Note: do not use `MAVEN_OPTS` to set the library path, since the `argLine`
property defined in the build will overwrite it.
+Running a single test
+This test suite is comprised of integration tests. We use the failsafe
+maven plugin [1]. To run a single test, one can use the test class name and the
+following command:
+ mvn clean verify -Dit.test=JulAppContextOrderingIT -DfailIfNoTests=false
+The `-DfailIfNoTests=false` argument is necessary otherwise maven will fail on
+the first test set that is empty. See [2] for more info.
+Debugging a test
+Note that for most tests, the test itself is the traced application.
+The fastest and "easiest" way of putting a breakpoint is to use eclipse.
+Download eclipse (for java dev).
+Import a maven project that points to this repo:
+ File -> Import -> Project -> Select Maven folder -> Select Existing Maven Projects
+ Point the root directory to this repo. Select all projects. Finish
+Setup the Debug Configuration:
+ Run -> Debug Configurations.
+ Select Remote Java Application.
+ Press the New Configuration button.
+ Give it the name "Remote lttng maven".
+ Select the project and select `lttng-tools-java`
+ Set the port to 5005
+ Go in the Source tab.
+ Click Add -> Java project -> Select all
+ Click Apply
+ Click Close
+Now let's run a single test with debug:
+ mvn clean verify -Dit.test=JulAppContextOrderingIT -DfailIfNoTests=false -Dmaven.failsafe.debug
+Wait for:
+ Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 5005
+Now go back to eclipse:
+ Navigate to where you want to put a break point. For example, JulAppContextOrderingIT.registerAgent.
+ Ctrl + shift + b can be used to set a tracepoint at the desired line.
+Then attach to the debugger:
+ Run -> Debug Configurations.
+ Select on the right "Remote lttng maven"
+ Click Debug
+You should hit the breakpoint at some point and from there use steps etc.
+If you want to debug lttng-ust, you need to insert a breakpoint at a valid point
+in time for the test and then use gdb to hook yourself to the java process.
+From there debugging is the same as any C application.
Running the benchmarks