--- /dev/null
+## Defaults
+- defaults:
+ name: libsk
+ concurrent: true
+ description: |
+ <p>Job is managed by Jenkins Job Builder</p>
+ project-type: pipeline
+ publishers:
+ - workspace-cleanup
+ dsl: !include-jinja2: pipelines/libsk/pipeline.groovy
+ sandbox: true
+ wrappers:
+ - workspace-cleanup
+ - timestamps
+ - ansicolor
+ - inject: {}
+ # Job template variables
+ job_prefix: ''
+ buildtypes:
+ - linuxbuild
+ cctype: gcc
+ ccs:
+ - gcc
+ versions:
+ - master
+ builds: !!python/tuple [std]
+ confs: !!python/tuple [std]
+ platforms: !!python/tuple [deb12-amd64, deb12-i386, deb12-arm64, deb12-armhf, deb12-ppc64el, deb13-riscv64, yocto40-ppc64, yocto40-powerpc]
+ libsk_git_url: ssh://git@git.internal.efficios.com/odion/libsk.git
+ filter: ''
+ email_to: ''
+- job-template:
+ name: "{job_prefix}libsk_{versions}_{buildtypes}_{cctype}"
+ defaults: libsk
+- view-template:
+ name: 'libsk'
+ view-type: list
+ regex: 'libsk[-_].*'
+- project:
+ name: libsk
+ email_to: 'odion@efficios.com'
+ jobs:
+ - '{job_prefix}libsk_{versions}_{buildtypes}_{cctype}': {}
+- project:
+ name: libsk-views
+ views:
+ - libsk
--- /dev/null
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
+// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2025 Kienan Stewart <kstewart@efficios.com>
+pipeline {
+ agent none
+ options {
+ ansiColor('xterm')
+ buildDiscarder(logRotator(numToKeepStr: '20', artifactNumToKeepStr: '2'))
+ skipDefaultCheckout()
+ preserveStashes()
+ timestamps()
+ }
+ parameters {
+ string(name: 'email_to', defaultValue: '{{email_to}}',
+ description: 'Email(s) to notify on build completion')
+ string(name: 'LIBSK_GIT_URL', defaultValue: "{{libsk_git_url}}",
+ description: "Git URL to clone from")
+ string(name: 'LIBSK_GIT_BRANCH', defaultValue: "{{versions}}",
+ description: "Git branch to checkout")
+ booleanParam(name: 'LIBSK_TESTS_SKIP_TORTURE', defaultValue: true,
+ description: 'Skip torture tests')
+ booleanParam(name: 'LIBSK_TESTS_SKIP_REGRESSION', defaultValue: false,
+ description: 'Skip regression tests')
+ }
+ triggers {
+ pollSCM('@hourly')
+ }
+ stages {
+ stage('Checkout') {
+ agent {
+ label 'deb12-amd64'
+ }
+ steps {
+ dir('src/libsk') {
+ checkout([$class: 'GitSCM', branches: [[name: "${params.LIBSK_GIT_BRANCH}"]], userRemoteConfigs: [[url: "${params.LIBSK_GIT_URL}", credentialsId: 'a6e08541-e7fd-4da2-b58a-b87ee37736ef']]])
+ }
+ stash name: 'libsk-source', includes: 'src/libsk/**'
+ }
+ }
+ stage('matrix') {
+ matrix {
+ axes {
+ axis {
+ name 'platform'
+ values {{platforms|to_groovy(skip_list_wrap=true)}}
+ }
+ axis {
+ name 'conf'
+ values {{confs|to_groovy(skip_list_wrap=true)}}
+ }
+ axis {
+ name 'build'
+ values {{builds|to_groovy(skip_list_wrap=true)}}
+ }
+ axis {
+ name 'cc'
+ values {{ccs|to_groovy(skip_list_wrap=true)}}
+ }
+ }
+ {% if filter != '' %}
+ when {
+ beforeAgent true
+ expression {
+ {{filter}}
+ }
+ }
+ {% endif %}
+ agent {
+ label platform
+ }
+ stages {
+ stage('Pre-build') {
+ steps {
+ cleanWs()
+ sh('env')
+ }
+ }
+ stage('Configure') {
+ steps {
+ unstash('libsk-source')
+ sh("mkdir -p \$WORKSPACE/platform=${platform}/conf=${conf}/build=${build}/cc=${cc}/{build,log}")
+ dir('src/libsk') {
+ sh('./bootstrap')
+ sh("./configure --prefix='/build'")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ stage('Build') {
+ steps {
+ dir('src/libsk') {
+ sh('make -j$(nproc)')
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ stage('Install') {
+ steps {
+ dir('src/libsk') {
+ sh("DESTDIR=\"\$WORKSPACE/platform=${platform}/conf=${conf}/build=${build}/cc=${cc}/\" make install")
+ }
+ // Clean-up rpaths and .la files
+ sh("find \$WORKSPACE/platform=${platform}/conf=${conf}/build=${build}/cc=${cc}/build/ -type f -name '*.so' -exec chrpath --delete {} \\;")
+ sh("find \$WORKSPACE/platform=${platform}/conf=${conf}/build=${build}/cc=${cc}/build/ -name '*.la' -delete")
+ }
+ }
+ stage('Test') {
+ options {
+ timeout(time: 30, unit: 'MINUTES')
+ }
+ environment {
+ }
+ steps {
+ dir('src/libsk') {
+ sh('make check')
+ }
+ }
+ post {
+ always {
+ sh("rsync -ra --prune-empty-dirs --include='*/' --include='*.trs' --include='*.log' --exclude='*' src/libsk/ \$WORKSPACE/platform=${platform}/conf=${conf}/build=${build}/cc=${cc}/log/")
+ sh("rsync -ra --prune-empty-dirs --include='*/' --exclude=test-suite.log --include='*.log' --exclude='*' src/libsk/tests/ \$WORKSPACE/platform=${platform}/conf=${conf}/build=${build}/cc=${cc}/tap/")
+ dir('src/libsk') {
+ sh('make clean')
+ }
+ archiveArtifacts(
+ artifacts: 'platform*/**,build/**,tap/**,log/**,core.tar.xz',
+ allowEmptyArchive: true,
+ fingerprint: true,
+ onlyIfSuccessful: false
+ )
+ step($class: 'TapPublisher',
+ testResults: "platform=${platform}/conf=${conf}/build=${build}/cc=${cc}/tap/**/*.log",
+ failIfNoResults: true,
+ failedTestsMarkBuildAsFailure: true,
+ outputTapToConsole: true,
+ todoIsFailure: false,
+ includeCommentDiagnostics: true,
+ removeYamlIfCorrupted: true
+ )
+ }
+ cleanup {
+ cleanWs(cleanWhenFailure: false)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } // End stages
+ } // End matrix
+ } // End stage('matrix')
+ } // End stages
+ post {
+ failure {
+ emailext(
+ subject: "${currentBuild.displayName} #${currentBuild.number} ${currentBuild.result} in ${currentBuild.durationString}",
+ to: params.email_to,
+ body: """
+${currentBuild.result} in ${currentBuild.durationString}
+description: ${currentBuild.description}
+See job logs at ${currentBuild.absoluteUrl}/pipeline-console
+See pipeline overview at ${currentBuild.absoluteUrl}/pipeline-graph
+-- scm --
+${env.CHANGE_URL} commit ${env.CHANGE_ID} branch ${env.CHANGE_BRANCH}
+ )
+ }
+ }
+} // End pipeline