buildtype: linuxbuild
platforms: !!python/tuple [jammy-amd64]
builds: !!python/tuple [std, oot, dist, oot-dist]
- confs: !!python/tuple [std, static, prod, min, doc]
- filter: ''
+ confs: !!python/tuple [std, static, prod, min, doc, asan]
+ filter: '(build=="std") || (conf=="std") || (conf=="doc")'
touchstone: '(build == "std") && (conf == "std")'
- '{job_prefix}babeltrace_{version}_{buildtype}':
buildtype: build
platforms: !!python/tuple [bionic-amd64]
builds: !!python/tuple [std, oot, dist, oot-dist]
- confs: !!python/tuple [std, static, prod, min, doc]
- filter: ''
+ confs: !!python/tuple [std, static, prod, min, doc, asan]
+ filter: '(build=="std") || (conf=="std") || (conf=="doc")'
touchstone: '(build == "std") && (conf == "std")'
- '{job_prefix}babeltrace_{version}_{buildtype}':
buildtype: portbuild
CONF_OPTS+=("--enable-python-bindings" "--enable-python-bindings-doc" "--enable-python-plugins" "--enable-api-doc")
+ echo "Address Sanitizer configuration"
+ # --enable-asan was introduced after 2.0 but don't check the version, we
+ # want this configuration to fail if ASAN is unavailable.
+ CONF_OPTS+=("--enable-asan" "--enable-python-bindings" "--enable-python-plugins")
+ ;;
echo "Minimal configuration"