//write to system.xml
- fprintf(fp,"<system\n");
- fprintf(fp,"node_name=\"%s\"\n", node_name);
- fprintf(fp,"domainname=\"%s\"\n", domainname);
- fprintf(fp,"cpu=%d\n", cpu);
- fprintf(fp,"arch_size=\"%s\"\n", arch_size);
- fprintf(fp,"endian=\"%s\"\n",endian);
- fprintf(fp,"kernel_name=\"%s\"\n",kernel_name);
- fprintf(fp,"kernel_release=\"%s\"\n",kernel_release);
- fprintf(fp,"kernel_version=\"%s\"\n",kernel_version);
- fprintf(fp,"machine=\"%s\"\n",machine);
- fprintf(fp,"processor=\"%s\"\n",processor);
- fprintf(fp,"hardware_platform=\"%s\"\n",hardware_platform);
- fprintf(fp,"operating_system=\"%s\"\n",operating_system);
- fprintf(fp,"ltt_major_version=%d\n",ltt_major_version);
- fprintf(fp,"ltt_minor_version=%d\n",ltt_minor_version);
- fprintf(fp,"ltt_block_size=%d\n",ltt_block_size);
+ fprintf(fp,"<system \n");
+ fprintf(fp,"node_name=\"%s\" \n", node_name);
+ fprintf(fp,"domainname=\"%s\" \n", domainname);
+ fprintf(fp,"cpu=\"%d\" \n", cpu);
+ fprintf(fp,"arch_size=\"%s\" \n", arch_size);
+ fprintf(fp,"endian=\"%s\" \n",endian);
+ fprintf(fp,"kernel_name=\"%s\" \n",kernel_name);
+ fprintf(fp,"kernel_release=\"%s\" \n",kernel_release);
+ fprintf(fp,"kernel_version=\"%s\" \n",kernel_version);
+ fprintf(fp,"machine=\"%s\" \n",machine);
+ fprintf(fp,"processor=\"%s\" \n",processor);
+ fprintf(fp,"hardware_platform=\"%s\" \n",hardware_platform);
+ fprintf(fp,"operating_system=\"%s\" \n",operating_system);
+ fprintf(fp,"ltt_major_version=\"%d\" \n",ltt_major_version);
+ fprintf(fp,"ltt_minor_version=\"%d\" \n",ltt_minor_version);
+ fprintf(fp,"ltt_block_size=\"%d\" \n",ltt_block_size);
fprintf(fp,"This is just a test\n");
int skipEvent(LttTracefile * t);
+/* Functions to parse system.xml file (using glib xml parser) */
+static void parser_start_element (GMarkupParseContext *context,
+ const gchar *element_name,
+ const gchar **attribute_names,
+ const gchar **attribute_values,
+ gpointer user_data,
+ GError **error)
+ int i=0;
+ LttSystemDescription* des = (LttSystemDescription* )user_data;
+ if(strcmp("system", element_name)){
+ g_warning("This is not system.xml file\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ while(attribute_names[i]){
+ if(strcmp("node_name", attribute_names[i])==0){
+ des->node_name = g_strdup(attribute_values[i]);
+ }else if(strcmp("domainname", attribute_names[i])==0){
+ des->domain_name = g_strdup(attribute_values[i]);
+ }else if(strcmp("cpu", attribute_names[i])==0){
+ des->nb_cpu = atoi(attribute_values[i]);
+ }else if(strcmp("arch_size", attribute_names[i])==0){
+ if(strcmp(attribute_values[i],"LP32") == 0) des->size = LTT_LP32;
+ else if(strcmp(attribute_values[i],"ILP32") == 0) des->size = LTT_ILP32;
+ else if(strcmp(attribute_values[i],"LP64") == 0) des->size = LTT_LP64;
+ else if(strcmp(attribute_values[i],"ILP64") == 0) des->size = LTT_ILP64;
+ else if(strcmp(attribute_values[i],"UNKNOWN") == 0) des->size = LTT_UNKNOWN;
+ }else if(strcmp("endian", attribute_names[i])==0){
+ if(strcmp(attribute_values[i],"LITTLE_ENDIAN") == 0)
+ des->endian = LTT_LITTLE_ENDIAN;
+ else if(strcmp(attribute_values[i],"BIG_ENDIAN") == 0)
+ des->endian = LTT_BIG_ENDIAN;
+ }else if(strcmp("kernel_name", attribute_names[i])==0){
+ des->kernel_name = g_strdup(attribute_values[i]);
+ }else if(strcmp("kernel_release", attribute_names[i])==0){
+ des->kernel_release = g_strdup(attribute_values[i]);
+ }else if(strcmp("kernel_version", attribute_names[i])==0){
+ des->kernel_version = g_strdup(attribute_values[i]);
+ }else if(strcmp("machine", attribute_names[i])==0){
+ des->machine = g_strdup(attribute_values[i]);
+ }else if(strcmp("processor", attribute_names[i])==0){
+ des->processor = g_strdup(attribute_values[i]);
+ }else if(strcmp("hardware_platform", attribute_names[i])==0){
+ des->hardware_platform = g_strdup(attribute_values[i]);
+ }else if(strcmp("operating_system", attribute_names[i])==0){
+ des->operating_system = g_strdup(attribute_values[i]);
+ }else if(strcmp("ltt_major_version", attribute_names[i])==0){
+ des->ltt_major_version = atoi(attribute_values[i]);
+ }else if(strcmp("ltt_minor_version", attribute_names[i])==0){
+ des->ltt_minor_version = atoi(attribute_values[i]);
+ }else if(strcmp("ltt_block_size", attribute_names[i])==0){
+ des->ltt_block_size = atoi(attribute_values[i]);
+ }else{
+ g_warning("Not a valid attribute\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+static void parser_end_element (GMarkupParseContext *context,
+ const gchar *element_name,
+ gpointer user_data,
+ GError **error)
+static void parser_characters (GMarkupParseContext *context,
+ const gchar *text,
+ gsize text_len,
+ gpointer user_data,
+ GError **error)
+ LttSystemDescription* des = (LttSystemDescription* )user_data;
+ des->description = g_strdup(text);
*Function name
* ltt_tracefile_open : open a trace file, construct a LttTracefile
void getSystemInfo(LttSystemDescription* des, char * pathname)
FILE * fp;
- int i;
- int entry_number = 15;
char buf[DIR_NAME_SIZE];
char description[4*DIR_NAME_SIZE];
- char * ptr;
+ GMarkupParseContext * context;
+ GError * error;
+ GMarkupParser markup_parser =
+ {
+ parser_start_element,
+ parser_end_element,
+ parser_characters,
+ NULL, /* passthrough */
+ NULL /* error */
+ };
fp = fopen(pathname,"r");
g_error("Can not open file : %s\n", pathname);
- while(fgets(buf,DIR_NAME_SIZE, fp)!= NULL){
- ptr = buf;
- while(isspace(*ptr)) ptr++;
- if(strlen(ptr) == 0) continue;
- break;
- }
+ context = g_markup_parse_context_new(&markup_parser, 0, des,NULL);
- if(strlen(ptr) == 0) g_error("Not a valid file: %s\n", pathname);
- if(strncmp("<system",ptr,7) !=0)g_error("Not a valid file: %s\n", pathname);
- for(i=0;i<entry_number;i++){
- if(fgets(buf,DIR_NAME_SIZE, fp)== NULL)
- g_error("Not a valid file: %s\n", pathname);
- buf[strlen(buf)-1] = '\0';
- ptr = buf;
- while(isspace(*ptr)) ptr++;
- switch(i){
- case 0:
- if(strncmp("node_name=",ptr,10)!=0)
- g_error("Not a valid file: %s\n", pathname);
- des->node_name = g_strdup(ptr+10);
- break;
- case 1:
- if(strncmp("domainname=",ptr,11)!=0)
- g_error("Not a valid file: %s\n", pathname);
- des->domain_name = g_strdup(ptr+11);
- break;
- case 2:
- if(strncmp("cpu=",ptr,4)!=0)
- g_error("Not a valid file: %s\n", pathname);
- des->nb_cpu = (unsigned)atoi(ptr+4);
- break;
- case 3:
- if(strncmp("arch_size=",ptr,10)!=0)
- g_error("Not a valid file: %s\n", pathname);
- if(strcmp(ptr+10,"\"LP32\"") == 0) des->size = LTT_LP32;
- else if(strcmp(ptr+10,"\"ILP32\"") == 0) des->size = LTT_ILP32;
- else if(strcmp(ptr+10,"\"LP64\"") == 0) des->size = LTT_LP64;
- else if(strcmp(ptr+10,"\"ILP64\"") == 0) des->size = LTT_ILP64;
- else if(strcmp(ptr+10,"\"UNKNOWN\"") == 0) des->size = LTT_UNKNOWN;
- break;
- case 4:
- if(strncmp("endian=",ptr,7)!=0)
- g_error("Not a valid file: %s\n", pathname);
- if(strcmp(ptr+7,"\"LITTLE_ENDIAN\"") == 0)
- des->endian = LTT_LITTLE_ENDIAN;
- else if(strcmp(ptr+7,"\"BIG_ENDIAN\"") == 0)
- des->endian = LTT_BIG_ENDIAN;
- break;
- case 5:
- if(strncmp("kernel_name=",ptr,12)!=0)
- g_error("Not a valid file: %s\n", pathname);
- des->kernel_name = g_strdup(ptr+12);
- break;
- case 6:
- if(strncmp("kernel_release=",ptr,15)!=0)
- g_error("Not a valid file: %s\n", pathname);
- des->kernel_release = g_strdup(ptr+15);
- break;
- case 7:
- if(strncmp("kernel_version=",ptr,15)!=0)
- g_error("Not a valid file: %s\n", pathname);
- des->kernel_version = g_strdup(ptr+15);
- break;
- case 8:
- if(strncmp("machine=",ptr,8)!=0)
- g_error("Not a valid file: %s\n", pathname);
- des->machine = g_strdup(ptr+8);
- break;
- case 9:
- if(strncmp("processor=",ptr,10)!=0)
- g_error("Not a valid file: %s\n", pathname);
- des->processor = g_strdup(ptr+10);
- break;
- case 10:
- if(strncmp("hardware_platform=",ptr,18)!=0)
- g_error("Not a valid file: %s\n", pathname);
- des->hardware_platform = g_strdup(ptr+18);
- break;
- case 11:
- if(strncmp("operating_system=",ptr,17)!=0)
- g_error("Not a valid file: %s\n", pathname);
- des->operating_system = g_strdup(ptr+17);
- break;
- case 12:
- if(strncmp("ltt_major_version=",ptr,18)!=0)
- g_error("Not a valid file: %s\n", pathname);
- ptr += 18;
- // ptr++;//skip begining "
- // ptr[strlen(ptr)-1] = '\0'; //get rid of the ending "
- des->ltt_major_version = (unsigned)atoi(ptr);
- break;
- case 13:
- if(strncmp("ltt_minor_version=",ptr,18)!=0)
- g_error("Not a valid file: %s\n", pathname);
- ptr += 18;
- // ptr++;//skip begining "
- // ptr[strlen(ptr)-1] = '\0'; //get rid of the ending "
- des->ltt_minor_version = (unsigned)atoi(ptr);
- break;
- case 14:
- if(strncmp("ltt_block_size=",ptr,15)!=0)
- g_error("Not a valid file: %s\n", pathname);
- ptr += 15;
- // ptr++;//skip begining "
- // ptr[strlen(ptr)-1] = '\0'; //get rid of the ending "
- des->ltt_block_size = (unsigned)atoi(ptr);
- break;
- default:
- g_error("Not a valid file: %s\n", pathname);
- }
- }
- //get description
- description[0] = '\0';
- if(fgets(buf,DIR_NAME_SIZE, fp)== NULL)
- g_error("Not a valid file: %s\n", pathname);
- ptr = buf;
- while(isspace(*ptr)) ptr++;
- if(*ptr != '>') g_error("Not a valid file: %s\n", pathname);
- while((ptr=fgets(buf,DIR_NAME_SIZE, fp))!= NULL){
- ptr = buf;
- while(isspace(*ptr)) ptr++;
- if(strncmp("</system>",ptr,9) == 0 )break;
- strcat(description, buf);
+ while(fgets(buf,DIR_NAME_SIZE, fp) != NULL){
+ if(!g_markup_parse_context_parse(context, buf, DIR_NAME_SIZE, &error)){
+ g_warning("Can not parse xml file: \n%s\n", error->message);
+ exit(1);
+ }
- if(!ptr)g_error("Not a valid file: %s\n", pathname);
- if(description[0] = '\0')des->description = NULL;
- des->description = g_strdup(description);