#define g_info(format...) g_log (G_LOG_DOMAIN, G_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, format)
#define g_debug(format...) g_log (G_LOG_DOMAIN, G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, format)
+#define TRACE_NUMBER 0
GdkColor drawing_colors[NUM_COLORS] =
{ /* Pixel, R, G, B */
+ Tab *tab = drawing->control_flow_data->tab;
TimeWindow time_window =
- lttvwindow_get_time_window(drawing->control_flow_data->tab);
+ lttvwindow_get_time_window(tab);
ControlFlowData *control_flow_data = drawing->control_flow_data;
- Tab *tab = control_flow_data->tab;
// (ControlFlowData*)g_object_get_data(
// G_OBJECT(drawing->drawing_area), "control_flow_data");
- EventsRequest *events_request = g_new(EventsRequest, 1);
- // Create the hooks
- LttvHooks *event = lttv_hooks_new();
- LttvHooks *before_chunk_traceset = lttv_hooks_new();
- LttvHooks *after_chunk_traceset = lttv_hooks_new();
- LttvHooks *before_request_hook = lttv_hooks_new();
- LttvHooks *after_request_hook = lttv_hooks_new();
- lttv_hooks_add(before_chunk_traceset,
- before_chunk,
- events_request,
- lttv_hooks_add(after_chunk_traceset,
- after_chunk,
- events_request,
+ lttvwindow_events_request_remove_all(tab,
+ control_flow_data);
- lttv_hooks_add(before_request_hook,
- before_request,
- events_request,
+ {
+ /* find the tracehooks */
+ LttvTracesetContext *tsc = lttvwindow_get_traceset_context(tab);
- lttv_hooks_add(after_request_hook,
- after_request,
- events_request,
+ LttvTraceset *traceset = tsc->ts;
- /* FIXME : hooks are registered global instead of by ID.
- * This is due to the lack of granularity of main window's events requests.
- * Should be fixed for gain of performance.
- */
+ guint i, k, nb_trace;
+ LttvTraceState *ts;
+ LttvTracefileState *tfs;
+ GArray *hooks;
+ LttvTraceHook hook;
+ LttvAttributeValue val;
+ nb_trace = lttv_traceset_number(traceset);
+ // FIXME : eventually request for more traces
+ // for(i = 0 ; i < nb_trace ; i++) {
+ g_assert(TRACE_NUMBER < nb_trace);
+ {
+ EventsRequest *events_request = g_new(EventsRequest, 1);
+ // Create the hooks
+ //LttvHooks *event = lttv_hooks_new();
+ LttvHooksById *event_by_id = lttv_hooks_by_id_new();
+ LttvHooks *before_chunk_traceset = lttv_hooks_new();
+ LttvHooks *after_chunk_traceset = lttv_hooks_new();
+ LttvHooks *before_request_hook = lttv_hooks_new();
+ LttvHooks *after_request_hook = lttv_hooks_new();
+ lttv_hooks_add(before_chunk_traceset,
+ before_chunk,
+ events_request,
+ lttv_hooks_add(after_chunk_traceset,
+ after_chunk,
+ events_request,
+ lttv_hooks_add(before_request_hook,
+ before_request,
+ events_request,
+ lttv_hooks_add(after_request_hook,
+ after_request,
+ events_request,
+ ts = (LttvTraceState *)tsc->traces[i];
+ /* Find the eventtype id for the following events and register the
+ associated by id hooks. */
+ hooks = g_array_new(FALSE, FALSE, sizeof(LttvTraceHook));
+ g_array_set_size(hooks, 16);
+ /* before hooks */
+ lttv_trace_find_hook(ts->parent.t, "core","syscall_entry","syscall_id",
+ NULL, NULL, before_execmode_hook, &g_array_index(hooks, LttvTraceHook, 0));
+ lttv_trace_find_hook(ts->parent.t, "core", "syscall_exit", NULL, NULL,
+ NULL, before_execmode_hook, &g_array_index(hooks, LttvTraceHook, 1));
+ lttv_trace_find_hook(ts->parent.t, "core", "trap_entry", "trap_id",
+ NULL, NULL, before_execmode_hook, &g_array_index(hooks, LttvTraceHook, 2));
+ lttv_trace_find_hook(ts->parent.t, "core", "trap_exit", NULL, NULL, NULL,
+ before_execmode_hook, &g_array_index(hooks, LttvTraceHook, 3));
+ lttv_trace_find_hook(ts->parent.t, "core", "irq_entry", "irq_id", NULL,
+ NULL, before_execmode_hook, &g_array_index(hooks, LttvTraceHook, 4));
+ lttv_trace_find_hook(ts->parent.t, "core", "irq_exit", NULL, NULL, NULL,
+ before_execmode_hook, &g_array_index(hooks, LttvTraceHook, 5));
+ lttv_trace_find_hook(ts->parent.t, "core", "schedchange", "in", "out",
+ "out_state", before_schedchange_hook,
+ &g_array_index(hooks, LttvTraceHook, 6));
+ lttv_trace_find_hook(ts->parent.t, "core", "process", "event_sub_id",
+ "event_data1", "event_data2", before_process_hook,
+ &g_array_index(hooks, LttvTraceHook, 7));
+#if 0
+ lttv_trace_find_hook(ts->parent.t, "core", "process_fork", "child_pid",
+ NULL, NULL, process_fork, &g_array_index(hooks, LttvTraceHook, 7));
+ lttv_trace_find_hook(ts->parent.t, "core", "process_exit", NULL, NULL,
+ NULL, process_exit, &g_array_index(hooks, LttvTraceHook, 8));
+#endif //0
+ /* after hooks */
+ lttv_trace_find_hook(ts->parent.t, "core","syscall_entry","syscall_id",
+ NULL, NULL, after_execmode_hook, &g_array_index(hooks, LttvTraceHook, 8));
+ lttv_trace_find_hook(ts->parent.t, "core", "syscall_exit", NULL, NULL,
+ NULL, after_execmode_hook, &g_array_index(hooks, LttvTraceHook, 9));
+ lttv_trace_find_hook(ts->parent.t, "core", "trap_entry", "trap_id",
+ NULL, NULL, after_execmode_hook, &g_array_index(hooks, LttvTraceHook, 10));
+ lttv_trace_find_hook(ts->parent.t, "core", "trap_exit", NULL, NULL, NULL,
+ after_execmode_hook, &g_array_index(hooks, LttvTraceHook, 11));
+ lttv_trace_find_hook(ts->parent.t, "core", "irq_entry", "irq_id", NULL,
+ NULL, after_execmode_hook, &g_array_index(hooks, LttvTraceHook, 12));
+ lttv_trace_find_hook(ts->parent.t, "core", "irq_exit", NULL, NULL, NULL,
+ after_execmode_hook, &g_array_index(hooks, LttvTraceHook, 13));
+ lttv_trace_find_hook(ts->parent.t, "core", "schedchange", "in", "out",
+ "out_state", after_schedchange_hook,
+ &g_array_index(hooks, LttvTraceHook, 14));
+ lttv_trace_find_hook(ts->parent.t, "core", "process", "event_sub_id",
+ "event_data1", "event_data2", after_process_hook,
+ &g_array_index(hooks, LttvTraceHook, 15));
+#if 0
+ lttv_trace_find_hook(ts->parent.t, "core", "process_fork", "child_pid",
+ NULL, NULL, process_fork, &g_array_index(hooks, LttvTraceHook, 7));
+ lttv_trace_find_hook(ts->parent.t, "core", "process_exit", NULL, NULL,
+ NULL, process_exit, &g_array_index(hooks, LttvTraceHook, 8));
+#endif //0
+ /* Add these hooks to each event_by_id hooks list */
+ /* add before */
+ for(k = 0 ; k < hooks->len/2 ; k++) {
+ hook = g_array_index(hooks, LttvTraceHook, k);
+ lttv_hooks_add(lttv_hooks_by_id_find(event_by_id,
+ hook.id), hook.h,
+ events_request,
+ }
+ /* add after */
+ for(k = hooks->len/2 ; k < hooks->len ; k++) {
+ hook = g_array_index(hooks, LttvTraceHook, k);
+ lttv_hooks_add(lttv_hooks_by_id_find(event_by_id,
+ hook.id), hook.h,
+ events_request,
+ }
+ events_request->hooks = hooks;
+ // Fill the events request
+ events_request->owner = control_flow_data;
+ events_request->viewer_data = control_flow_data;
+ events_request->servicing = FALSE;
+ events_request->start_time = start;
+ events_request->start_position = NULL;
+ events_request->stop_flag = FALSE;
+ events_request->end_time = time_end;
+ events_request->num_events = G_MAXUINT;
+ events_request->end_position = NULL;
+ events_request->trace = i; /* FIXME */
+ events_request->before_chunk_traceset = before_chunk_traceset;
+ events_request->before_chunk_trace = NULL;
+ events_request->before_chunk_tracefile = NULL;
+ events_request->event = NULL;
+ events_request->event_by_id = event_by_id;
+ events_request->after_chunk_tracefile = NULL;
+ events_request->after_chunk_trace = NULL;
+ events_request->after_chunk_traceset = after_chunk_traceset;
+ events_request->before_request = before_request_hook;
+ events_request->after_request = after_request_hook;
+ g_debug("req : start : %u, %u", start.tv_sec,
+ start.tv_nsec);
+ g_debug("req : end : %u, %u", time_end.tv_sec,
+ time_end.tv_nsec);
+ lttvwindow_events_request(tab, events_request);
+ }
+ }
+#if 0
+#endif //0
- // Fill the events request
- events_request->owner = control_flow_data;
- events_request->viewer_data = control_flow_data;
- events_request->servicing = FALSE;
- events_request->start_time = start;
- events_request->start_position = NULL;
- events_request->stop_flag = FALSE;
- events_request->end_time = time_end;
- events_request->num_events = G_MAXUINT;
- events_request->end_position = NULL;
- events_request->trace = 0; /* FIXME */
- events_request->before_chunk_traceset = before_chunk_traceset;
- events_request->before_chunk_trace = NULL;
- events_request->before_chunk_tracefile = NULL;
- events_request->event = event;
- events_request->event_by_id = NULL;
- events_request->after_chunk_tracefile = NULL;
- events_request->after_chunk_trace = NULL;
- events_request->after_chunk_traceset = after_chunk_traceset;
- events_request->before_request = before_request_hook;
- events_request->after_request = after_request_hook;
- g_debug("req : start : %u, %u", start.tv_sec,
- start.tv_nsec);
- g_debug("req : end : %u, %u", time_end.tv_sec,
- time_end.tv_nsec);
- lttvwindow_events_request_remove_all(tab,
- control_flow_data);
- lttvwindow_events_request(tab, events_request);
guint width = drawing->width;
- if(strcmp(ltt_eventtype_name(ltt_event_eventtype(e)),"schedchange") == 0) {
- /* we are in a schedchange, before the state update. We must draw the
- * items corresponding to the state before it changes : now is the right
- * time to do it.
- */
+ /* we are in a schedchange, before the state update. We must draw the
+ * items corresponding to the state before it changes : now is the right
+ * time to do it.
+ */
- guint pid_out;
- guint pid_in;
- {
- LttField *f = ltt_event_field(e);
- LttField *element;
- element = ltt_field_member(f,0);
- pid_out = ltt_event_get_long_unsigned(e,element);
- element = ltt_field_member(f,1);
- pid_in = ltt_event_get_long_unsigned(e,element);
- g_debug("out : %u in : %u", pid_out, pid_in);
- }
+ guint pid_out;
+ guint pid_in;
+ {
+ LttField *f = ltt_event_field(e);
+ LttField *element;
+ element = ltt_field_member(f,0);
+ pid_out = ltt_event_get_long_unsigned(e,element);
+ element = ltt_field_member(f,1);
+ pid_in = ltt_event_get_long_unsigned(e,element);
+ g_debug("out : %u in : %u", pid_out, pid_in);
+ }
+ {
+ /* For the pid_out */
+ /* First, check if the current process is in the state computation
+ * process list. If it is there, that means we must add it right now and
+ * draw items from the beginning of the read for it. If it is not
+ * present, it's a new process and it was not present : it will
+ * be added after the state update. */
+ LttvProcessState *process;
+ process = lttv_state_find_process(tfs, pid_out);
- {
- /* For the pid_out */
- /* First, check if the current process is in the state computation
- * process list. If it is there, that means we must add it right now and
- * draw items from the beginning of the read for it. If it is not
- * present, it's a new process and it was not present : it will
- * be added after the state update. */
- LttvProcessState *process;
- process = lttv_state_find_process(tfs, pid_out);
+ if(process != NULL) {
+ /* Well, the process_out existed : we must get it in the process hash
+ * or add it, and draw its items.
+ */
+ /* Add process to process list (if not present) */
+ guint y = 0, height = 0, pl_height = 0;
+ HashedProcessData *hashed_process_data = NULL;
+ ProcessList *process_list =
+ guicontrolflow_get_process_list(control_flow_data);
+ LttTime birth = process->creation_time;
+ const gchar *name = g_quark_to_string(process->name);
- if(process != NULL) {
- /* Well, the process_out existed : we must get it in the process hash
- * or add it, and draw its items.
- */
- /* Add process to process list (if not present) */
- guint y = 0, height = 0, pl_height = 0;
- HashedProcessData *hashed_process_data = NULL;
- ProcessList *process_list =
- guicontrolflow_get_process_list(control_flow_data);
- LttTime birth = process->creation_time;
- const gchar *name = g_quark_to_string(process->name);
- if(processlist_get_process_pixels(process_list,
+ if(processlist_get_process_pixels(process_list,
+ pid_out,
+ process->last_cpu,
+ &birth,
+ tfc->t_context->index,
+ &y,
+ &height,
+ &hashed_process_data) == 1)
+ {
+ g_assert(pid_out == 0 || pid_out != process->ppid);
+ /* Process not present */
+ processlist_add(process_list,
+ pid_out,
+ process->last_cpu,
+ process->ppid,
+ &birth,
+ tfc->t_context->index,
+ name,
+ &pl_height,
+ &hashed_process_data);
+ processlist_get_process_pixels(process_list,
- &hashed_process_data) == 1)
- {
- g_assert(pid_out == 0 || pid_out != process->ppid);
- /* Process not present */
- processlist_add(process_list,
- pid_out,
- process->last_cpu,
- process->ppid,
- &birth,
- tfc->t_context->index,
- name,
- &pl_height,
- &hashed_process_data);
- processlist_get_process_pixels(process_list,
- pid_out,
- process->last_cpu,
- &birth,
- tfc->t_context->index,
- &y,
- &height,
- &hashed_process_data);
- drawing_insert_square( drawing, y, height);
- }
+ &hashed_process_data);
+ drawing_insert_square( drawing, y, height);
+ }
+ /* Now, the process is in the state hash and our own process hash.
+ * We definitely can draw the items related to the ending state.
+ */
- /* Now, the process is in the state hash and our own process hash.
- * We definitely can draw the items related to the ending state.
- */
- /* Check if the x position is unset. In can have been left unset by
- * a draw closure from a after chunk hook. This should never happen,
- * because it must be set by before chunk hook to the damage_begin
- * value.
- */
- g_assert(hashed_process_data->x.middle != -1);
+ /* Check if the x position is unset. In can have been left unset by
+ * a draw closure from a after chunk hook. This should never happen,
+ * because it must be set by before chunk hook to the damage_begin
+ * value.
+ */
+ g_assert(hashed_process_data->x.middle != -1);
+ {
+ guint x;
+ DrawContext draw_context;
+ convert_time_to_pixels(
+ time_window.start_time,
+ end_time,
+ evtime,
+ width,
+ &x);
+ /* Now create the drawing context that will be used to draw
+ * items related to the last state. */
+ draw_context.drawable = drawing->pixmap;
+ draw_context.gc = drawing->gc;
+ draw_context.pango_layout = drawing->pango_layout;
+ draw_context.drawinfo.start.x = hashed_process_data->x.middle;
+ draw_context.drawinfo.end.x = x;
+ draw_context.drawinfo.y.over = y+1;
+ draw_context.drawinfo.y.middle = y+(height/2);
+ draw_context.drawinfo.y.under = y+height;
+ draw_context.drawinfo.start.offset.over = 0;
+ draw_context.drawinfo.start.offset.middle = 0;
+ draw_context.drawinfo.start.offset.under = 0;
+ draw_context.drawinfo.end.offset.over = 0;
+ draw_context.drawinfo.end.offset.middle = 0;
+ draw_context.drawinfo.end.offset.under = 0;
- guint x;
- DrawContext draw_context;
- convert_time_to_pixels(
- time_window.start_time,
- end_time,
- evtime,
- width,
- &x);
- /* Now create the drawing context that will be used to draw
- * items related to the last state. */
- draw_context.drawable = drawing->pixmap;
- draw_context.gc = drawing->gc;
- draw_context.pango_layout = drawing->pango_layout;
- draw_context.drawinfo.start.x = hashed_process_data->x.middle;
- draw_context.drawinfo.end.x = x;
- draw_context.drawinfo.y.over = y+1;
- draw_context.drawinfo.y.middle = y+(height/2);
- draw_context.drawinfo.y.under = y+height;
- draw_context.drawinfo.start.offset.over = 0;
- draw_context.drawinfo.start.offset.middle = 0;
- draw_context.drawinfo.start.offset.under = 0;
- draw_context.drawinfo.end.offset.over = 0;
- draw_context.drawinfo.end.offset.middle = 0;
- draw_context.drawinfo.end.offset.under = 0;
- {
- /* Draw the line */
- PropertiesLine prop_line = prepare_status_line(process);
- draw_line((void*)&prop_line, (void*)&draw_context);
- }
- /* become the last x position */
- hashed_process_data->x.middle = x;
+ /* Draw the line */
+ PropertiesLine prop_line = prepare_status_line(process);
+ draw_line((void*)&prop_line, (void*)&draw_context);
+ /* become the last x position */
+ hashed_process_data->x.middle = x;
+ }
- {
- /* For the pid_in */
- /* First, check if the current process is in the state computation
- * process list. If it is there, that means we must add it right now and
- * draw items from the beginning of the read for it. If it is not
- * present, it's a new process and it was not present : it will
- * be added after the state update. */
- LttvProcessState *process;
- process = lttv_state_find_process(tfs, pid_in);
+ {
+ /* For the pid_in */
+ /* First, check if the current process is in the state computation
+ * process list. If it is there, that means we must add it right now and
+ * draw items from the beginning of the read for it. If it is not
+ * present, it's a new process and it was not present : it will
+ * be added after the state update. */
+ LttvProcessState *process;
+ process = lttv_state_find_process(tfs, pid_in);
+ if(process != NULL) {
+ /* Well, the process_out existed : we must get it in the process hash
+ * or add it, and draw its items.
+ */
+ /* Add process to process list (if not present) */
+ guint y = 0, height = 0, pl_height = 0;
+ HashedProcessData *hashed_process_data = NULL;
+ ProcessList *process_list =
+ guicontrolflow_get_process_list(control_flow_data);
+ LttTime birth = process->creation_time;
+ const gchar *name = g_quark_to_string(process->name);
- if(process != NULL) {
- /* Well, the process_out existed : we must get it in the process hash
- * or add it, and draw its items.
- */
- /* Add process to process list (if not present) */
- guint y = 0, height = 0, pl_height = 0;
- HashedProcessData *hashed_process_data = NULL;
- ProcessList *process_list =
- guicontrolflow_get_process_list(control_flow_data);
- LttTime birth = process->creation_time;
- const gchar *name = g_quark_to_string(process->name);
- if(processlist_get_process_pixels(process_list,
+ if(processlist_get_process_pixels(process_list,
+ pid_in,
+ process->last_cpu,
+ &birth,
+ tfc->t_context->index,
+ &y,
+ &height,
+ &hashed_process_data) == 1)
+ {
+ g_assert(pid_in == 0 || pid_in != process->ppid);
+ /* Process not present */
+ processlist_add(process_list,
+ pid_in,
+ process->last_cpu,
+ process->ppid,
+ &birth,
+ tfc->t_context->index,
+ name,
+ &pl_height,
+ &hashed_process_data);
+ processlist_get_process_pixels(process_list,
- &hashed_process_data) == 1)
- {
- g_assert(pid_in == 0 || pid_in != process->ppid);
- /* Process not present */
- processlist_add(process_list,
- pid_in,
- process->last_cpu,
- process->ppid,
- &birth,
- tfc->t_context->index,
- name,
- &pl_height,
- &hashed_process_data);
- processlist_get_process_pixels(process_list,
- pid_in,
- process->last_cpu,
- &birth,
- tfc->t_context->index,
- &y,
- &height,
- &hashed_process_data);
- drawing_insert_square( drawing, y, height);
- }
+ &hashed_process_data);
+ drawing_insert_square( drawing, y, height);
+ }
+ /* Now, the process is in the state hash and our own process hash.
+ * We definitely can draw the items related to the ending state.
+ */
- /* Now, the process is in the state hash and our own process hash.
- * We definitely can draw the items related to the ending state.
- */
- /* Check if the x position is unset. In can have been left unset by
- * a draw closure from a after chunk hook. This should never happen,
- * because it must be set by before chunk hook to the damage_begin
- * value.
- */
- g_assert(hashed_process_data->x.middle != -1);
- {
- guint x;
- DrawContext draw_context;
- convert_time_to_pixels(
- time_window.start_time,
- end_time,
- evtime,
- width,
- &x);
- /* Now create the drawing context that will be used to draw
- * items related to the last state. */
- draw_context.drawable = drawing->pixmap;
- draw_context.gc = drawing->gc;
- draw_context.pango_layout = drawing->pango_layout;
- draw_context.drawinfo.start.x = hashed_process_data->x.middle;
- draw_context.drawinfo.end.x = x;
+ /* Check if the x position is unset. In can have been left unset by
+ * a draw closure from a after chunk hook. This should never happen,
+ * because it must be set by before chunk hook to the damage_begin
+ * value.
+ */
+ g_assert(hashed_process_data->x.middle != -1);
+ {
+ guint x;
+ DrawContext draw_context;
- draw_context.drawinfo.y.over = y+1;
- draw_context.drawinfo.y.middle = y+(height/2);
- draw_context.drawinfo.y.under = y+height;
+ convert_time_to_pixels(
+ time_window.start_time,
+ end_time,
+ evtime,
+ width,
+ &x);
+ /* Now create the drawing context that will be used to draw
+ * items related to the last state. */
+ draw_context.drawable = drawing->pixmap;
+ draw_context.gc = drawing->gc;
+ draw_context.pango_layout = drawing->pango_layout;
+ draw_context.drawinfo.start.x = hashed_process_data->x.middle;
+ draw_context.drawinfo.end.x = x;
- draw_context.drawinfo.start.offset.over = 0;
- draw_context.drawinfo.start.offset.middle = 0;
- draw_context.drawinfo.start.offset.under = 0;
- draw_context.drawinfo.end.offset.over = 0;
- draw_context.drawinfo.end.offset.middle = 0;
- draw_context.drawinfo.end.offset.under = 0;
+ draw_context.drawinfo.y.over = y+1;
+ draw_context.drawinfo.y.middle = y+(height/2);
+ draw_context.drawinfo.y.under = y+height;
- {
- /* Draw the line */
- PropertiesLine prop_line = prepare_status_line(process);
- draw_line((void*)&prop_line, (void*)&draw_context);
- }
+ draw_context.drawinfo.start.offset.over = 0;
+ draw_context.drawinfo.start.offset.middle = 0;
+ draw_context.drawinfo.start.offset.under = 0;
+ draw_context.drawinfo.end.offset.over = 0;
+ draw_context.drawinfo.end.offset.middle = 0;
+ draw_context.drawinfo.end.offset.under = 0;
- /* become the last x position */
- hashed_process_data->x.middle = x;
+ {
+ /* Draw the line */
+ PropertiesLine prop_line = prepare_status_line(process);
+ draw_line((void*)&prop_line, (void*)&draw_context);
+ /* become the last x position */
+ hashed_process_data->x.middle = x;
guint width = control_flow_data->drawing->width;
- if(strcmp(ltt_eventtype_name(ltt_event_eventtype(e)),"schedchange") == 0) {
+ /* Add process to process list (if not present) */
+ LttvProcessState *process_out, *process_in;
+ LttTime birth;
+ guint y_in = 0, y_out = 0, height = 0, pl_height = 0;
+ HashedProcessData *hashed_process_data_in = NULL;
- g_debug("schedchange!");
- {
- /* Add process to process list (if not present) */
- LttvProcessState *process_out, *process_in;
- LttTime birth;
- guint y_in = 0, y_out = 0, height = 0, pl_height = 0;
- HashedProcessData *hashed_process_data_in = NULL;
- ProcessList *process_list =
- guicontrolflow_get_process_list(control_flow_data);
- guint pid_in;
- {
- guint pid_out;
- LttField *f = ltt_event_field(e);
- LttField *element;
- element = ltt_field_member(f,0);
- pid_out = ltt_event_get_long_unsigned(e,element);
- element = ltt_field_member(f,1);
- pid_in = ltt_event_get_long_unsigned(e,element);
- g_debug("out : %u in : %u", pid_out, pid_in);
- }
+ ProcessList *process_list =
+ guicontrolflow_get_process_list(control_flow_data);
+ guint pid_in;
+ {
+ guint pid_out;
+ LttField *f = ltt_event_field(e);
+ LttField *element;
+ element = ltt_field_member(f,0);
+ pid_out = ltt_event_get_long_unsigned(e,element);
+ element = ltt_field_member(f,1);
+ pid_in = ltt_event_get_long_unsigned(e,element);
+ g_debug("out : %u in : %u", pid_out, pid_in);
+ }
- /* Find process pid_in in the list... */
- process_in = lttv_state_find_process(tfs, pid_in);
- /* It should exist, because we are after the state update. */
- g_assert(process_in != NULL);
+ /* Find process pid_in in the list... */
+ process_in = lttv_state_find_process(tfs, pid_in);
+ /* It should exist, because we are after the state update. */
+ g_assert(process_in != NULL);
- birth = process_in->creation_time;
- const gchar *name = g_quark_to_string(process_in->name);
+ birth = process_in->creation_time;
+ const gchar *name = g_quark_to_string(process_in->name);
- if(processlist_get_process_pixels(process_list,
- pid_in,
- process_in->last_cpu,
- &birth,
- tfc->t_context->index,
- &y_in,
- &height,
- &hashed_process_data_in) == 1)
- {
- g_assert(pid_in == 0 || pid_in != process_in->ppid);
- /* Process not present */
- processlist_add(process_list,
+ if(processlist_get_process_pixels(process_list,
+ pid_in,
+ process_in->last_cpu,
+ &birth,
+ tfc->t_context->index,
+ &y_in,
+ &height,
+ &hashed_process_data_in) == 1)
+ {
+ g_assert(pid_in == 0 || pid_in != process_in->ppid);
+ /* Process not present */
+ processlist_add(process_list,
+ pid_in,
+ process_in->last_cpu,
+ process_in->ppid,
+ &birth,
+ tfc->t_context->index,
+ name,
+ &pl_height,
+ &hashed_process_data_in);
+ processlist_get_process_pixels(process_list,
- process_in->ppid,
- name,
- &pl_height,
+ &y_in,
+ &height,
- processlist_get_process_pixels(process_list,
- pid_in,
- process_in->last_cpu,
- &birth,
- tfc->t_context->index,
- &y_in,
- &height,
- &hashed_process_data_in);
- drawing_insert_square( control_flow_data->drawing, y_in, height);
- }
- convert_time_to_pixels(
- time_window.start_time,
- end_time,
- evtime,
- width,
- &hashed_process_data_in->x.middle);
- }
+ drawing_insert_square( control_flow_data->drawing, y_in, height);
+ convert_time_to_pixels(
+ time_window.start_time,
+ end_time,
+ evtime,
+ width,
+ &hashed_process_data_in->x.middle);
return 0;
guint width = drawing->width;
- if(strcmp(ltt_eventtype_name(ltt_event_eventtype(e)),"syscall_entry") == 0
- ||strcmp(ltt_eventtype_name(ltt_event_eventtype(e)),"syscall_exit") == 0
- ||strcmp(ltt_eventtype_name(ltt_event_eventtype(e)),"trap_entry") == 0
- ||strcmp(ltt_eventtype_name(ltt_event_eventtype(e)),"trap_exit") == 0
- ||strcmp(ltt_eventtype_name(ltt_event_eventtype(e)),"irq_entry") == 0
- ||strcmp(ltt_eventtype_name(ltt_event_eventtype(e)),"irq_exit") == 0
- ) {
- /* we are in a execmode, before the state update. We must draw the
- * items corresponding to the state before it changes : now is the right
- * time to do it.
- */
- /* For the pid */
- LttvProcessState *process = tfs->process;
- g_assert(process != NULL);
+ /* we are in a execmode, before the state update. We must draw the
+ * items corresponding to the state before it changes : now is the right
+ * time to do it.
+ */
+ /* For the pid */
+ LttvProcessState *process = tfs->process;
+ g_assert(process != NULL);
- guint pid = process->pid;
+ guint pid = process->pid;
- /* Well, the process_out existed : we must get it in the process hash
- * or add it, and draw its items.
- */
- /* Add process to process list (if not present) */
- guint y = 0, height = 0, pl_height = 0;
- HashedProcessData *hashed_process_data = NULL;
- ProcessList *process_list =
- guicontrolflow_get_process_list(control_flow_data);
- LttTime birth = process->creation_time;
- const gchar *name = g_quark_to_string(process->name);
- if(processlist_get_process_pixels(process_list,
+ /* Well, the process_out existed : we must get it in the process hash
+ * or add it, and draw its items.
+ */
+ /* Add process to process list (if not present) */
+ guint y = 0, height = 0, pl_height = 0;
+ HashedProcessData *hashed_process_data = NULL;
+ ProcessList *process_list =
+ guicontrolflow_get_process_list(control_flow_data);
+ LttTime birth = process->creation_time;
+ const gchar *name = g_quark_to_string(process->name);
+ if(processlist_get_process_pixels(process_list,
+ pid,
+ process->last_cpu,
+ &birth,
+ tfc->t_context->index,
+ &y,
+ &height,
+ &hashed_process_data) == 1)
+ {
+ g_assert(pid == 0 || pid != process->ppid);
+ /* Process not present */
+ processlist_add(process_list,
+ pid,
+ process->last_cpu,
+ process->ppid,
+ &birth,
+ tfc->t_context->index,
+ name,
+ &pl_height,
+ &hashed_process_data);
+ processlist_get_process_pixels(process_list,
- &hashed_process_data) == 1)
- {
- g_assert(pid == 0 || pid != process->ppid);
- /* Process not present */
- processlist_add(process_list,
- pid,
- process->last_cpu,
- process->ppid,
- &birth,
- tfc->t_context->index,
- name,
- &pl_height,
- &hashed_process_data);
- processlist_get_process_pixels(process_list,
- pid,
- process->last_cpu,
- &birth,
- tfc->t_context->index,
- &y,
- &height,
- &hashed_process_data);
- drawing_insert_square( drawing, y, height);
- }
- /* Now, the process is in the state hash and our own process hash.
- * We definitely can draw the items related to the ending state.
- */
- /* Check if the x position is unset. In can have been left unset by
- * a draw closure from a after chunk hook. This should never happen,
- * because it must be set by before chunk hook to the damage_begin
- * value.
- */
- g_assert(hashed_process_data->x.over != -1);
- {
- guint x;
- DrawContext draw_context;
- convert_time_to_pixels(
- time_window.start_time,
- end_time,
- evtime,
- width,
- &x);
+ &hashed_process_data);
+ drawing_insert_square( drawing, y, height);
+ }
- /* Now create the drawing context that will be used to draw
- * items related to the last state. */
- draw_context.drawable = drawing->pixmap;
- draw_context.gc = drawing->gc;
- draw_context.pango_layout = drawing->pango_layout;
- draw_context.drawinfo.start.x = hashed_process_data->x.over;
- draw_context.drawinfo.end.x = x;
+ /* Now, the process is in the state hash and our own process hash.
+ * We definitely can draw the items related to the ending state.
+ */
+ /* Check if the x position is unset. In can have been left unset by
+ * a draw closure from a after chunk hook. This should never happen,
+ * because it must be set by before chunk hook to the damage_begin
+ * value.
+ */
+ g_assert(hashed_process_data->x.over != -1);
+ {
+ guint x;
+ DrawContext draw_context;
- draw_context.drawinfo.y.over = y+1;
- draw_context.drawinfo.y.middle = y+(height/2);
- draw_context.drawinfo.y.under = y+height;
+ convert_time_to_pixels(
+ time_window.start_time,
+ end_time,
+ evtime,
+ width,
+ &x);
- draw_context.drawinfo.start.offset.over = 0;
- draw_context.drawinfo.start.offset.middle = 0;
- draw_context.drawinfo.start.offset.under = 0;
- draw_context.drawinfo.end.offset.over = 0;
- draw_context.drawinfo.end.offset.middle = 0;
- draw_context.drawinfo.end.offset.under = 0;
+ /* Now create the drawing context that will be used to draw
+ * items related to the last state. */
+ draw_context.drawable = drawing->pixmap;
+ draw_context.gc = drawing->gc;
+ draw_context.pango_layout = drawing->pango_layout;
+ draw_context.drawinfo.start.x = hashed_process_data->x.over;
+ draw_context.drawinfo.end.x = x;
+ draw_context.drawinfo.y.over = y+1;
+ draw_context.drawinfo.y.middle = y+(height/2);
+ draw_context.drawinfo.y.under = y+height;
+ draw_context.drawinfo.start.offset.over = 0;
+ draw_context.drawinfo.start.offset.middle = 0;
+ draw_context.drawinfo.start.offset.under = 0;
+ draw_context.drawinfo.end.offset.over = 0;
+ draw_context.drawinfo.end.offset.middle = 0;
+ draw_context.drawinfo.end.offset.under = 0;
- {
- /* Draw the line */
- PropertiesLine prop_line = prepare_execmode_line(process);
- draw_line((void*)&prop_line, (void*)&draw_context);
+ {
+ /* Draw the line */
+ PropertiesLine prop_line = prepare_execmode_line(process);
+ draw_line((void*)&prop_line, (void*)&draw_context);
- }
- /* become the last x position */
- hashed_process_data->x.over = x;
+ /* become the last x position */
+ hashed_process_data->x.over = x;
return 0;
guint width = control_flow_data->drawing->width;
- if(strcmp(ltt_eventtype_name(ltt_event_eventtype(e)),"syscall_entry") == 0
- ||strcmp(ltt_eventtype_name(ltt_event_eventtype(e)),"syscall_exit") == 0
- ||strcmp(ltt_eventtype_name(ltt_event_eventtype(e)),"trap_entry") == 0
- ||strcmp(ltt_eventtype_name(ltt_event_eventtype(e)),"trap_exit") == 0
- ||strcmp(ltt_eventtype_name(ltt_event_eventtype(e)),"irq_entry") == 0
- ||strcmp(ltt_eventtype_name(ltt_event_eventtype(e)),"irq_exit") == 0
- ) {
- g_debug("execmode!");
- {
- /* Add process to process list (if not present) */
- LttvProcessState *process;
- LttTime birth;
- guint y = 0, height = 0, pl_height = 0;
- HashedProcessData *hashed_process_data = NULL;
+ /* Add process to process list (if not present) */
+ LttvProcessState *process;
+ LttTime birth;
+ guint y = 0, height = 0, pl_height = 0;
+ HashedProcessData *hashed_process_data = NULL;
- ProcessList *process_list =
- guicontrolflow_get_process_list(control_flow_data);
+ ProcessList *process_list =
+ guicontrolflow_get_process_list(control_flow_data);
- /* Find process pid_in in the list... */
- process = tfs->process;
- /* It should exist, because we are after the state update. */
- g_assert(process != NULL);
+ /* Find process pid_in in the list... */
+ process = tfs->process;
+ /* It should exist, because we are after the state update. */
+ g_assert(process != NULL);
- guint pid = process->pid;
+ guint pid = process->pid;
- birth = process->creation_time;
- const gchar *name = g_quark_to_string(process->name);
+ birth = process->creation_time;
+ const gchar *name = g_quark_to_string(process->name);
- if(processlist_get_process_pixels(process_list,
- pid,
- process->last_cpu,
- &birth,
- tfc->t_context->index,
- &y,
- &height,
- &hashed_process_data) == 1)
- {
- g_assert(pid == 0 || pid != process->ppid);
- /* Process not present */
- processlist_add(process_list,
+ if(processlist_get_process_pixels(process_list,
+ pid,
+ process->last_cpu,
+ &birth,
+ tfc->t_context->index,
+ &y,
+ &height,
+ &hashed_process_data) == 1)
+ {
+ g_assert(pid == 0 || pid != process->ppid);
+ /* Process not present */
+ processlist_add(process_list,
+ pid,
+ process->last_cpu,
+ process->ppid,
+ &birth,
+ tfc->t_context->index,
+ name,
+ &pl_height,
+ &hashed_process_data);
+ processlist_get_process_pixels(process_list,
- process->ppid,
- name,
- &pl_height,
+ &y,
+ &height,
- processlist_get_process_pixels(process_list,
- pid,
- process->last_cpu,
- &birth,
- tfc->t_context->index,
- &y,
- &height,
- &hashed_process_data);
- drawing_insert_square( control_flow_data->drawing, y, height);
- }
- convert_time_to_pixels(
- time_window.start_time,
- end_time,
- evtime,
- width,
- &hashed_process_data->x.over);
- }
+ drawing_insert_square( control_flow_data->drawing, y, height);
+ convert_time_to_pixels(
+ time_window.start_time,
+ end_time,
+ evtime,
+ width,
+ &hashed_process_data->x.over);
return 0;
guint width = control_flow_data->drawing->width;
- if(strcmp(ltt_eventtype_name(ltt_event_eventtype(e)),"process") == 0) {
- guint sub_id;
- {
- LttField *f = ltt_event_field(e);
- LttField *element;
- element = ltt_field_member(f,0);
- sub_id = ltt_event_get_long_unsigned(e,element);
- }
+ guint sub_id;
+ {
+ LttField *f = ltt_event_field(e);
+ LttField *element;
+ element = ltt_field_member(f,0);
+ sub_id = ltt_event_get_long_unsigned(e,element);
+ }
- if(sub_id == 3) { /* exit */
+ if(sub_id == 3) { /* exit */
- /* Add process to process list (if not present) */
- LttvProcessState *process = tfs->process;
- guint pid = process->pid;
- LttTime birth;
- guint y = 0, height = 0, pl_height = 0;
- HashedProcessData *hashed_process_data = NULL;
+ /* Add process to process list (if not present) */
+ LttvProcessState *process = tfs->process;
+ guint pid = process->pid;
+ LttTime birth;
+ guint y = 0, height = 0, pl_height = 0;
+ HashedProcessData *hashed_process_data = NULL;
- ProcessList *process_list =
- guicontrolflow_get_process_list(control_flow_data);
- g_assert(process != NULL);
+ ProcessList *process_list =
+ guicontrolflow_get_process_list(control_flow_data);
+ g_assert(process != NULL);
- birth = process->creation_time;
- const gchar *name = g_quark_to_string(process->name);
+ birth = process->creation_time;
+ const gchar *name = g_quark_to_string(process->name);
- if(processlist_get_process_pixels(process_list,
+ if(processlist_get_process_pixels(process_list,
+ pid,
+ process->last_cpu,
+ &birth,
+ tfc->t_context->index,
+ &y,
+ &height,
+ &hashed_process_data) == 1)
+ {
+ g_assert(pid == 0 || pid != process->ppid);
+ /* Process not present */
+ processlist_add(process_list,
+ pid,
+ process->last_cpu,
+ process->ppid,
+ &birth,
+ tfc->t_context->index,
+ name,
+ &pl_height,
+ &hashed_process_data);
+ processlist_get_process_pixels(process_list,
- &hashed_process_data) == 1)
- {
- g_assert(pid == 0 || pid != process->ppid);
- /* Process not present */
- processlist_add(process_list,
- pid,
- process->last_cpu,
- process->ppid,
- &birth,
- tfc->t_context->index,
- name,
- &pl_height,
- &hashed_process_data);
- processlist_get_process_pixels(process_list,
- pid,
- process->last_cpu,
- &birth,
- tfc->t_context->index,
- &y,
- &height,
- &hashed_process_data);
- drawing_insert_square( control_flow_data->drawing, y, height);
- }
+ &hashed_process_data);
+ drawing_insert_square( control_flow_data->drawing, y, height);
+ }
- /* Now, the process is in the state hash and our own process hash.
- * We definitely can draw the items related to the ending state.
- */
- /* Check if the x position is unset. In can have been left unset by
- * a draw closure from a after chunk hook. This should never happen,
- * because it must be set by before chunk hook to the damage_begin
- * value.
- */
- g_assert(hashed_process_data->x.over != -1);
- {
- guint x;
- DrawContext draw_context;
+ /* Now, the process is in the state hash and our own process hash.
+ * We definitely can draw the items related to the ending state.
+ */
+ /* Check if the x position is unset. In can have been left unset by
+ * a draw closure from a after chunk hook. This should never happen,
+ * because it must be set by before chunk hook to the damage_begin
+ * value.
+ */
+ g_assert(hashed_process_data->x.over != -1);
+ {
+ guint x;
+ DrawContext draw_context;
- convert_time_to_pixels(
- time_window.start_time,
- end_time,
- evtime,
- width,
- &x);
+ convert_time_to_pixels(
+ time_window.start_time,
+ end_time,
+ evtime,
+ width,
+ &x);
- /* Now create the drawing context that will be used to draw
- * items related to the last state. */
- draw_context.drawable = drawing->pixmap;
- draw_context.gc = drawing->gc;
- draw_context.pango_layout = drawing->pango_layout;
- draw_context.drawinfo.start.x = hashed_process_data->x.middle;
- draw_context.drawinfo.end.x = x;
+ /* Now create the drawing context that will be used to draw
+ * items related to the last state. */
+ draw_context.drawable = drawing->pixmap;
+ draw_context.gc = drawing->gc;
+ draw_context.pango_layout = drawing->pango_layout;
+ draw_context.drawinfo.start.x = hashed_process_data->x.middle;
+ draw_context.drawinfo.end.x = x;
- draw_context.drawinfo.y.over = y+1;
- draw_context.drawinfo.y.middle = y+(height/2);
- draw_context.drawinfo.y.under = y+height;
+ draw_context.drawinfo.y.over = y+1;
+ draw_context.drawinfo.y.middle = y+(height/2);
+ draw_context.drawinfo.y.under = y+height;
- draw_context.drawinfo.start.offset.over = 0;
- draw_context.drawinfo.start.offset.middle = 0;
- draw_context.drawinfo.start.offset.under = 0;
- draw_context.drawinfo.end.offset.over = 0;
- draw_context.drawinfo.end.offset.middle = 0;
- draw_context.drawinfo.end.offset.under = 0;
+ draw_context.drawinfo.start.offset.over = 0;
+ draw_context.drawinfo.start.offset.middle = 0;
+ draw_context.drawinfo.start.offset.under = 0;
+ draw_context.drawinfo.end.offset.over = 0;
+ draw_context.drawinfo.end.offset.middle = 0;
+ draw_context.drawinfo.end.offset.under = 0;
- {
- /* Draw the line */
- PropertiesLine prop_line = prepare_status_line(process);
- draw_line((void*)&prop_line, (void*)&draw_context);
+ {
+ /* Draw the line */
+ PropertiesLine prop_line = prepare_status_line(process);
+ draw_line((void*)&prop_line, (void*)&draw_context);
- }
- /* become the last x position */
- hashed_process_data->x.middle = x;
+ /* become the last x position */
+ hashed_process_data->x.middle = x;
return 0;
guint width = control_flow_data->drawing->width;
- if(strcmp(ltt_eventtype_name(ltt_event_eventtype(e)),"process") == 0) {
+ guint sub_id;
+ guint param1;
+ {
+ LttField *f = ltt_event_field(e);
+ LttField *element;
+ element = ltt_field_member(f,0);
+ sub_id = ltt_event_get_long_unsigned(e,element);
+ element = ltt_field_member(f,1);
+ param1 = ltt_event_get_long_unsigned(e,element);
+ }
- guint sub_id;
- guint param1;
- {
- LttField *f = ltt_event_field(e);
- LttField *element;
- element = ltt_field_member(f,0);
- sub_id = ltt_event_get_long_unsigned(e,element);
- element = ltt_field_member(f,1);
- param1 = ltt_event_get_long_unsigned(e,element);
- }
+ if(sub_id == 2) { /* fork */
+ guint child_pid = param1;
+ /* Add process to process list (if not present) */
+ LttvProcessState *process_child;
+ LttTime birth;
+ guint y_child = 0, height = 0, pl_height = 0;
+ HashedProcessData *hashed_process_data_child = NULL;
- if(sub_id == 2) { /* fork */
- guint child_pid = param1;
- /* Add process to process list (if not present) */
- LttvProcessState *process_child;
- LttTime birth;
- guint y_child = 0, height = 0, pl_height = 0;
- HashedProcessData *hashed_process_data_child = NULL;
- ProcessList *process_list =
- guicontrolflow_get_process_list(control_flow_data);
+ ProcessList *process_list =
+ guicontrolflow_get_process_list(control_flow_data);
- /* Find child in the list... */
- process_child = lttv_state_find_process(tfs, child_pid);
- /* It should exist, because we are after the state update. */
- g_assert(process_child != NULL);
+ /* Find child in the list... */
+ process_child = lttv_state_find_process(tfs, child_pid);
+ /* It should exist, because we are after the state update. */
+ g_assert(process_child != NULL);
- birth = process_child->creation_time;
- const gchar *name = g_quark_to_string(process_child->name);
+ birth = process_child->creation_time;
+ const gchar *name = g_quark_to_string(process_child->name);
- if(processlist_get_process_pixels(process_list,
+ if(processlist_get_process_pixels(process_list,
+ child_pid,
+ process_child->last_cpu,
+ &birth,
+ tfc->t_context->index,
+ &y_child,
+ &height,
+ &hashed_process_data_child) == 1)
+ {
+ g_assert(child_pid == 0 || child_pid != process_child->ppid);
+ /* Process not present */
+ processlist_add(process_list,
+ child_pid,
+ process_child->last_cpu,
+ process_child->ppid,
+ &birth,
+ tfc->t_context->index,
+ name,
+ &pl_height,
+ &hashed_process_data_child);
+ processlist_get_process_pixels(process_list,
- &hashed_process_data_child) == 1)
- {
- g_assert(child_pid == 0 || child_pid != process_child->ppid);
- /* Process not present */
- processlist_add(process_list,
- child_pid,
- process_child->last_cpu,
- process_child->ppid,
- &birth,
- tfc->t_context->index,
- name,
- &pl_height,
- &hashed_process_data_child);
- processlist_get_process_pixels(process_list,
- child_pid,
- process_child->last_cpu,
- &birth,
- tfc->t_context->index,
- &y_child,
- &height,
- &hashed_process_data_child);
- drawing_insert_square( control_flow_data->drawing, y_child, height);
- }
+ &hashed_process_data_child);
+ drawing_insert_square( control_flow_data->drawing, y_child, height);
+ }
- guint new_x;
- convert_time_to_pixels(
- time_window.start_time,
- end_time,
- evtime,
- width,
- &new_x);
- hashed_process_data_child->x.over = new_x;
- hashed_process_data_child->x.middle = new_x;
- hashed_process_data_child->x.under = new_x;
+ guint new_x;
+ convert_time_to_pixels(
+ time_window.start_time,
+ end_time,
+ evtime,
+ width,
+ &new_x);
+ hashed_process_data_child->x.over = new_x;
+ hashed_process_data_child->x.middle = new_x;
+ hashed_process_data_child->x.under = new_x;
- } else if(sub_id == 3) { /* exit */
+ } else if(sub_id == 3) { /* exit */
- /* Add process to process list (if not present) */
- LttvProcessState *process = tfs->process;
- guint pid = process->pid;
- LttTime birth;
- guint y = 0, height = 0, pl_height = 0;
- HashedProcessData *hashed_process_data = NULL;
+ /* Add process to process list (if not present) */
+ LttvProcessState *process = tfs->process;
+ guint pid = process->pid;
+ LttTime birth;
+ guint y = 0, height = 0, pl_height = 0;
+ HashedProcessData *hashed_process_data = NULL;
- ProcessList *process_list =
- guicontrolflow_get_process_list(control_flow_data);
+ ProcessList *process_list =
+ guicontrolflow_get_process_list(control_flow_data);
- /* It should exist, because we are after the state update. */
- g_assert(process != NULL);
+ /* It should exist, because we are after the state update. */
+ g_assert(process != NULL);
- birth = process->creation_time;
- const gchar *name = g_quark_to_string(process->name);
+ birth = process->creation_time;
+ const gchar *name = g_quark_to_string(process->name);
- if(processlist_get_process_pixels(process_list,
+ if(processlist_get_process_pixels(process_list,
+ pid,
+ process->last_cpu,
+ &birth,
+ tfc->t_context->index,
+ &y,
+ &height,
+ &hashed_process_data) == 1)
+ {
+ g_assert(pid == 0 || pid != process->ppid);
+ /* Process not present */
+ processlist_add(process_list,
+ pid,
+ process->last_cpu,
+ process->ppid,
+ &birth,
+ tfc->t_context->index,
+ name,
+ &pl_height,
+ &hashed_process_data);
+ processlist_get_process_pixels(process_list,
- &hashed_process_data) == 1)
- {
- g_assert(pid == 0 || pid != process->ppid);
- /* Process not present */
- processlist_add(process_list,
- pid,
- process->last_cpu,
- process->ppid,
- &birth,
- tfc->t_context->index,
- name,
- &pl_height,
- &hashed_process_data);
- processlist_get_process_pixels(process_list,
- pid,
- process->last_cpu,
- &birth,
- tfc->t_context->index,
- &y,
- &height,
- &hashed_process_data);
- drawing_insert_square( control_flow_data->drawing, y, height);
- }
- guint new_x;
- convert_time_to_pixels(
- time_window.start_time,
- end_time,
- evtime,
- width,
- &new_x);
- hashed_process_data->x.middle = new_x;
+ &hashed_process_data);
+ drawing_insert_square( control_flow_data->drawing, y, height);
+ guint new_x;
+ convert_time_to_pixels(
+ time_window.start_time,
+ end_time,
+ evtime,
+ width,
+ &new_x);
+ hashed_process_data->x.middle = new_x;
return 0;