When building ci-node or developer images, the linux headers weren't
being installed as the node wasn't in the node_standalone group.
When the node is a virtualization host or a KVM guest, the headers
will be installed.
Change-Id: Ic19459fc6c3f7c0b47541ffb194640f01e517986
Signed-off-by: Kienan Stewart <kstewart@efficios.com>
apt: "name={{ common_node_packages }} state=present"
- name: Install linux headers
- when: inventory_hostname in groups['node_standalone']|default([])
+ when: ansible_virtualization_role == "host" or (ansible_virtualization_role == "guest" and ansible_virtualization_type == "kvm")
- name: Install i386 linux headers Debian
when: ansible_architecture == 'i386' and ansible_distribution == 'Debian'