Stop waiting for rotations when the trace exceeds a certain size cutoff.
This prevents those tests from filling a hard drive when they fail.
However, this check is racy since it is possible for an arbitrary number
of apps to run before the session daemon gets a chance to perform the
scheduled rotations.
Signed-off-by: Jérémie Galarneau <>
Change-Id: I465462e6f1d5c17ada2b3aceb68662d8663254eb
local produce_events=$1
local trace_path=$2
local target_archive_count=$3
+ local trace_size_cutoff=$4
local archive_count=0
+ local trace_size=0
diag "Waiting for $target_archive_count size-based rotations to occur"
- while [[ archive_count -lt $target_archive_count ]]
+ while [[ archive_count -lt $target_archive_count && $trace_size -lt $trace_size_cutoff ]]
archive_count=$(find "$trace_path" -mindepth 2 -maxdepth 2 -type d -path "*archives*" | wc -l)
+ trace_size=$(du -b "$trace_path" | tail -n1 | cut -f1)
$produce_events 2000
+ if [[ $trace_size -ge $trace_size_cutoff ]]; then
+ diag "Exceeded size cutoff of $trace_size_cutoff bytes while waiting for $target_archive_count rotations"
+ fi
[[ $archive_count -eq $target_archive_count ]]
ok $? "Found $target_archive_count trace archives resulting from trace archive rotations"
lttng_enable_rotation_size_ok $SESSION_NAME $size_threshold
start_lttng_tracing_ok $SESSION_NAME
- trace_until_n_archives produce_n_events "$TRACE_PATH" 5
+ # Cutoff at 100 times the expected size
+ trace_until_n_archives produce_n_events "$TRACE_PATH" 5 $((5 * 100 * size_threshold))
destroy_lttng_session_ok $SESSION_NAME
lttng_enable_rotation_size_ok $SESSION_NAME $size_threshold
start_lttng_tracing_ok $SESSION_NAME
- trace_until_n_archives produce_n_events "$TRACE_PATH" 5
+ # Cutoff at 100 times the expected size
+ trace_until_n_archives produce_n_events "$TRACE_PATH" 5 $((5 * 100 * size_threshold))
destroy_lttng_session_ok $SESSION_NAME
lttng_enable_rotation_size_ok $SESSION_NAME $size_threshold
start_lttng_tracing_ok $SESSION_NAME
- trace_until_n_archives produce_n_events "$TRACE_PATH" 3
+ # Cutoff at 100 times the expected size
+ trace_until_n_archives produce_n_events "$TRACE_PATH" 3 $((3 * 100 * size_threshold))
destroy_lttng_session_ok $SESSION_NAME