--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 Kienan Stewart <kstewart@efficios.com>
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
+import argparse
+import logging
+import os
+import pathlib
+import platform
+import re
+import shlex
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import tempfile
+import urllib
+_ENV_VARS = [
+ "PATH",
+def _get_argparser():
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+ description="Fetch and create a stub environment from common job artifacts",
+ )
+ # Commands: fetch (implies activate), activate, deactivate
+ subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(required=True, dest="command")
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-v", "--verbose", action="count", help="Increase the verbosity"
+ )
+ fetch_parser = subparsers.add_parser("fetch")
+ fetch_parser.add_argument(
+ "directory",
+ help="The directory",
+ type=pathlib.Path,
+ )
+ fetch_parser.add_argument(
+ "-s",
+ "--server",
+ default="https://ci.lttng.org",
+ help="The jenkins server to use",
+ )
+ fetch_parser.add_argument(
+ "-j",
+ "--job",
+ help="The job name, eg. 'lttng-tools_master_root_slesbuild'",
+ default=None,
+ required=True,
+ )
+ fetch_parser.add_argument(
+ "-jc",
+ "--job-configuration",
+ help="An optional job configuration, eg. 'babeltrace_version=stable-2.0,build=std,conf=agents,liburcu_version=master,node=sles15sp4-amd64-rootnode,platform=sles15sp4-amd64'",
+ default=None,
+ )
+ fetch_parser.add_argument(
+ "-b", "--build-id", help="The build ID, eg. '28'", default=None, required=True
+ )
+ fetch_parser.add_argument(
+ "-n",
+ "--no-download",
+ help="Do not activate environment after fetching artifacts",
+ action="store_false",
+ dest="download",
+ default=True,
+ )
+ return parser
+def fetch(destination, server, job, build, job_configuration=None, download=True):
+ if destination.exists() and not destination.is_dir():
+ raise Exception("'{}' exists but is not a directory".format(str(destination)))
+ if not destination.exists():
+ destination.mkdir()
+ if download:
+ components = [
+ "job",
+ job,
+ job_configuration or "",
+ build,
+ "artifact",
+ "*zip*",
+ "archive.zip",
+ ]
+ url_components = [urllib.parse.quote_plus(x) for x in components]
+ url = "/".join([server] + url_components)
+ logging.info("Fetching archive from '{}'".format(url))
+ with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as archive:
+ subprocess.run(["wget", url, "-O", archive.name])
+ subprocess.run(["unzip", "-d", str(destination), archive.name])
+ # The artifact archive doesn't include symlinks, so the the symlinks for
+ # the ".so" in libdir_arch must be rebuilt
+ lib_dir = "lib"
+ lib_dir_arch = lib_dir
+ if (
+ pathlib.Path("/etc/products.d/SLES.prod").exists()
+ or pathlib.Path("/etc/redhat-release").exists()
+ or pathlib.Path("/etc/yocto-release").exists()
+ ) and "64bit" in platform.architecture:
+ lib_dir_arch = "{}64"
+ so_re = re.compile("^.*\.so\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+$")
+ for root, dirs, files in os.walk(
+ str(destination / "deps" / "build" / lib_dir_arch)
+ ):
+ for f in files:
+ if so_re.match(f):
+ bits = f.split(".")
+ alts = [
+ ".".join(bits[:-1]),
+ ".".join(bits[:-2]),
+ ".".join(bits[:-3]),
+ ]
+ for a in alts:
+ os.symlink(f, os.path.join(root, a))
+ env = create_activate(destination)
+ create_deactivate(destination, env)
+def create_activate(destination):
+ lib_dir = "lib"
+ lib_dir_arch = lib_dir
+ if (
+ pathlib.Path("/etc/products.d/SLES.prod").exists()
+ or pathlib.Path("/etc/redhat-release").exists()
+ or pathlib.Path("/etc/yocto-release").exists()
+ ) and "64bit" in platform.architecture:
+ lib_dir_arch = "{}64"
+ env = {}
+ env["_JENKINS_ENV"] = destination.name
+ for var in _ENV_VARS:
+ original = os.getenv(var)
+ env["_JENKINS_{}".format(var)] = original if original else ""
+ env["BABELTRACE_PLUGIN_PATH"] = "{}{}".format(
+ "{}:".format(original) if original else "",
+ str(
+ (
+ destination
+ / "archive"
+ / "deps"
+ / "build"
+ / lib_dir_arch
+ / "babeltrace2"
+ / "plugins"
+ ).absolute()
+ ),
+ )
+ elif var == "CPPFLAGS":
+ env["CPPFLAGS"] = "{}-I{}".format(
+ "{} ".format(original) if original else "",
+ str(
+ (destination / "archive" / "deps" / "build" / "include").absolute()
+ ),
+ )
+ elif var == "LD_LIBRARY_PATH":
+ env["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"] = "{}{}".format(
+ "{}:".format(original) if original else "",
+ str(
+ (
+ destination / "archive" / "deps" / "build" / lib_dir_arch
+ ).absolute()
+ ),
+ )
+ elif var == "LDFLAGS":
+ env["LDFLAGS"] = "{}-L{}".format(
+ "{} ".format(original) if original else "",
+ str(
+ (
+ destination / "archive" / "deps" / "build" / lib_dir_arch
+ ).absolute()
+ ),
+ )
+ elif var == "PATH":
+ env["PATH"] = "{}:{}".format(
+ original,
+ str((destination / "archive" / "deps" / "build" / "bin").absolute()),
+ )
+ elif var == "PKG_CONFIG_PATH":
+ env["PKG_CONFIG_PATH"] = "{}{}".format(
+ "{}:" if original else "",
+ str(
+ (
+ destination
+ / "archive"
+ / "deps"
+ / "build"
+ / lib_dir_arch
+ / "pkgconfig"
+ ).absolute()
+ ),
+ )
+ elif var == "PYTHONPATH":
+ pass
+ elif var == "WORKSPACE":
+ env["WORKSPACE"] = str((destination / "archive").absolute())
+ else:
+ raise Exception("Unsupported environment variable '{}'".format(var))
+ args = ["{}={}".format(k, shlex.quote(v)) for k, v in env.items()]
+ with open(str(destination / "activate"), "w") as fp:
+ fp.writelines("#!/usr/bin/bash\n")
+ for arg in args:
+ fp.writelines("export {}\n".format(arg))
+ (destination / "activate").chmod(0o755)
+ return env
+def create_deactivate(destination, env):
+ with open(str(destination / "deactivate"), "w") as fp:
+ fp.writelines("#!/usr/bin/bash\n")
+ for k, v in env.items():
+ if k.startswith("_JENKINS_"):
+ fp.writelines("unset {}\n".format(k))
+ else:
+ original = env["_JENKINS_{}".format(k)]
+ fp.writelines("export {}={}\n".format(k, original))
+ (destination / "deactivate").chmod(0o755)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ logger = logging.getLogger()
+ parser = _get_argparser()
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ logger.setLevel(max(1, 30 - (args.verbose or 0) * 10))
+ logging.debug("Initialized with log level: {}".format(logger.getEffectiveLevel()))
+ if args.command == "fetch":
+ fetch(
+ destination=args.directory,
+ server=args.server,
+ job=args.job,
+ build=args.build_id,
+ job_configuration=args.job_configuration,
+ download=args.download,
+ )
+ else:
+ raise Exception("Command '{}' unsupported".format(args.command))
+ sys.exit(0)