESSION_NAME}*"
+ local remote_trace_path="${HOSTNAME}/${SESSION_NAME}"
+ local channel_name="chan"
+ local bt_output_path
+ local bt_error_path
+ local file_sync_before_exit
+ bt_output_path=$(mktemp -d)/bt-output.txt
+ bt_error_path=$(mktemp -d)/bt-output.err
+ file_sync_before_exit=$(mktemp -u)
+ diag "Test ust streaming live clear with viewer with new metadata after clear"
+ diag "Parameters: tracing_active=$tracing_active, clear_twice=$clear_twice, buffer_type=$buffer_type"
+ create_lttng_session_uri "$SESSION_NAME" net://localhost "--live"
+ enable_ust_lttng_channel_ok "$SESSION_NAME" $channel_name "--buffers-$buffer_type"
+ # The vpid context is added to filter events based on the vpid of the
+ # test application as state dump events are used. Regenerating a
+ # state dump will cause other instrumented application on the system
+ # to trigger a state dump which would throw off checks that rely on an
+ # event count.
+ add_context_ust_ok "$SESSION_NAME" $channel_name "vpid"
+ enable_ust_lttng_event_ok "$SESSION_NAME" $EVENT_NAME $channel_name
+ start_lttng_tracing_ok "$SESSION_NAME"
+ wait_live_trace_ready net://localhost
+ # Connect a live viewer
+ $BABELTRACE_BIN -i lttng-live "net://localhost/host/$remote_trace_path" 1> "$bt_output_path" 2> "$bt_error_path" &
+ local viewer_pid=$!
+ wait_live_viewer_connect net://localhost
+ $TESTAPP_BIN -i 10 --sync-before-exit "$file_sync_before_exit" &
+ local app_pid=$!
+ diag "Wait until viewer sees all 10 expected events"
+ local evcount=0
+ while [ $evcount -ne 10 ]; do
+ evcount=$(wc -l < "$bt_output_path")
+ sleep 0.5
+ done
+ pass "Live viewer read $evcount events, expect 10"
+ do_clear_session "$SESSION_NAME" "$tracing_active" "$clear_twice" 0 0
+ # Enable new events which will add their descriptions to the metadata
+ # file. This validates that, following a clear, the relay daemon rotates
+ # the metadata viewer stream to the new metadata file.
+ enable_ust_lttng_event_filter "$SESSION_NAME" $EVENT_STATE_DUMP_START "\$ctx.vpid == $app_pid" $channel_name
+ enable_ust_lttng_event_filter "$SESSION_NAME" $EVENT_STATE_DUMP_END "\$ctx.vpid == $app_pid" $channel_name
+ # Forcing a state dump to produce the two events enabled above
+ regenerate_statedump_ok "$SESSION_NAME"
+ diag "Wait until viewer sees all 12 expected events"
+ local evcount=0
+ while [ $evcount -ne 12 ]; do
+ evcount=$(wc -l < "$bt_output_path")
+ sleep 0.5
+ done
+ pass "Live viewer read $evcount events, expect 12"
+ stop_lttng_tracing_ok "$SESSION_NAME"
+ destroy_lttng_session_ok "$SESSION_NAME"
+ touch "$file_sync_before_exit"
+ diag "Waiting for application to exit"
+ wait $app_pid
+ pass "Wait for application to exit"
+ diag "Wait for viewer to exit"
+ wait $viewer_pid
+ ok $? "Babeltrace succeeds"
+ pass "Wait for viewer to exit"
+ clean_path "$bt_output_path"
+ clean_path "$bt_error_path"
function test_ust_local ()
local tracing_active=$1
+ test_ust_streaming_live_viewer_new_metadata_after_clear