project-type: freestyle
- - ansicolor
- - timeout:
+ - ansicolor: &babeltrace_wrapper_ansicolor_defaults
+ colormap: xterm
+ - timeout: &babeltrace_wrapper_timeout_defaults
timeout: 20
fail: true
type: no-activity
+ write-description: "<h1 style=\"color:red\">This build failed due to timeout.</h1>"
- timestamps
- - workspace-cleanup:
- clean-if:
- - failure: false
+ - workspace-cleanup
- git:
## Anchors
-- babeltrace_build_axes_defaults: &babeltrace_build_axes_defaults
- name: 'babeltrace_build_axes_defaults'
+- babeltrace_matrix_axes_defaults: &babeltrace_matrix_axes_defaults
+ name: 'babeltrace_matrix_axes_defaults'
project-type: matrix
node: 'master' # Applies only to matrix flyweight task
+ execution-strategy:
+ combination-filter: '{filter}'
+ touchstone:
+ expr: '{touchstone}'
+ result: unstable
- - axis:
+ - axis: &babeltrace_build_axis_arch
type: slave
name: arch
- values: '{obj:arch}'
- - axis:
+ values: '{obj:archs}'
+ - axis: &babeltrace_build_axis_conf
type: user-defined
name: conf
- values: '{obj:conf}'
- - axis:
+ values: '{obj:confs}'
+ - axis: &babeltrace_build_axis_build
type: user-defined
name: build
- values: '{obj:build}'
+ values: '{obj:builds}'
+- babeltrace_matrix_axes_cc: &babeltrace_matrix_axes_cc
+ name: 'babeltrace_matrix_axes_cc'
+ <<: *babeltrace_matrix_axes_defaults
-- babeltrace_build_axes_cc: &babeltrace_build_axes_cc
- name: 'babeltrace_build_axes_cc'
- project-type: matrix
- node: 'master' # Applies only to matrix flyweight task
- - axis:
- type: slave
- name: arch
- values: '{obj:arch}'
- - axis:
- type: user-defined
- name: conf
- values: '{obj:conf}'
- - axis:
- type: user-defined
- name: build
- values: '{obj:build}'
- - axis:
+ - axis: *babeltrace_build_axis_arch
+ - axis: *babeltrace_build_axis_conf
+ - axis: *babeltrace_build_axis_build
+ - axis: &babeltrace_build_axis_cc
type: user-defined
name: cc
- values: '{obj:cc}'
+ values: '{obj:ccs}'
-- babeltrace_build_builders_defaults: &babeltrace_build_builders_defaults
- name: 'babeltrace_build_builders_defaults'
- builders:
- - shell:
- !include-raw-escape:
- - scripts/common/
- - scripts/babeltrace/
-- babeltrace_build_builders_win: &babeltrace_build_builders_win
- name: 'babeltrace_build_builders_win'
+- babeltrace_builders_defaults: &babeltrace_builders_defaults
+ name: 'babeltrace_builders_defaults'
+ !j2-yaml: |
+ {% if buildtype is defined and buildtype == 'winbuild' %}
- conditional-step:
condition-kind: strings-match
on-evaluation-failure: run
- condition-string1: '${{arch}}'
+ condition-string1: {{ '${{arch}}' }}
condition-string2: 'cygwin64'
- shell:
- conditional-step:
condition-kind: strings-match
on-evaluation-failure: run
- condition-string1: '${{arch}}'
+ condition-string1: {{ '${{arch}}' }}
condition-string2: 'msys2-mingw32'
- inject:
- conditional-step:
condition-kind: strings-match
on-evaluation-failure: run
- condition-string1: '${{arch}}'
+ condition-string1: {{ '${{arch}}' }}
condition-string2: 'msys2-mingw64'
- inject:
- scripts/common/cygpath-prefix
- scripts/common/
- scripts/babeltrace/
+ {% else %}
+ - shell:
+ !include-raw-escape:
+ - scripts/common/
+ - scripts/babeltrace/
+ {% endif %}
# Use - in version number since yaml anchor do not support dot
-- babeltrace_build_builders_glib-2-28-6: &babeltrace_build_builders_glib-2-28-6
- name: 'babeltrace_build_builders_glib-2-28-6'
+- babeltrace_builders_glib-2-28-6: &babeltrace_builders_glib-2-28-6
+ name: 'babeltrace_builders_glib-2-28-6'
- inject:
properties-content: |
- scripts/common/
- scripts/babeltrace/
-- babeltrace_build_publishers_defaults: &babeltrace_build_publishers_defaults
- name: 'babeltrace_build_publishers_defaults'
+- babeltrace_publishers_defaults: &babeltrace_publishers_defaults
+ name: 'babeltrace_publishers_defaults'
- - tap:
+ - tap: &babeltrace_publisher_tap_defaults
results: 'tap/**/*.log'
fail-if-no-results: true
failed-tests-mark-build-as-failure: true
todo-is-failure: false
- - warnings:
- console-log-parsers:
- - 'GNU Make + GNU C Compiler (gcc)'
- total-thresholds:
- unstable:
- total-all: 0
- total-high: 0
- total-normal: 0
- total-low: 0
- - archive:
+ - raw: &babeltrace_publisher_warnings-ng_defaults
+ xml: |
+ <io.jenkins.plugins.analysis.core.steps.IssuesRecorder plugin="warnings-ng">
+ <analysisTools>
+ <io.jenkins.plugins.analysis.warnings.Gcc4>
+ <id/>
+ <name/>
+ <jenkins plugin="plugin-util-api"/>
+ <pattern/>
+ <reportEncoding/>
+ <skipSymbolicLinks>false</skipSymbolicLinks>
+ </io.jenkins.plugins.analysis.warnings.Gcc4>
+ <io.jenkins.plugins.analysis.warnings.Clang>
+ <id/>
+ <name/>
+ <jenkins plugin="plugin-util-api"/>
+ <pattern/>
+ <reportEncoding/>
+ <skipSymbolicLinks>false</skipSymbolicLinks>
+ </io.jenkins.plugins.analysis.warnings.Clang>
+ </analysisTools>
+ <sourceCodeEncoding/>
+ <sourceDirectory/>
+ <sourceDirectories/>
+ <ignoreQualityGate>false</ignoreQualityGate>
+ <ignoreFailedBuilds>true</ignoreFailedBuilds>
+ <failOnError>false</failOnError>
+ <healthy>0</healthy>
+ <unhealthy>0</unhealthy>
+ <minimumSeverity plugin="analysis-model-api">
+ <name>LOW</name>
+ </minimumSeverity>
+ <filters/>
+ <isEnabledForFailure>true</isEnabledForFailure>
+ <isAggregatingResults>true</isAggregatingResults>
+ <isBlameDisabled>false</isBlameDisabled>
+ <skipPublishingChecks>true</skipPublishingChecks>
+ <publishAllIssues>false</publishAllIssues>
+ <qualityGates>
+ <io.jenkins.plugins.analysis.core.util.QualityGate>
+ <threshold>1</threshold>
+ <type>TOTAL</type>
+ <status>WARNING</status>
+ </io.jenkins.plugins.analysis.core.util.QualityGate>
+ </qualityGates>
+ <trendChartType>AGGREGATION_TOOLS</trendChartType>
+ <scm/>
+ </io.jenkins.plugins.analysis.core.steps.IssuesRecorder>
+ - archive: &babeltrace_publisher_archive_defaults
artifacts: 'build/**,tap/**'
allow-empty: false
- - email-ext:
+ - workspace-cleanup: &babeltrace_publisher_workspace-cleanup_defaults
+ clean-if:
+ - failure: false
+ - email-ext: &babeltrace_publisher_email-ext_defaults
recipients: '{obj:email_to}'
always: false
- babeltrace_build_publishers_gerrit: &babeltrace_build_publishers_gerrit
name: 'babeltrace_build_publishers_gerrit'
- - tap:
- results: 'tap/**/*.log'
- fail-if-no-results: true
- failed-tests-mark-build-as-failure: true
- todo-is-failure: false
- - warnings:
- console-log-parsers:
- - 'GNU Make + GNU C Compiler (gcc)'
- total-thresholds:
- failed:
- total-all: 0
- total-high: 0
- total-normal: 0
- total-low: 0
- - archive:
- artifacts: 'build/**,tap/**'
- allow-empty: false
+ - tap: *babeltrace_publisher_tap_defaults
+ - raw: *babeltrace_publisher_warnings-ng_defaults
+ - archive: *babeltrace_publisher_archive_defaults
+ - workspace-cleanup: *babeltrace_publisher_workspace-cleanup_defaults
-## Templates
-- job-template:
- name: babeltrace_{version}_{buildtype}
- defaults: babeltrace
- <<: *babeltrace_build_axes_defaults
- <<: *babeltrace_build_builders_defaults
- <<: *babeltrace_build_publishers_defaults
+## Job Templates
- job-template:
name: '{job_prefix}babeltrace_{version}_{buildtype}'
defaults: babeltrace
- <<: *babeltrace_build_axes_defaults
- <<: *babeltrace_build_builders_defaults
- <<: *babeltrace_build_publishers_defaults
+ <<: *babeltrace_matrix_axes_defaults
+ <<: *babeltrace_builders_defaults
+ <<: *babeltrace_publishers_defaults
- job-template:
name: babeltrace_{version}_{cctype}
defaults: babeltrace
- <<: *babeltrace_build_axes_cc
- <<: *babeltrace_build_builders_defaults
- <<: *babeltrace_build_publishers_defaults
-- job-template:
- name: babeltrace_{version}_winbuild
- defaults: babeltrace
- <<: *babeltrace_build_axes_defaults
- <<: *babeltrace_build_builders_win
- <<: *babeltrace_build_publishers_defaults
+ <<: *babeltrace_matrix_axes_cc
+ <<: *babeltrace_builders_defaults
+ <<: *babeltrace_publishers_defaults
- job-template:
name: dev_gerrit_babeltrace_{buildtype}
- branch-compare-type: 'ANT'
branch-pattern: '**'
- project-type: matrix
- node: 'master' # Applies only to matrix flyweight task
- execution-strategy:
- combination-filter: |
- {filter}
- axes:
- - axis:
- type: slave
- name: arch
- values: '{obj:arch}'
- - axis:
- type: user-defined
- name: conf
- values: '{obj:conf}'
- - axis:
- type: user-defined
- name: build
- values: '{obj:build}'
- <<: *babeltrace_build_builders_defaults
- <<: *babeltrace_build_publishers_gerrit
- inject:
properties-content: |
- 'gerrit-{buildtype}'
-- job-template:
- name: dev_gerrit_babeltrace_winbuild
- defaults: babeltrace
- concurrent: true
- scm:
- - git:
- url:
- refspec: 'refs/changes/*:refs/changes/*'
- branches:
- basedir: src/babeltrace
- skip-tag: true
- triggers:
- - gerrit:
- trigger-on:
- - comment-added-event:
- approval-category: 'CI-Build'
- approval-value: 1
- projects:
- - project-compare-type: 'PLAIN'
- project-pattern: 'babeltrace'
- branches:
- - branch-compare-type: 'ANT'
- branch-pattern: '**'
- properties:
- - inject:
- properties-content: |
- PROJECT_NAME=babeltrace
- - build-discarder:
- days-to-keep: 1
- - throttle:
- option: 'category'
- categories:
- - 'gerrit-winbuild'
- <<: *babeltrace_build_axes_defaults
- <<: *babeltrace_build_builders_win
+ <<: *babeltrace_matrix_axes_defaults
+ <<: *babeltrace_builders_defaults
<<: *babeltrace_build_publishers_gerrit
- job-template:
!include-raw-escape: scripts/babeltrace/
- - tap:
- results: 'tap/**/*.log'
- fail-if-no-results: true
- failed-tests-mark-build-as-failure: true
- todo-is-failure: false
- - warnings:
- console-log-parsers:
- - 'GNU Make + GNU C Compiler (gcc)'
- total-thresholds:
- unstable:
- total-all: 0
- total-high: 0
- total-normal: 0
- total-low: 0
- - workspace-cleanup:
- clean-if:
- - failure: false
+ - tap: *babeltrace_publisher_tap_defaults
+ - raw: *babeltrace_publisher_warnings-ng_defaults
+ - workspace-cleanup: *babeltrace_publisher_workspace-cleanup_defaults
- archive:
artifacts: 'out/**,tap/**'
allow-empty: false
cppcheck --enable=all --xml --xml-version=2 $WORKSPACE/src/babeltrace 2> cppcheck-result.xml
+ - workspace-cleanup: *babeltrace_publisher_workspace-cleanup_defaults
- archive:
artifacts: 'cppcheck-result.xml'
allow-empty: false
!include-raw-escape: scripts/common/
+ - workspace-cleanup: *babeltrace_publisher_workspace-cleanup_defaults
- html-publisher:
name: 'HTML Report'
dir: 'scan-build-archive/'
cron: "@daily"
- - workspace-cleanup
+ - ansicolor: *babeltrace_wrapper_ansicolor_defaults
+ - timeout: *babeltrace_wrapper_timeout_defaults
- timestamps
- - ansicolor:
- colormap: xterm
+ - workspace-cleanup
- credentials-binding:
- username-password-separated:
credential-id: babeltrace_coverity_token
- shell:
!include-raw-escape: scripts/common/
- - workspace-cleanup
+ - workspace-cleanup: *babeltrace_publisher_workspace-cleanup_defaults
- archive:
artifacts: 'analysis-results.tgz,cov-int/**'
allow-empty: false
!include-raw-escape: scripts/babeltrace/
+ - workspace-cleanup: *babeltrace_publisher_workspace-cleanup_defaults
- archive:
artifacts: 'black.out,flake8.out'
- - email-ext:
- recipients: '{obj:email_to}'
- reply-to:
- always: false
- unstable: false
- first-failure: true
- first-unstable: true
- not-built: false
- aborted: false
- regression: false
- failure: false
- second-failure: false
- improvement: false
- still-failing: false
- success: false
- fixed: false
- fixed-unhealthy: true
- still-unstable: false
- pre-build: false
- matrix-trigger: only-parent
- send-to:
- - recipients
-- job-template:
- name: babeltrace_{version}_glib-2.28.6
- defaults: babeltrace
- node: 'amd64'
- <<: *babeltrace_build_builders_glib-2-28-6
- <<: *babeltrace_build_publishers_defaults
+ allow-empty: false
+ - email-ext: *babeltrace_publisher_email-ext_defaults
- job-template:
name: '{job_prefix}babeltrace_{version}_glib-2.28.6'
defaults: babeltrace
node: 'amd64'
- <<: *babeltrace_build_builders_glib-2-28-6
- <<: *babeltrace_build_publishers_defaults
+ <<: *babeltrace_builders_glib-2-28-6
+ <<: *babeltrace_publishers_defaults
## Views
- stable-2.0
- master
- - 'babeltrace_{version}_{buildtype}':
+ - '{job_prefix}babeltrace_{version}_{buildtype}':
buildtype: build
- arch: !!python/tuple [amd64]
- build: !!python/tuple [std, oot, dist, oot-dist]
- conf: !!python/tuple [std, static, prod, min]
- - 'babeltrace_{version}_{buildtype}':
+ archs: !!python/tuple [amd64]
+ builds: !!python/tuple [std, oot, dist, oot-dist]
+ confs: !!python/tuple [std, static, prod, min]
+ filter: ''
+ touchstone: '(build == "std") && (conf == "std")'
+ - '{job_prefix}babeltrace_{version}_{buildtype}':
buildtype: portbuild
- arch: !!python/tuple [armhf, arm64, powerpc, ppc64el, i386]
- build: !!python/tuple [std]
- conf: !!python/tuple [std, prod]
- - 'babeltrace_{version}_{buildtype}':
+ archs: !!python/tuple [armhf, arm64, powerpc, ppc64el, i386]
+ builds: !!python/tuple [std]
+ confs: !!python/tuple [std, prod]
+ filter: ''
+ touchstone: '(build == "std") && (conf == "std") && (arch == "i386")'
+ - '{job_prefix}babeltrace_{version}_{buildtype}':
buildtype: slesbuild
- arch: !!python/tuple [sles12sp5]
- build: !!python/tuple [std]
- conf: !!python/tuple [std, prod]
- - 'babeltrace_{version}_{buildtype}':
+ archs: !!python/tuple [sles12sp5]
+ builds: !!python/tuple [std]
+ confs: !!python/tuple [std, prod]
+ filter: ''
+ touchstone: ''
+ - '{job_prefix}babeltrace_{version}_{buildtype}':
buildtype: elbuild
- arch: !!python/tuple [el8]
- build: !!python/tuple [std]
- conf: !!python/tuple [std, prod]
- - 'babeltrace_{version}_{buildtype}':
+ archs: !!python/tuple [el8]
+ builds: !!python/tuple [std]
+ confs: !!python/tuple [std, prod]
+ filter: ''
+ touchstone: ''
+ - '{job_prefix}babeltrace_{version}_{buildtype}':
buildtype: macosbuild
- arch: !!python/tuple [macos-amd64, macos-arm64]
- build: !!python/tuple [std]
- conf: !!python/tuple [std, prod]
- - 'babeltrace_{version}_{buildtype}':
+ archs: !!python/tuple [macos-amd64, macos-arm64]
+ builds: !!python/tuple [std]
+ confs: !!python/tuple [std, prod]
+ filter: ''
+ touchstone: ''
+ - '{job_prefix}babeltrace_{version}_{buildtype}':
buildtype: freebsdbuild
- arch: !!python/tuple [freebsd]
- build: !!python/tuple [std]
- conf: !!python/tuple [std, prod]
+ archs: !!python/tuple [freebsd]
+ builds: !!python/tuple [std]
+ confs: !!python/tuple [std, prod]
+ filter: ''
+ touchstone: ''
+ - '{job_prefix}babeltrace_{version}_{buildtype}':
+ buildtype: winbuild
+ archs: !!python/tuple [cygwin64, msys2-mingw32, msys2-mingw64]
+ builds: !!python/tuple [std]
+ confs: !!python/tuple [std]
+ filter: ''
+ touchstone: ''
- 'babeltrace_{version}_{cctype}':
cctype: clangbuild
- arch: !!python/tuple [amd64]
- build: !!python/tuple [std]
- conf: !!python/tuple [std, static, prod]
- cc: !!python/tuple [clang-3.9, clang-4.0, clang-6.0, clang-7]
- - 'babeltrace_{version}_winbuild':
- arch: !!python/tuple [cygwin64, msys2-mingw32, msys2-mingw64]
- build: !!python/tuple [std]
- conf: !!python/tuple [std]
+ archs: !!python/tuple [amd64]
+ builds: !!python/tuple [std]
+ confs: !!python/tuple [std, static, prod]
+ ccs: !!python/tuple [clang-3.9, clang-4.0, clang-6.0, clang-7]
+ filter: ''
+ touchstone: ''
- 'babeltrace_{version}_release':
version: v2.0
- 'babeltrace_{version}_cppcheck'
- 'babeltrace_{version}_pylint'
- 'babeltrace_{version}_coverity':
version: master
- - 'babeltrace_{version}_glib-2.28.6':
+ - '{job_prefix}babeltrace_{version}_glib-2.28.6':
version: master
- project:
- 'dev_gerrit_babeltrace_{buildtype}':
buildtype: build
- arch: !!python/tuple [amd64, armhf, arm64, powerpc, ppc64el, i386]
- build: !!python/tuple [std, oot, dist, oot-dist]
- conf: !!python/tuple [std, static, prod, min]
+ archs: !!python/tuple [amd64, armhf, arm64, powerpc, ppc64el, i386]
+ builds: !!python/tuple [std, oot, dist, oot-dist]
+ confs: !!python/tuple [std, static, prod, min]
filter: '(build=="std" && conf=="std") || (arch=="amd64")'
+ touchstone: ''
- 'dev_gerrit_babeltrace_{buildtype}':
buildtype: macosbuild
- arch: !!python/tuple [macos-amd64, macos-arm64]
- build: !!python/tuple [std]
- conf: !!python/tuple [std, prod]
+ archs: !!python/tuple [macos-amd64, macos-arm64]
+ builds: !!python/tuple [std]
+ confs: !!python/tuple [std, prod]
filter: ''
- - 'dev_gerrit_babeltrace_winbuild':
- arch: !!python/tuple [cygwin64, msys2-mingw64]
- build: !!python/tuple [std]
- conf: !!python/tuple [std]
+ touchstone: ''
+ - 'dev_gerrit_babeltrace_{buildtype}':
+ buildtype: winbuild
+ archs: !!python/tuple [cygwin64, msys2-mingw64]
+ builds: !!python/tuple [std]
+ confs: !!python/tuple [std]
+ filter: ''
+ touchstone: ''
- 'dev_gerrit_babeltrace_pylint'
- '{job_prefix}babeltrace_{version}_{buildtype}':
buildtype: build
- arch: !!python/tuple [amd64]
- build: !!python/tuple [std, oot, dist, oot-dist]
- conf: !!python/tuple [std, static, python-bindings]
+ archs: !!python/tuple [amd64]
+ builds: !!python/tuple [std, oot, dist, oot-dist]
+ confs: !!python/tuple [std, static, python-bindings]
+ filter: ''
+ touchstone: '(build == "std") && (conf == "std")'
- '{job_prefix}babeltrace_{version}_{buildtype}':
buildtype: portbuild
- arch: !!python/tuple [armhf, arm64, powerpc, ppc64el, i386]
- build: !!python/tuple [std]
- conf: !!python/tuple [std, python-bindings]
+ archs: !!python/tuple [armhf, arm64, powerpc, ppc64el, i386]
+ builds: !!python/tuple [std]
+ confs: !!python/tuple [std, python-bindings]
+ filter: ''
+ touchstone: '(build == "std") && (conf == "std") && (arch == "i386")'
- '{job_prefix}babeltrace_{version}_{buildtype}':
buildtype: slesbuild
- arch: !!python/tuple [sles12sp5]
- build: !!python/tuple [std]
- conf: !!python/tuple [std]
+ archs: !!python/tuple [sles12sp5]
+ builds: !!python/tuple [std]
+ confs: !!python/tuple [std]
+ filter: ''
+ touchstone: ''
- '{job_prefix}babeltrace_{version}_{buildtype}':
buildtype: elbuild
- arch: !!python/tuple [el8]
- build: !!python/tuple [std]
- conf: !!python/tuple [std]
+ archs: !!python/tuple [el8]
+ builds: !!python/tuple [std]
+ confs: !!python/tuple [std]
+ filter: ''
+ touchstone: ''
- project:
- '{job_prefix}babeltrace_{version}_{buildtype}':
buildtype: build
- arch: !!python/tuple [amd64]
- build: !!python/tuple [std, oot, dist, oot-dist]
- conf: !!python/tuple [std, static, python-bindings]
+ archs: !!python/tuple [amd64]
+ builds: !!python/tuple [std, oot, dist, oot-dist]
+ confs: !!python/tuple [std, static, python-bindings]
+ filter: ''
+ touchstone: ''
- '{job_prefix}babeltrace_{version}_{buildtype}':
buildtype: macosbuild
- arch: !!python/tuple [macos-amd64, macos-arm64]
- build: !!python/tuple [std]
- conf: !!python/tuple [std]
+ archs: !!python/tuple [macos-amd64, macos-arm64]
+ builds: !!python/tuple [std]
+ confs: !!python/tuple [std]
+ filter: ''
+ touchstone: ''
- project:
- master-staging
- '{job_prefix}babeltrace_{version}_{buildtype}':
buildtype: build
- arch: !!python/tuple [amd64]
- build: !!python/tuple [std, oot, dist, oot-dist]
- conf: !!python/tuple [std, static, prod, min]
+ archs: !!python/tuple [amd64]
+ builds: !!python/tuple [std, oot, dist, oot-dist]
+ confs: !!python/tuple [std, static, prod, min]
+ filter: ''
+ touchstone: ''
- '{job_prefix}babeltrace_{version}_{buildtype}':
buildtype: macosbuild
- arch: !!python/tuple [macos-amd64, macos-arm64]
- build: !!python/tuple [std]
- conf: !!python/tuple [std, prod]
+ archs: !!python/tuple [macos-amd64, macos-arm64]
+ builds: !!python/tuple [std]
+ confs: !!python/tuple [std, prod]
+ filter: ''
+ touchstone: ''
- project:
name: babeltrace-views