--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 Kienan Stewart <kstewart@efficios.com>
+# SPDX-LicenseIdentifier: GPL-2.0-only
+Tests that the lttng command-line client emits a warning when the
+the a shared memory path for a session is smaller than an estimate
+of the minimum memory allocation required based on the number of
+sub-buffers, the sub-buffer size, the number of CPUs, and if the
+session is in snapshot mode or not.
+import math
+import os
+import pathlib
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import time
+test_utils_import_path = pathlib.Path(__file__).absolute().parents[3] / "utils"
+import lttngtest
+def test_shm_warning(tap, test_env, tests):
+ if os.getuid() != 0:
+ tap.skip_all_remaining("This test requires root to make a temporary shm mount")
+ return
+ # Create a 64M shm mount. Many containers default to a shm of this size.
+ # @see https://github.com/moby/moby/blob/a95a6788b59885056512c837897db20684433780/daemon/config/config.go#L39
+ # @see https://docs.podman.io/en/v5.3.0/markdown/podman-run.1.html#shm-size-number-unit
+ shm_path = lttngtest.TemporaryDirectory("tmp")
+ p = subprocess.Popen(
+ ["mount", "-t", "tmpfs", "-o", "size=64M", "tmpfs", str(shm_path.path)]
+ )
+ p.wait()
+ if p.returncode != 0:
+ tap.skip_all_remaining("Couldn't create tmpfs for testing alternate shm path")
+ return
+ shm_path.add_cleanup_callback(
+ lambda path: subprocess.Popen(["umount", path]).wait(), str(shm_path.path)
+ )
+ # This may not be the CPUs available on the system, as it could be limited
+ # by `-X cpu-count` or `PYTHON_CPU_COUNT` as of Python 3.13
+ ncpus = os.cpu_count()
+ if ncpus is None:
+ tap.skip_all_remaining("Cannot determine CPU count")
+ return
+ client = lttngtest.LTTngClient(test_env, log=tap.diagnostic)
+ for test in tests:
+ subbuf_count = 2 if test["snapshot"] else 1
+ subbuf_size = (
+ test["target_usage_mib"] / ncpus / test["nchannels"] / subbuf_count
+ )
+ if not math.log(subbuf_size, 2).is_integer():
+ tag.diagnostic(subbuf_size)
+ tap.skip("Sub-buffer size {} is not a power of 2".format(subbuf_size))
+ continue
+ subbuf_size = int(subbuf_size)
+ tap.diagnostic(
+ "Case: nCPUs {} with {} channels of {} sub-buffer(s) of size {}M [{}] {} warn".format(
+ ncpus,
+ test["nchannels"],
+ subbuf_count,
+ subbuf_size,
+ "snapshot enabled" if test["snapshot"] else "snapshot disabled",
+ "should" if test["warning_expected"] else "should not",
+ )
+ )
+ session = client.create_session(
+ output=None, shm_path=shm_path.path, snapshot=test["snapshot"]
+ )
+ channels = []
+ for channel in range(test["nchannels"]):
+ channel = session.add_channel(
+ lttngtest.lttngctl.TracingDomain.User,
+ lttngtest.lttngctl.BufferSharingPolicy.PerUID,
+ subbuf_size="{}M".format(subbuf_size),
+ subbuf_count=subbuf_count,
+ )
+ channel.add_recording_rule(
+ lttngtest.lttngctl.UserTracepointEventRule("tp:tptest")
+ )
+ output = client._run_cmd("start '{}'".format(session.name))
+ tap.diagnostic("\n{}\n".format(output))
+ session.destroy()
+ tap.test(
+ ("Warning" in output and test["warning_expected"])
+ or ("Warning" not in output and not test["warning_expected"]),
+ "Warning {} in lttng client output when starting session".format(
+ "present" if test["warning_expected"] else "not present"
+ ),
+ )
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ tests = [
+ {
+ "warning_expected": False,
+ "target_usage_mib": 32,
+ "snapshot": False,
+ "nchannels": 1,
+ },
+ {
+ "warning_expected": True,
+ "target_usage_mib": 64,
+ "snapshot": False,
+ "nchannels": 1,
+ },
+ {
+ "warning_expected": True,
+ "target_usage_mib": 128,
+ "snapshot": False,
+ "nchannels": 1,
+ },
+ {
+ "warning_expected": False,
+ "target_usage_mib": 32,
+ "snapshot": True,
+ "nchannels": 1,
+ },
+ {
+ "warning_expected": True,
+ "target_usage_mib": 64,
+ "snapshot": True,
+ "nchannels": 1,
+ },
+ {
+ "warning_expected": False,
+ "target_usage_mib": 32,
+ "snapshot": False,
+ "nchannels": 2,
+ },
+ {
+ "warning_expected": True,
+ "target_usage_mib": 64,
+ "snapshot": False,
+ "nchannels": 2,
+ },
+ ]
+ tap = lttngtest.TapGenerator(len(tests))
+ with lttngtest.test_environment(log=tap.diagnostic, with_sessiond=True) as test_env:
+ test_shm_warning(tap, test_env, tests)