node: 'master' # Applies only to matrix flyweight task
execution-strategy: *lttng-tools_matrix_execution-strategy_defaults
- - axis:
+ - axis: <tng-tools_matrix_axis_root_node
type: slave
name: node
values: '{obj:nodes}'
- - axis:
+ - axis: <tng-tools_matrix_axis_root_platform
<<: *lttng-tools_matrix_axis_platform
type: user-defined
- axis: *lttng-tools_matrix_axis_conf
# Always copy liburcu artifacts
- copyartifact:
<<: *lttng-tools_steps_copyartifact_defaults
- project: '{urcu_job_prefix}liburcu_${{liburcu_version}}_{buildtype}/platform=${{platform}},conf=${{liburcu_conf}},build=std'
+ project:
+ !j2: |
+ {{urcu_job_prefix}}liburcu_{%- raw -%}${liburcu_version}{%- endraw -%}
+ _{{cctype|default(buildtype)}}/platform={%- raw %}${platform}{%- endraw -%}
+ ,conf={%- raw -%}${liburcu_conf}{%- endraw -%},build=std,{%- if ccs|default(false) -%}cc={%- raw -%}${cc}{%- endraw -%},{%- endif -%}
# Always copy babeltrace artifacts
- copyartifact:
- copyartifact:
<<: *lttng-tools_steps_copyartifact_defaults
- project: '{ust_job_prefix}lttng-ust_{ustversion}_{buildtype}/liburcu_version=${{liburcu_version}},platform=${{platform}},conf=${{ust_conf}},build=std'
+ project:
+ !j2: |
+ {{ust_job_prefix}}lttng-ust_{{ustversion}}_{{cctype|default(buildtype)}}/liburcu_version={%- raw -%}${liburcu_version}{%- endraw -%}
+ ,platform={%- raw %}${platform}{%- endraw -%},conf={%- raw -%}${ust_conf}{%- endraw -%}
+ ,build=std,{% if ccs|default(false) %}cc={%- raw -%}${cc}{%- endraw -%}{% endif %}
# rootbuild requires a checkout of modules
- conditional-step:
jobs: '{ust_job_prefix}lttng-ust_{version}_{buildtype}'
result: 'success'
+- job-template:
+ name: '{job_prefix}lttng-tools_{version}_{cctype}'
+ defaults: lttng-tools
+ <<: *lttng-tools_matrix_axes_defaults
+ axes:
+ - axis:
+ <<: *lttng-tools_matrix_axis_platform
+ - axis:
+ <<: *lttng-tools_matrix_axis_conf
+ - axis:
+ <<: *lttng-tools_matrix_axis_build
+ - axis:
+ <<: *lttng-tools_matrix_axis_liburcu_version
+ - axis:
+ <<: *lttng-tools_matrix_axis_babeltrace_version
+ - axis:
+ type: user-defined
+ name: cc
+ values: '{obj:ccs}'
+ <<: *lttng-tools_builders_defaults
+ <<: *lttng-tools_publishers_defaults
+ triggers:
+ - pollscm: *lttng-tools_trigger_pollscm_default
+ - reverse:
+ jobs: '{ust_job_prefix}lttng-ust_{version}_{cctype}'
+ result: 'success'
- job-template:
name: 'dev_{user}_lttng-tools_{version}_{buildtype}'
defaults: lttng-tools
jobs: '{ust_job_prefix}lttng-ust_{version}_{buildtype}'
result: 'success'
+- job-template:
+ name: '{job_prefix}lttng-tools_{version}_root_{cctype}'
+ defaults: lttng-tools
+ scm:
+ - git: *lttng-tools_scm_git_default
+ wrappers:
+ - ansicolor: *lttng-tools_wrapper_ansicolor_defaults
+ - timeout:
+ <<: *lttng-tools_wrapper_timeout_defaults
+ timeout: 10
+ - timestamps
+ <<: *lttng-tools_matrix_axes_rootbuild
+ axes:
+ - axis:
+ <<: *lttng-tools_matrix_axis_root_node
+ - axis:
+ <<: *lttng-tools_matrix_axis_root_platform
+ - axis:
+ <<: *lttng-tools_matrix_axis_conf
+ - axis:
+ <<: *lttng-tools_matrix_axis_build
+ - axis:
+ <<: *lttng-tools_matrix_axis_liburcu_version
+ - axis:
+ <<: *lttng-tools_matrix_axis_babeltrace_version
+ - axis:
+ type: user-defined
+ name: cc
+ values: '{obj:ccs}'
+ <<: *lttng-tools_builders_defaults
+ <<: *lttng-tools_publishers_rootbuild
+ triggers:
+ - pollscm: *lttng-tools_trigger_pollscm_default
+ - reverse:
+ jobs: '{ust_job_prefix}lttng-ust_{version}_{cctype}'
+ result: 'success'
- job-template:
name: '{job_prefix}lttng-tools_{version}_macosbuild'
defaults: lttng-tools
basedir: src/lttng-tools
skip-tag: true
- triggers:
+ triggers: <tng-tools_triggers_review_default
- gerrit: <tng-tools_trigger_gerrit_default
- comment-added-event:
- branch-compare-type: 'PLAIN'
branch-pattern: '{version}'
- properties:
+ properties: <tng-tools_properties_review_defaults
- inject: *lttng-tools_property_inject_defaults
- build-discarder:
days-to-keep: 1
<<: *lttng-tools_matrix_axes_defaults
<<: *lttng-tools_builders_review
- publishers:
+ publishers: <tng-tools_publishers_review_defaults
# On build abort (timeout), wait 10 seconds before running the other post
# build scripts, this will allow the processes to terminate and make the
# build log more legible.
- workspace-cleanup: *lttng-tools_publisher_workspace-cleanup_defaults
- raw: *lttng-tools_publisher_proc-cleaner_defaults
+- job-template:
+ name: 'dev_review_lttng-tools_{version}_{cctype}'
+ defaults: lttng-tools
+ concurrent: true
+ <<: *lttng-tools_matrix_axes_defaults
+ axes:
+ - axis:
+ <<: *lttng-tools_matrix_axis_platform
+ - axis:
+ <<: *lttng-tools_matrix_axis_conf
+ - axis:
+ <<: *lttng-tools_matrix_axis_build
+ - axis:
+ <<: *lttng-tools_matrix_axis_liburcu_version
+ - axis:
+ <<: *lttng-tools_matrix_axis_babeltrace_version
+ - axis:
+ type: user-defined
+ name: cc
+ values: '{obj:ccs}'
+ <<: *lttng-tools_builders_review
+ <<: *lttng-tools_publishers_defaults
+ properties: *lttng-tools_properties_review_defaults
+ publishers: *lttng-tools_publishers_review_defaults
+ scm:
+ - git: *lttng-tools_scm_git_review
+ triggers: *lttng-tools_triggers_review_default
- job-template:
name: dev_review_lttng-tools_{version}_smokebuild
defaults: lttng-tools
- archive: *lttng-tools_publisher_archive_defaults
- workspace-cleanup: *lttng-tools_publisher_workspace-cleanup_defaults
+- job-template:
+ name: 'dev_review_lttng-tools_{version}_root_{cctype}'
+ defaults: lttng-tools
+ concurrent: true
+ <<: *lttng-tools_matrix_axes_rootbuild
+ axes:
+ - axis:
+ <<: *lttng-tools_matrix_axis_root_node
+ - axis:
+ <<: *lttng-tools_matrix_axis_root_platform
+ - axis:
+ <<: *lttng-tools_matrix_axis_conf
+ - axis:
+ <<: *lttng-tools_matrix_axis_build
+ - axis:
+ <<: *lttng-tools_matrix_axis_liburcu_version
+ - axis:
+ <<: *lttng-tools_matrix_axis_babeltrace_version
+ - axis:
+ type: user-defined
+ name: cc
+ values: '{obj:ccs}'
+ <<: *lttng-tools_builders_review
+ <<: *lttng-tools_publishers_defaults
+ properties: *lttng-tools_properties_review_defaults
+ publishers: *lttng-tools_publishers_review_defaults
+ scm:
+ - git: *lttng-tools_scm_git_review
+ triggers: *lttng-tools_triggers_review_default
- job-template:
name: 'dev_review_lttng-tools_{version}_check-format'
defaults: lttng-tools
babelversions: !!python/tuple [stable-2.0]
filter: ''
touchstone: ''
+ - '{job_prefix}lttng-tools_{version}_{cctype}':
+ buildtype: linuxbuild
+ cctype: clangbuild
+ ccs: !!python/tuple [clang-13, clang-14, clang-15, clang-16]
+ version: master
+ ustversion: master
+ platforms: !!python/tuple [deb12-amd64]
+ builds: !!python/tuple [std]
+ confs: !!python/tuple [std]
+ urcuversions: !!python/tuple [master]
+ babelversions: !!python/tuple [stable-2.0]
+ filter: ''
+ touchstone: ''
- '{job_prefix}lttng-tools_{version}_long_regression':
buildtype: linuxbuild
version: master
babelversions: !!python/tuple [stable-2.0]
filter: '(node=="el8-amd64-rootnode" && platform=="el8-amd64")'
touchstone: ''
+ - '{job_prefix}lttng-tools_{version}_root_{cctype}':
+ buildtype: linuxbuild
+ cctype: clangbuild
+ ccs: !!python/tuple [clang-13, clang-14, clang-15, clang-16]
+ version: master
+ ustversion: master
+ platforms: !!python/tuple [deb12-amd64]
+ nodes: !!python/tuple [deb12-amd64-rootnode]
+ builds: !!python/tuple [std]
+ confs: !!python/tuple [agents]
+ urcuversions: !!python/tuple [master]
+ babelversions: !!python/tuple [stable-2.0]
+ filter: '(node=="deb12-amd64-rootnode" && platform=="deb12-amd64")'
+ touchstone: ''
- 'lttng-tools_{version}_scan-build':
version: master
urcuversion: master
babelversions: !!python/tuple [stable-2.0]
filter: ''
touchstone: ''
+ - '{job_prefix}lttng-tools_{version}_{cctype}':
+ buildtype: linuxbuild
+ cctype: clangbuild
+ ccs: !!python/tuple [clang-13, clang-14, clang-15, clang-16]
+ version: stable-2.13
+ ustversion: stable-2.13
+ platforms: !!python/tuple [deb12-amd64]
+ builds: !!python/tuple [std]
+ confs: !!python/tuple [std]
+ urcuversions: !!python/tuple [stable-0.13]
+ babelversions: !!python/tuple [stable-2.0]
+ filter: ''
+ touchstone: ''
- '{job_prefix}lttng-tools_{version}_long_regression':
buildtype: linuxbuild
version: stable-2.13
babelversions: !!python/tuple [stable-2.0]
filter: '(node=="el8-amd64-rootnode" && platform=="el8-amd64")'
touchstone: ''
+ - '{job_prefix}lttng-tools_{version}_root_{cctype}':
+ buildtype: linuxbuild
+ cctype: clangbuild
+ ccs: !!python/tuple [clang-13, clang-14, clang-15, clang-16]
+ version: stable-2.13
+ ustversion: stable-2.13
+ platforms: !!python/tuple [deb12-amd64]
+ nodes: !!python/tuple [deb12-amd64-rootnode]
+ builds: !!python/tuple [std]
+ confs: !!python/tuple [agents]
+ urcuversions: !!python/tuple [master]
+ babelversions: !!python/tuple [stable-2.0]
+ filter: '(node=="deb12-amd64-rootnode" && platform=="deb12-amd64")'
+ touchstone: ''
- 'lttng-tools_{version}_release':
version: v2.13
ustversion: stable-2.13
babelversions: !!python/tuple [stable-2.0]
filter: ''
touchstone: ''
+ - 'dev_review_lttng-tools_{version}_{cctype}':
+ version: master
+ buildtype: linuxbuild
+ cctype: clangbuild
+ ccs: !!python/tuple [clang-13, clang-14, clang-15, clang-16]
+ platforms: !!python/tuple [deb12-amd64]
+ builds: !!python/tuple [std]
+ confs: !!python/tuple [std]
+ urcuversions: !!python/tuple [stable-0.14]
+ babelversions: !!python/tuple [stable-2.0]
+ filter: ''
+ touchstone: ''
- 'dev_review_lttng-tools_{version}_{buildtype}':
version: master
buildtype: slesbuild
babelversions: !!python/tuple [stable-2.0]
filter: '(node=="deb12-amd64-rootnode" && platform=="deb12-amd64")'
touchstone: ''
+ - 'dev_review_lttng-tools_{version}_root_{cctype}':
+ version: master
+ buildtype: linuxbuild
+ cctype: clangbuild
+ ccs: !!python/tuple [clang-13, clang-14, clang-15, clang-16]
+ nodes: !!python/tuple [deb12-amd64-rootnode]
+ platforms: !!python/tuple [deb12-amd64]
+ builds: !!python/tuple [std]
+ confs: !!python/tuple [agents]
+ urcuversions: !!python/tuple [stable-0.14]
+ babelversions: !!python/tuple [stable-2.0]
+ filter: '(node=="deb12-amd64-rootnode" && platform=="deb12-amd64")'
+ touchstone: ''
- 'dev_review_lttng-tools_{version}_root_{buildtype}':
version: master
buildtype: slesbuild