return 0;
+ *Function name
+ * skipEvent_pre_read_cycles : go to the next event,
+ * update the necessary fields of the current event
+ * increment the cycle counter, save it at the end.
+ *Input params
+ * t : tracefile
+ *return value
+ * 0 : success
+ * ERANGE : event id is out of range
+ ****************************************************************************/
+int skipEvent_pre_read_cycles(LttTracefile * t)
+ int evId;
+ void * evData;
+ LttEventType * evT;
+ LttField * rootFld;
+ evId = (int)(*(guint16 *)(t->cur_event_pos));
+ evData = t->cur_event_pos + EVENT_HEADER_SIZE;
+ evT = ltt_trace_eventtype_get(t->trace,(unsigned)evId);
+ if(likely(evT)) rootFld = evT->root_field;
+ else return ERANGE;
+ if(likely(rootFld)){
+ //event has string/sequence or the last event is not the same event
+ if(likely((evT->latest_block!=t->which_block || evT->latest_event!=t->which_event)
+ && rootFld->field_fixed == 0)){
+ setFieldsOffset(t, evT, evData, t->trace);
+ }
+ t->cur_event_pos += EVENT_HEADER_SIZE + rootFld->field_size;
+ }else t->cur_event_pos += EVENT_HEADER_SIZE;
+ //evT->latest_block = t->which_block;
+ //evT->latest_event = t->which_event;
+ //the next event is in the next block
+ //if(unlikely(evId == TRACE_BLOCK_END)){
+ // Specify end of buffer reached.
+ // t->cur_event_pos = t->buffer + t->block_size;
+ //}else{
+ //g_critical("COUNT : %lu", t->cur_cycle_count);
+ //t->which_event++;
+ // t->current_event_time = getEventTime(t);
+ //}
+ return 0;
+ *Function name
+ * ltt_tracefile_pre_read_cycles :
+ * read the current event, increment the cycle counter
+ *Input params
+ * t : tracefile
+ *Return value
+ * False : end of bloc reached
+ ****************************************************************************/
+gboolean ltt_tracefile_pre_read_cycles(LttTracefile *tf)
+ int err;
+ //LttEvent event;
+ // if(unlikely(t->cur_event_pos == t->buffer + t->block_size)){
+ //if(unlikely(t->which_block == t->block_number)){
+ // return FALSE;
+ //}
+ // return FALSE; // end of bloc reached
+ //err = readBlock(t, t->which_block + 1);
+ //if(unlikely(err))g_error("Can not read tracefile");
+ //}
+ //event.event_id = (int)(*(guint16 *)(t->cur_event_pos));
+ //if(unlikely(event.event_id == TRACE_TIME_HEARTBEAT))
+ // t->cur_heart_beat_number++;
+ //t->prev_event_time = t->current_event_time;
+ // t->current_event_time = getEventTime(t);
+ //event.time_delta = *(guint32 *)(t->cur_event_pos + EVENT_ID_SIZE);
+ //event.event_time = t->current_event_time;
+ //event.event_cycle_count = t->cur_cycle_count;
+ //event.tracefile = t;
+ // = t->cur_event_pos + EVENT_HEADER_SIZE;
+ //event.which_block = t->which_block;
+ //event.which_event = t->which_event;
+ /* This is a workaround for fast position seek */
+ //event.last_event_pos = t->last_event_pos;
+ //event.prev_block_end_time = t->prev_block_end_time;
+ //event.prev_event_time = t->prev_event_time;
+ //event.pre_cycle_count = t->pre_cycle_count;
+ //event.count = t->count;
+ /* end of workaround */
+ /* Increment the cycle counter for the bloc */
+ LttTime time;
+ LttCycleCount cycle_count; // cycle count for the current event
+ LttCycleCount lEventTotalCycle; // Total cycles from start for event
+ LttCycleCount lEventNSec; // Total nsecs from start for event
+ LttTime lTimeOffset; // Time offset in struct LttTime
+ guint16 evId;
+ evId = *(guint16 *)tf->cur_event_pos;
+ // Calculate total time in cycles from start of buffer for this event
+ cycle_count = (LttCycleCount)*(guint32 *)(tf->cur_event_pos + EVENT_ID_SIZE);
+ //g_debug("event cycle count %llu", cycle_count);
+ if(unlikely(cycle_count < tf->pre_cycle_count)) tf->count++;
+ tf->pre_cycle_count = cycle_count;
+ cycle_count += (LttCycleCount)tf->count << 32;
+ //FIXME (MD)
+ // if(tf->cur_heart_beat_number > tf->count)
+ // cycle_count += (tf->cur_heart_beat_number - tf->count) << 32;
+ tf->cur_cycle_count = cycle_count;
+ //g_debug("cur cycle count %llu", cycle_count);
+ if(unlikely(evId == TRACE_BLOCK_START)){
+ //g_debug("BLOCK START");
+ }else if(unlikely(evId == TRACE_BLOCK_END)){
+ //g_debug("BLOCK END");
+ /* The goal of all this pre reading */
+ tf->a_block_end->cycle_count = tf->cur_cycle_count;
+ //g_debug("end of block cycle count : %llu", tf->cur_cycle_count);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ //update the fields of the current event and go to the next event
+ err = skipEvent_pre_read_cycles(tf);
+ if(unlikely(err == ERANGE)) g_error("event id is out of range\n");
+ return TRUE;
*Function name
* readBlock : read a block from the file
tf->which_event = 1;
tf->cur_event_pos = tf->buffer;//the beginning of the block, block start ev
tf->cur_heart_beat_number = 0;
+ /* read the whole block to precalculate total of cycles in it */
+ tf->count = 0;
+ tf->pre_cycle_count = 0;
+ tf->cur_cycle_count = tf->a_block_start->cycle_count;
+ while(likely(ltt_tracefile_pre_read_cycles(tf)));
+ /* put back pointer at the beginning */
+ tf->which_event = 1;
+ tf->cur_event_pos = tf->buffer;//the beginning of the block, block start ev
+ tf->cur_heart_beat_number = 0;
*Function name
* getCyclePerNsec : calculate cycles per nsec for current block
+ * MD: should have tracefile_read the whole block, so we know the
+ * total of cycles in it before being called.
*Input Params
* t : tracefile
tf->pre_cycle_count = cycle_count;
cycle_count += (LttCycleCount)tf->count << 32;
+ //FIXME (MD)
// if(tf->cur_heart_beat_number > tf->count)
- // cycle_count += tmpCycleCount * (tf->cur_heart_beat_number - tf->count);
+ // cycle_count += (tf->cur_heart_beat_number - tf->count) << 32;
tf->cur_cycle_count = cycle_count;