prop_line.y = MIDDLE;
//GdkColormap *colormap = gdk_colormap_get_system();
- g_debug("prepare_status_line for state : %s", g_quark_to_string(process->state->s));
+ g_debug("prepare_status_line for state : %s",
+ g_quark_to_string(process->state->s));
/* color of line : status of the process */
if(process->state->s == LTTV_STATE_UNNAMED)
else if(process->state->s == LTTV_STATE_RUN)
prop_line.color = drawing_colors[COL_RUN];
- prop_line.color = drawing_colors[COL_WHITE];
+ prop_line.color = drawing_colors[COL_WHITE];
// prop_line.color,
* because it must be set by before chunk hook to the damage_begin
* value.
- g_assert(hashed_process_data->x != -1);
+ g_assert(hashed_process_data->x.middle != -1);
guint x;
DrawContext draw_context;
draw_context.drawable = drawing->pixmap;
draw_context.gc = drawing->gc;
draw_context.pango_layout = drawing->pango_layout;
- draw_context.drawinfo.start.x = hashed_process_data->x;
+ draw_context.drawinfo.start.x = hashed_process_data->x.middle;
draw_context.drawinfo.end.x = x;
- draw_context.drawinfo.y.over = y;
- draw_context.drawinfo.y.middle = y+(height/4);
- draw_context.drawinfo.y.under = y+(height/2)+2;
+ draw_context.drawinfo.y.over = y+1;
+ draw_context.drawinfo.y.middle = y+(height/2);
+ draw_context.drawinfo.y.under = y+height;
draw_context.drawinfo.start.offset.over = 0;
draw_context.drawinfo.start.offset.middle = 0;
/* become the last x position */
- hashed_process_data->x = x;
+ hashed_process_data->x.middle = x;
* because it must be set by before chunk hook to the damage_begin
* value.
- g_assert(hashed_process_data->x != -1);
+ g_assert(hashed_process_data->x.middle != -1);
guint x;
DrawContext draw_context;
draw_context.drawable = drawing->pixmap;
draw_context.gc = drawing->gc;
draw_context.pango_layout = drawing->pango_layout;
- draw_context.drawinfo.start.x = hashed_process_data->x;
+ draw_context.drawinfo.start.x = hashed_process_data->x.middle;
draw_context.drawinfo.end.x = x;
- draw_context.drawinfo.y.over = y;
- draw_context.drawinfo.y.middle = y+(height/4);
- draw_context.drawinfo.y.under = y+(height/2)+2;
+ draw_context.drawinfo.y.over = y+1;
+ draw_context.drawinfo.y.middle = y+(height/2);
+ draw_context.drawinfo.y.under = y+height;
draw_context.drawinfo.start.offset.over = 0;
draw_context.drawinfo.start.offset.middle = 0;
/* become the last x position */
- hashed_process_data->x = x;
+ hashed_process_data->x.middle = x;
- } else if(strcmp(
- ltt_eventtype_name(ltt_event_eventtype(e)),"process") == 0) {
- /* We are in a fork or exit event */
return 0;
- &hashed_process_data_in->x);
+ &hashed_process_data_in->x.middle);
return 0;
#endif //0
+static __inline PropertiesLine prepare_execmode_line(LttvProcessState *process)
+ PropertiesLine prop_line;
+ prop_line.line_width = 1;
+ prop_line.y = OVER;
+ //GdkColormap *colormap = gdk_colormap_get_system();
+ /* color of line : execution mode of the process */
+ if(process->state->t == LTTV_STATE_USER_MODE)
+ prop_line.color = drawing_colors[COL_USER_MODE];
+ else if(process->state->t == LTTV_STATE_SYSCALL)
+ prop_line.color = drawing_colors[COL_SYSCALL];
+ else if(process->state->t == LTTV_STATE_TRAP)
+ prop_line.color = drawing_colors[COL_TRAP];
+ else if(process->state->t == LTTV_STATE_IRQ)
+ prop_line.color = drawing_colors[COL_IRQ];
+ else if(process->state->t == LTTV_STATE_MODE_UNKNOWN)
+ prop_line.color = drawing_colors[COL_MODE_UNKNOWN];
+ else
+ prop_line.color = drawing_colors[COL_WHITE];
+ //gdk_colormap_alloc_color(colormap,
+ // prop_line.color,
+ // FALSE,
+ // TRUE);
+ return prop_line;
+/* before_execmode_hook
+ *
+ * This function basically draw lines and icons. Two types of lines are drawn :
+ * one small (3 pixels?) representing the state of the process and the second
+ * type is thicker (10 pixels?) representing on which CPU a process is running
+ * (and this only in running state).
+ *
+ * Extremums of the lines :
+ * x_min : time of the last event context for this process kept in memory.
+ * x_max : time of the current event.
+ * y : middle of the process in the process list. The process is found in the
+ * list, therefore is it's position in pixels.
+ *
+ * The choice of lines'color is defined by the context of the last event for this
+ * process.
+ */
+int before_execmode_hook(void *hook_data, void *call_data)
+ EventsRequest *events_request = (EventsRequest*)hook_data;
+ ControlFlowData *control_flow_data = events_request->viewer_data;
+ Drawing_t *drawing = control_flow_data->drawing;
+ LttvTracefileContext *tfc = (LttvTracefileContext *)call_data;
+ LttvTracefileState *tfs = (LttvTracefileState *)call_data;
+ LttvTraceState *ts =(LttvTraceState *)LTTV_TRACEFILE_CONTEXT(tfs)->t_context;
+ LttEvent *e;
+ e = tfc->e;
+ LttTime evtime = ltt_event_time(e);
+ TimeWindow time_window =
+ lttvwindow_get_time_window(control_flow_data->tab);
+ LttTime end_time = ltt_time_add(time_window.start_time,
+ time_window.time_width);
+ if(ltt_time_compare(evtime, time_window.start_time) == -1
+ || ltt_time_compare(evtime, end_time) == 1)
+ return;
+ guint width = drawing->width;
+ if(strcmp(ltt_eventtype_name(ltt_event_eventtype(e)),"syscall_entry") == 0
+ ||strcmp(ltt_eventtype_name(ltt_event_eventtype(e)),"syscall_exit") == 0
+ ||strcmp(ltt_eventtype_name(ltt_event_eventtype(e)),"trap_entry") == 0
+ ||strcmp(ltt_eventtype_name(ltt_event_eventtype(e)),"trap_exit") == 0
+ ||strcmp(ltt_eventtype_name(ltt_event_eventtype(e)),"irq_entry") == 0
+ ||strcmp(ltt_eventtype_name(ltt_event_eventtype(e)),"irq_exit") == 0
+ ) {
+ /* we are in a execmode, before the state update. We must draw the
+ * items corresponding to the state before it changes : now is the right
+ * time to do it.
+ */
+ {
+ /* For the pid */
+ LttvProcessState *process = tfs->process;
+ g_assert(process != NULL);
+ guint pid = process->pid;
+ /* Well, the process_out existed : we must get it in the process hash
+ * or add it, and draw its items.
+ */
+ /* Add process to process list (if not present) */
+ guint y = 0, height = 0, pl_height = 0;
+ HashedProcessData *hashed_process_data = NULL;
+ ProcessList *process_list =
+ guicontrolflow_get_process_list(control_flow_data);
+ LttTime birth = process->creation_time;
+ const gchar *name = g_quark_to_string(process->name);
+ if(processlist_get_process_pixels(process_list,
+ pid,
+ process->last_cpu,
+ &birth,
+ tfc->t_context->index,
+ &y,
+ &height,
+ &hashed_process_data) == 1)
+ {
+ g_assert(pid == 0 || pid != process->ppid);
+ /* Process not present */
+ processlist_add(process_list,
+ pid,
+ process->last_cpu,
+ process->ppid,
+ &birth,
+ tfc->t_context->index,
+ name,
+ &pl_height,
+ &hashed_process_data);
+ processlist_get_process_pixels(process_list,
+ pid,
+ process->last_cpu,
+ &birth,
+ tfc->t_context->index,
+ &y,
+ &height,
+ &hashed_process_data);
+ drawing_insert_square( drawing, y, height);
+ }
+ /* Now, the process is in the state hash and our own process hash.
+ * We definitely can draw the items related to the ending state.
+ */
+ /* Check if the x position is unset. In can have been left unset by
+ * a draw closure from a after chunk hook. This should never happen,
+ * because it must be set by before chunk hook to the damage_begin
+ * value.
+ */
+ g_assert(hashed_process_data->x.over != -1);
+ {
+ guint x;
+ DrawContext draw_context;
+ convert_time_to_pixels(
+ time_window.start_time,
+ end_time,
+ evtime,
+ width,
+ &x);
+ /* Now create the drawing context that will be used to draw
+ * items related to the last state. */
+ draw_context.drawable = drawing->pixmap;
+ draw_context.gc = drawing->gc;
+ draw_context.pango_layout = drawing->pango_layout;
+ draw_context.drawinfo.start.x = hashed_process_data->x.over;
+ draw_context.drawinfo.end.x = x;
+ draw_context.drawinfo.y.over = y+1;
+ draw_context.drawinfo.y.middle = y+(height/2);
+ draw_context.drawinfo.y.under = y+height;
+ draw_context.drawinfo.start.offset.over = 0;
+ draw_context.drawinfo.start.offset.middle = 0;
+ draw_context.drawinfo.start.offset.under = 0;
+ draw_context.drawinfo.end.offset.over = 0;
+ draw_context.drawinfo.end.offset.middle = 0;
+ draw_context.drawinfo.end.offset.under = 0;
+ {
+ /* Draw the line */
+ PropertiesLine prop_line = prepare_execmode_line(process);
+ draw_line((void*)&prop_line, (void*)&draw_context);
+ }
+ /* become the last x position */
+ hashed_process_data->x.over = x;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+/* after_execmode_hook
+ *
+ * The draw after hook is called by the reading API to have a
+ * particular event drawn on the screen.
+ * @param hook_data ControlFlowData structure of the viewer.
+ * @param call_data Event context.
+ *
+ * This function adds items to be drawn in a queue for each process.
+ *
+ */
+int after_execmode_hook(void *hook_data, void *call_data)
+ EventsRequest *events_request = (EventsRequest*)hook_data;
+ ControlFlowData *control_flow_data = events_request->viewer_data;
+ LttvTracefileContext *tfc = (LttvTracefileContext *)call_data;
+ LttvTracefileState *tfs = (LttvTracefileState *)call_data;
+ LttvTraceState *ts =(LttvTraceState *)LTTV_TRACEFILE_CONTEXT(tfs)->t_context;
+ LttEvent *e;
+ e = tfc->e;
+ LttTime evtime = ltt_event_time(e);
+ TimeWindow time_window =
+ lttvwindow_get_time_window(control_flow_data->tab);
+ LttTime end_time = ltt_time_add(time_window.start_time,
+ time_window.time_width);
+ if(ltt_time_compare(evtime, time_window.start_time) == -1
+ || ltt_time_compare(evtime, end_time) == 1)
+ return;
+ guint width = control_flow_data->drawing->width;
+ if(strcmp(ltt_eventtype_name(ltt_event_eventtype(e)),"syscall_entry") == 0
+ ||strcmp(ltt_eventtype_name(ltt_event_eventtype(e)),"syscall_exit") == 0
+ ||strcmp(ltt_eventtype_name(ltt_event_eventtype(e)),"trap_entry") == 0
+ ||strcmp(ltt_eventtype_name(ltt_event_eventtype(e)),"trap_exit") == 0
+ ||strcmp(ltt_eventtype_name(ltt_event_eventtype(e)),"irq_entry") == 0
+ ||strcmp(ltt_eventtype_name(ltt_event_eventtype(e)),"irq_exit") == 0
+ ) {
+ g_debug("execmode!");
+ {
+ /* Add process to process list (if not present) */
+ LttvProcessState *process;
+ LttTime birth;
+ guint y = 0, height = 0, pl_height = 0;
+ HashedProcessData *hashed_process_data = NULL;
+ ProcessList *process_list =
+ guicontrolflow_get_process_list(control_flow_data);
+ /* Find process pid_in in the list... */
+ process = tfs->process;
+ /* It should exist, because we are after the state update. */
+ g_assert(process != NULL);
+ guint pid = process->pid;
+ birth = process->creation_time;
+ const gchar *name = g_quark_to_string(process->name);
+ if(processlist_get_process_pixels(process_list,
+ pid,
+ process->last_cpu,
+ &birth,
+ tfc->t_context->index,
+ &y,
+ &height,
+ &hashed_process_data) == 1)
+ {
+ g_assert(pid == 0 || pid != process->ppid);
+ /* Process not present */
+ processlist_add(process_list,
+ pid,
+ process->last_cpu,
+ process->ppid,
+ &birth,
+ tfc->t_context->index,
+ name,
+ &pl_height,
+ &hashed_process_data);
+ processlist_get_process_pixels(process_list,
+ pid,
+ process->last_cpu,
+ &birth,
+ tfc->t_context->index,
+ &y,
+ &height,
+ &hashed_process_data);
+ drawing_insert_square( control_flow_data->drawing, y, height);
+ }
+ convert_time_to_pixels(
+ time_window.start_time,
+ end_time,
+ evtime,
+ width,
+ &hashed_process_data->x.over);
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
/* after_fork_hook
* Create the processlist entry for the child process. Put the last
drawing_insert_square( control_flow_data->drawing, y_child, height);
+ guint new_x;
- &hashed_process_data_child->x);
+ &new_x);
+ hashed_process_data_child->x.over = new_x;
+ hashed_process_data_child->x.middle = new_x;
+ hashed_process_data_child->x.under = new_x;
return 0;
* because it must be set by before chunk hook to the damage_begin
* value.
- g_assert(hashed_process_data->x != -1);
+ g_assert(hashed_process_data->x.over != -1);
guint x;
DrawContext draw_context;
draw_context.drawable = drawing->pixmap;
draw_context.gc = drawing->gc;
draw_context.pango_layout = drawing->pango_layout;
- draw_context.drawinfo.start.x = hashed_process_data->x;
draw_context.drawinfo.end.x = x;
- draw_context.drawinfo.y.over = y;
- draw_context.drawinfo.y.middle = y+(height/4);
- draw_context.drawinfo.y.under = y+(height/2)+2;
+ draw_context.drawinfo.y.over = y+1;
+ draw_context.drawinfo.y.middle = y+(height/2);
+ draw_context.drawinfo.y.under = y+height;
draw_context.drawinfo.start.offset.over = 0;
draw_context.drawinfo.start.offset.middle = 0;
draw_context.drawinfo.end.offset.under = 0;
+ draw_context.drawinfo.start.x = hashed_process_data->x.over;
+ /* Draw the line */
+ PropertiesLine prop_line = prepare_execmode_line(process);
+ draw_line((void*)&prop_line, (void*)&draw_context);
+ }
+ hashed_process_data->x.over = x;
+ {
+ draw_context.drawinfo.start.x = hashed_process_data->x.middle;
/* Draw the line */
PropertiesLine prop_line = prepare_status_line(process);
draw_line((void*)&prop_line, (void*)&draw_context);
/* special case LTTV_STATE_WAIT : CPU is unknown. */
/* become the last x position */
- hashed_process_data->x = x;
+ hashed_process_data->x.middle = x;