--- /dev/null
+ * test_utils_compat_poll.c
+ *
+ * Unit tests for the compatibility layer of poll/epoll API.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2019 Yannick Lamarre <ylamarre@efficios.com>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; only version 2 of the License.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ * more details.
+ */
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <inttypes.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/wait.h>
+#include <tap/tap.h>
+#include <common/compat/poll.h>
+#include <common/readwrite.h>
+/* Verification without trashing test order in the child process */
+#define childok(e, test, ...) do { \
+ if (!(e)) { \
+ diag(test, ## __VA_ARGS__); \
+ _exit(EXIT_FAILURE); \
+ } \
+} while(0)
+/* For error.h */
+int lttng_opt_quiet = 1;
+int lttng_opt_verbose;
+int lttng_opt_mi;
+#ifdef HAVE_EPOLL
+#define NUM_TESTS 46
+#define NUM_TESTS 45
+#ifdef HAVE_EPOLL
+#if defined(HAVE_EPOLL_CREATE1) && defined(EPOLL_CLOEXEC)
+/* Non-zero 8-bits arbitrary value below 0x7f to ensure no sign extension
+ * used to verify that the value is properly propagated throught the pipe.
+ */
+#define MAGIC_VALUE ((char)0x5A)
+void test_epoll_compat(void)
+ /*
+ * Type conversion present to disable warning of anonymous enum from
+ * compiler.
+ */
+ ok((int) LTTNG_CLOEXEC == (int) CLOE_VALUE, "epoll's CLOEXEC value");
+void test_alloc(void)
+ struct lttng_poll_event poll_events;
+ lttng_poll_init(&poll_events);
+ /* Null pointer */
+ ok(lttng_poll_create(NULL, 1, 0) != 0, "Create over NULL pointer fails");
+ /* Size 0 */
+ ok(lttng_poll_create(&poll_events, 0, 0) != 0, "Create with size 0 fails");
+ /* without CLOEXEC */
+ ok(lttng_poll_create(&poll_events, 1, 0) == 0, "Create valid poll set succeeds");
+ /*
+ * lttng_poll_event structure untested due to incompatibility across
+ * sublayers. lttng_poll_clean cannot be tested. There is no success
+ * criteria. Verify set's max size cases.
+ */
+ lttng_poll_clean(&poll_events);
+/* Tests stuff related to what would be handled with epoll_ctl. */
+void test_add_del(void)
+ struct lttng_poll_event poll_events;
+ lttng_poll_init(&poll_events);
+ ok(lttng_poll_add(NULL, 1, LPOLLIN) != 0, "Adding to NULL set fails");
+ ok(lttng_poll_add(&poll_events, 1, LPOLLIN) != 0, "Adding to uninitialized structure fails");
+ ok(lttng_poll_add(&poll_events, -1, LPOLLIN) != 0, "Adding invalid FD fails");
+ lttng_poll_create(&poll_events, 1, 0);
+ ok(LTTNG_POLL_GETNB(&poll_events) == 0, "Set created empty");
+ ok(lttng_poll_add(NULL, 1, LPOLLIN) != 0, "Adding to NULL set fails");
+ ok(LTTNG_POLL_GETNB(&poll_events) == 0, "Set still empty");
+ ok(lttng_poll_add(&poll_events, -1, LPOLLIN) != 0, "Adding invalid FD fails");
+ ok(LTTNG_POLL_GETNB(&poll_events) == 0, "Set still empty");
+ ok(lttng_poll_add(&poll_events, 1, LPOLLIN) == 0, "Adding valid FD succeeds");
+ ok(LTTNG_POLL_GETNB(&poll_events) == 1, "Nb of elements incremented");
+ ok(lttng_poll_del(NULL, 1) != 0, "Removing from NULL set fails");
+ ok(LTTNG_POLL_GETNB(&poll_events) == 1, "Number of FD in set unchanged");
+ ok(lttng_poll_del(&poll_events, -1) != 0, "Removing from negative FD fails");
+ ok(LTTNG_POLL_GETNB(&poll_events) == 1, "Number of FD in set unchanged");
+ ok(lttng_poll_del(&poll_events, 2) == 0, "Removing invalid FD still succeeds");
+ ok(LTTNG_POLL_GETNB(&poll_events) == 1, "Number of elements unchanged");
+ ok(lttng_poll_del(&poll_events, 1) == 0, "Removing valid FD succeeds");
+ ok(LTTNG_POLL_GETNB(&poll_events) == 0, "Nb of elements decremented");
+ ok(lttng_poll_del(&poll_events, 1) != 0, "Removing from empty set fails");
+ ok(LTTNG_POLL_GETNB(&poll_events) == 0, "Nb of elements unchanged");
+ lttng_poll_clean(&poll_events);
+void test_mod_wait(void)
+ struct lttng_poll_event poll_events;
+ struct lttng_poll_event cpoll_events;
+ int hupfd[2];
+ int infd[2];
+ pid_t cpid;
+ char rbuf = 0, tbuf = MAGIC_VALUE;
+ int wstatus;
+ lttng_poll_init(&poll_events);
+ lttng_poll_init(&cpoll_events);
+ ok(pipe(hupfd) != -1, "pipe function succeeds");
+ ok(pipe(infd) != -1, "pipe function succeeds");
+ cpid = fork();
+ if (cpid == 0) {
+ childok(lttng_poll_create(&cpoll_events, 1, 0) == 0, "Create valid poll set succeeds");
+ childok(lttng_poll_mod(NULL, infd[0], LPOLLIN) == -1, "lttng_poll_mod with invalid input returns an error");
+ childok(lttng_poll_mod(&cpoll_events, infd[0], LPOLLIN) == -1, "lttng_poll_mod with invalid input returns an error");
+ childok(lttng_poll_add(&cpoll_events, infd[0], LPOLLHUP) == 0, "Add valid FD succeeds");
+ childok(lttng_poll_mod(&cpoll_events, -1, LPOLLIN) == -1, "lttng_poll_mod with invalid input returns an error");
+ childok(lttng_poll_mod(&cpoll_events, hupfd[0], LPOLLIN) == 0, "lttng_poll_mod on unincluded FD goes on");
+ childok(lttng_poll_mod(&cpoll_events, infd[0], LPOLLIN) == 0, "Modify event type succeeds");
+ childok(close(infd[1]) == 0, "Close valid FD succeeds");
+ childok(lttng_poll_wait(&cpoll_events, -1) == 1, "Wait on close times out");
+ childok(lttng_read(infd[0], &rbuf, 1) == 1, "Data is present in the pipe");
+ childok(rbuf == MAGIC_VALUE, "Received data is consistent with transmitted data");
+ childok(lttng_poll_del(&cpoll_events, infd[0]) == 0, "Removing valid FD succeeds");
+ childok(close(infd[0]) == 0, "Close valid FD succeeds");
+ childok(close(hupfd[0]) == 0, "Close valid FD succeeds");
+ childok(close(hupfd[1]) == 0, "Close valid FD succeeds");
+ lttng_poll_clean(&cpoll_events);
+ _exit(EXIT_SUCCESS);
+ } else {
+ ok(close(hupfd[1]) == 0, "Close valid FD succeeds");
+ ok(close(infd[0]) == 0, "Close valid FD succeeds");
+ ok(lttng_poll_wait(NULL, -1) == -1, "lttng_poll_wait call with invalid input returns error");
+ ok(lttng_poll_create(&poll_events, 1, 0) == 0, "Create valid poll set succeeds");
+ ok(lttng_poll_wait(&poll_events, -1) == -1, "lttng_poll_wait call with invalid input returns error");
+ ok(lttng_poll_add(&poll_events, hupfd[0], LPOLLHUP) == 0, "Add valid FD succeeds");
+ ok(lttng_write(infd[1], &tbuf, 1) == 1, "Write to pipe succeeds");
+ ok(lttng_poll_wait(&poll_events, -1) == 1, "Wakes up on one event");
+ ok(lttng_poll_del(&poll_events, hupfd[0]) == 0, "Removing valid FD succeeds");
+ ok(close(hupfd[0]) == 0, "Close valid FD succeeds");
+ ok(close(infd[1]) == 0, "Close valid FD succeeds");
+ lttng_poll_clean(&poll_events);
+ ok(waitpid(cpid, &wstatus, 0) == cpid, "Wait for child exit");
+ ok(WIFEXITED(wstatus) == 1, "Child process exited");
+ ok(WEXITSTATUS(wstatus) == EXIT_SUCCESS, "Child process exited with EXIT_SUCCESS");
+ }
+void test_func_def(void)
+#define PASS_GETFD 1
+#define PASS_GETFD 0
+#define PASS_GETEV 1
+#define PASS_GETEV 0
+#define PASS_GETSZ 1
+#define PASS_GETSZ 0
+#define PASS_GET_PREV_FD 1
+#define PASS_GET_PREV_FD 0
+ ok(lttng_poll_reset == lttng_poll_reset, "lttng_poll_reset is defined");
+ ok(lttng_poll_init == lttng_poll_init , "lttng_poll_init is defined");
+ ok(PASS_GETFD, "GETFD is defined");
+ ok(PASS_GETEV, "GETEV is defined");
+ ok(PASS_GETSZ, "GETSZ is defined");
+ ok(PASS_GET_PREV_FD, "GET_PREV_FD is defined");
+int main(void)
+ plan_tests(NUM_TESTS);
+#ifdef HAVE_EPOLL
+ test_epoll_compat();
+ test_func_def();
+ test_alloc();
+ test_add_del();
+ test_mod_wait();
+ return exit_status();