This package contains the trace reading library and trace viewing tools for
-the new Linux Trace Toolkit trace format. The associated kernel files to
-generate the new traces are not yet included. In the meantime, a converter
-from the old trace format to the new is provided. For more detailed information
-see doc/developer/index.html
+the new Linux Trace Toolkit trace format. It also contains the lttd, lttctl and
+liblttctl programs which are necessary to obtain a trace.
* Compiling
To compile the source tree from a tarball, simply follow these steps :
-- run ./configure
+- ./configure
- make
- make install
* Quick Start
-- Create a trace
-- Convert it
-- Run ./lttv -m guievents -m guicontrolflow -m guievents -t path_to_trace
* Source Tree Structure
-This is a sample of the suggested tree for Linux Trace Toolkit.
+Here is the tree structure of the Linux Trace Toolkit Viewer package.
-ltt: new trace format reading library (and converter).
+ltt: new trace format reading library.
README: This file.
debian: debian config files (currently empty).
doc: Documentation.
doc/user: User related documentation.
doc/developer: Developer related documentation.
-kernel: Linux Trace Toolkit kernel code (currently empty).
-lttd: Linux Trace Toolkit daemon (currently empty).
+liblttctl: Library to communicate with the kernel tracer control module.
+lttctl: Command line program to use the liblttctl library.
+lttd: Linux Trace Toolkit daemon.
lttv: Linux Trace Toolkit trace analysis tool and viewer.
lttv/modules: Linux Trace Toolkit analysis tool and viewer plugin modules.
specs: RPM config files (currently empty).
-* The rest of the tools
-You must use the lastest versions of patches for the Linux Kernel. That includes
-relayfs and ltt patches, available on the ltt-dev mailing list at
- You will find there the
-lastest version of the trace daemon that must be used to create the traces. (in
-the TraceToolkit package)
-Once your traces are created, you must use the convert tool to create a trace in
-the proper format from them.
* For Developers
This source tree is based on the autotools suite from GNU to simplify