it calculates and prints different metrics about how well traces are
synchronized. Although it can be run like other analysis modules, it is most
useful when run in a postprocessing step, after another synchronization module
-has been run. Eval is most common run in text mode. To do this, run
-lttv -m eval [usual options, ex: -t traces/node1 -t traces/node2 --sync ...]
+has been run. Eval is most common run in text mode. To do this, run:
+lttv -m sync_chain_batch [usual options, ex: -t traces/node1 -t traces/node2
+--sync ...]
+It can also be run from the lttv source tree via runlttv:
+./runlttv -m eval [usual runlttv options, ex: traces/node1 traces/node2]
eval provides a few more options:
--eval-rtt-file - argument: FILE