import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.ticker import MaxNLocator
from cycler import cycler
+from collections import OrderedDict
def rename_cols(df):
new_cols = {'baseline_1thr_peritermean': 'basel_1thr',
return df
def create_plot(df, graph_type):
- # We split the data into two plots so it's easier to read
- lower = ['basel_{}thr'.format(s) for s in [1,2,4]]
- lower += ['lttng_{}thr'.format(s) for s in [1,2,4]]
- upper = ['basel_{}thr'.format(s) for s in [8, 16]]
- upper += ['lttng_{}thr'.format(s) for s in [8, 16]]
- lower_stdev = ['{}_stdev'.format(s) for s in lower]
- upper_stdev = ['{}_stdev'.format(s) for s in upper]
- lower_color = ['lightcoral', 'gray', 'chartreuse', 'red', 'black', 'forestgreen']
- upper_color = ['deepskyblue', 'orange', 'mediumblue', 'saddlebrown']
+ # We map all test configurations and their
+ # respective color
+ conf_to_color = OrderedDict([
+ ('basel_1thr','lightcoral'),
+ ('lttng_1thr','red'),
+ ('basel_2thr','gray'),
+ ('lttng_2thr','black'),
+ ('basel_4thr','chartreuse'),
+ ('lttng_4thr','forestgreen'),
+ ('basel_8thr','deepskyblue'),
+ ('lttng_8thr','mediumblue'),
+ ('basel_16thr','orange'),
+ ('lttng_16thr','saddlebrown')])
+ # We create a list for each of the subplots
+ baseline = [x for x in conf_to_color.keys() if 'basel' in x]
+ lttng = [x for x in conf_to_color.keys() if 'lttng' in x]
+ one_thr = [x for x in conf_to_color.keys() if '_1thr' in x]
+ two_thr = [x for x in conf_to_color.keys() if '_2thr' in x]
+ four_thr = [x for x in conf_to_color.keys() if '_4thr' in x]
+ eight_thr = [x for x in conf_to_color.keys() if '_8thr' in x]
+ sixteen_thr = [x for x in conf_to_color.keys() if '_16thr' in x]
+ plots = [baseline, lttng, one_thr, two_thr, four_thr, eight_thr, sixteen_thr]
title='Meantime per syscalls for {} testcase'.format(graph_type)
- # Create a plot with 2 sub-plots
- f, arrax = plt.subplots(2, sharex=True, figsize=(12, 14))
- f.suptitle(title, fontsize=18)
+ # Create a axe object for each sub-plots
+ f, arrax = plt.subplots(len(plots), sharex=True, figsize=(16, 25))
+ f.suptitle(title, fontsize=20)
- for (ax, data_cols, stdev_cols, colors) in zip(arrax, [lower, upper], [lower_stdev, upper_stdev], [lower_color,upper_color]):
+ for (ax, data_cols) in zip(arrax, plots):
curr_df = df[data_cols]
+ stdev_cols = ['{}_stdev'.format(x) for x in data_cols]
+ # Extract the color for each configuration
+ colors = [conf_to_color[x] for x in data_cols]
# set the color cycler for this plot
ax.set_prop_cycle(cycler('color', colors))
ax.set_xlabel('Jenkins Build ID')
ax.set_ylabel('Meantime per syscall [us]')
- ax.legend(labels=curr_df.columns.values, bbox_to_anchor=(1.2,1))
+ ax.legend(prop={'family': 'monospace'},
+ labels=curr_df.columns.values, bbox_to_anchor=(1.2,1))
+ plt.subplots_adjust(top=0.95)
plt.savefig('{}.png'.format(graph_type), bbox_inches='tight')
# Writes a file that contains commit id of all configurations shown in the