deb experimental main
deb-src experimental main
-Then, perform the following :
+* Install from precompiled binary packages (LTTV compiled only for i386, and
+ LTTng only for i686 smp), perform the following :
su -
apt-get update
apt-get install lttv lttv-doc
+apt-get install kernel-image-2.6.12-rc4-mm2-lttng-0.4.1
+apt-get install lttng-modules-modules-2.6.12-rc4-mm2-lttng-0.4.1
* note : the packages are signed by myself. I am not considered a trusted
Debian source yet, so warnings are normal.
-Packages are only available for i386. If you want to create packages for other
-platforms, do :
+Then, follow the section "Editing the system wide configuration" in section 2.
+* Create custom LTTV Debian packages
+Binary packages are only available for i386. If you want to create your own LTTV
+packages for other platforms, do :
+su -
+cd /usr/src
apt-get source lttv
cd lttv-0.6.7
dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot
-You should then have your .deb files created for your architecture.
+You should then have your LTTV .deb files created for your architecture.
+* Create custom LTTng packages
+For building LTTng Debian packages :
+su -
+apt-get install kernel-source-2.6.12-rc4-mm2-lttng-0.4.1
+cd /usr/src
+bzip2 -cd kernel-source-2.6.12-rc4-mm2-lttng-0.4.1.tar.bz2 | tar xvof -
+cd kernel-source-2.6.12-rc4-mm2-lttng-0.4.1
+make menuconfig (or xconfig or config) (customize your configuration)
+make-kpkg kernel_image
+You will then see your freshly created .deb in /usr/src. Install it with
+dpkg -i /usr/src/(image-name).deb
+You will also need to create a package for the lttng-modules :
+su -
+cd /usr/src
+apt-get source lttng-modules
+cd kernel-source-2.6.12-rc4-mm2-lttng-0.4.1
+make-kpkg --added_modules /usr/src/lttng-modules-0.3 modules_image
+You will then see your freshly created .deb in /usr/src. Install it with
+dpkg -i /usr/src/lttng-modules-modules-(your version).deb
+Then, follow the section "Editing the system wide configuration" in section 2.
make modules_install
make install
-You must activate relayfs and specify a mount point. This is typically done in
-fstab such that it happens at boot time.
-If you have never used RelayFS before, these operation would do this for you :
-mkdir /mnt/relayfs
-cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.lttng.bkp
-echo "relayfs /mnt/relayfs relayfs rw 0 0" >> /etc/fstab
Select the Linux 2.6.12-rc4-mm2-lttng-0.4.1 kernel in your boot loader.
KERNELDIR=/usr/src/linux-2.6.12-rc4-mm2-lttng-0.4.1 make
KERNELDIR=/usr/src/linux-2.6.12-rc4-mm2-lttng-0.4.1 make modules_install
+* Editing the system wide configuration
+You must activate relayfs and specify a mount point. This is typically done in
+fstab such that it happens at boot time.
+If you have never used RelayFS before, these operation would do this for you :
+mkdir /mnt/relayfs
+cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.lttng.bkp
+echo "relayfs /mnt/relayfs relayfs rw 0 0" >> /etc/fstab
+then, rebooting or issuing the following command will activate relayfs :
+mount /mnt/relayfs
You need to load the ltt-control module to be able to control tracing from user
space. This is done by issuing the command :