jobType = 'baremetal_benchmarks';
-// Launch canary jobs.
-println("\nSchedule canary jobs once a day:")
-canaryRunConfigs.each { config ->
- def jobName = jobType + '_canary';
- def currBuild = LaunchJob(jobName, config);
- // LaunchJob will return null if the job doesn't exist or is disabled.
- if (currBuild != null) {
- ongoingBuild[jobName] = currBuild;
- }
// Launch regular jobs.
if (runConfigs.size() > 0) {
println("\nSchedule jobs triggered by code changes:");
println("No new commit or tags, nothing more to do.")
+// Launch canary jobs.
+println("\nSchedule canary jobs once a day:")
+canaryRunConfigs.each { config ->
+ def jobName = jobType + '_canary';
+ def currBuild = LaunchJob(jobName, config);
+ // LaunchJob will return null if the job doesn't exist or is disabled.
+ if (currBuild != null) {
+ ongoingBuild[jobName] = currBuild;
+ }
// Save the tag and commit IDs scheduled in the past and during this run to the
// workspace. We save it at the end to be sure all jobs were launched. We save
// the object IDs even in case of failure. There is no point of re-running the