The `apt-get upgrade` will block waiting for user input unless `-y` is
specified, causing builds to time out when there are actually updates
to perform.
Rather than forcing the command to run in non-interactive mode, I
decided to remove the update and ugprade. My principal reasoning is
that most of the jobs no longer require extra packages to be installed
at run time - they are included instead in the rootfs.
Change-Id: Ia9d76aa6ddda9b1a06b27125dca10f92b0e8c2fa
Signed-off-by: Kienan Stewart <>
- ip a
- groupadd tracing
- depmod -a
- - apt-get update
- - apt-get upgrade
# The locale generation is required for the python venv
# to be correctgly created.
- locale-gen en_US.UTF-8