'lttng_2thr_peritermean': 'lttng_2thr',
'lttng_4thr_peritermean': 'lttng_4thr',
'lttng_8thr_peritermean': 'lttng_8thr',
- 'lttng_16thr_peritermean': 'lttng_16thr'
+ 'lttng_16thr_peritermean': 'lttng_16thr',
+ 'baseline_1thr_periterstdev': 'basel_1thr_stdev',
+ 'baseline_2thr_periterstdev': 'basel_2thr_stdev',
+ 'baseline_4thr_periterstdev': 'basel_4thr_stdev',
+ 'baseline_8thr_periterstdev': 'basel_8thr_stdev',
+ 'baseline_16thr_periterstdev': 'basel_16thr_stdev',
+ 'lttng_1thr_periterstdev': 'lttng_1thr_stdev',
+ 'lttng_2thr_periterstdev': 'lttng_2thr_stdev',
+ 'lttng_4thr_periterstdev': 'lttng_4thr_stdev',
+ 'lttng_8thr_periterstdev': 'lttng_8thr_stdev',
+ 'lttng_16thr_periterstdev': 'lttng_16thr_stdev'
df.rename(columns=new_cols, inplace=True)
return df
def create_plot(df, graph_type):
# We split the data into two plots so it's easier to read
- lower = ['basel_1thr', 'basel_2thr', 'basel_4thr', 'lttng_1thr', 'lttng_2thr', 'lttng_4thr']
+ lower = ['basel_{}thr'.format(s) for s in [1,2,4]]
+ lower += ['lttng_{}thr'.format(s) for s in [1,2,4]]
+ upper = ['basel_{}thr'.format(s) for s in [8, 16]]
+ upper += ['lttng_{}thr'.format(s) for s in [8, 16]]
+ lower_stdev = ['{}_stdev'.format(s) for s in lower]
+ upper_stdev = ['{}_stdev'.format(s) for s in upper]
lower_color = ['lightcoral', 'gray', 'chartreuse', 'red', 'black', 'forestgreen']
- upper = ['basel_8thr', 'basel_16thr', 'lttng_8thr', 'lttng_16thr']
upper_color = ['deepskyblue', 'orange', 'mediumblue', 'saddlebrown']
title='Meantime per syscalls for {} testcase'.format(graph_type)
f.suptitle(title, fontsize=18)
- for (ax, sub, colors) in zip(arrax, [lower, upper], [lower_color,upper_color]):
- curr_df = df[sub]
+ for (ax, data_cols, stdev_cols, colors) in zip(arrax, [lower, upper], [lower_stdev, upper_stdev], [lower_color,upper_color]):
+ curr_df = df[data_cols]
+ # set the color cycler for this plot
ax.set_prop_cycle(cycler('color', colors))
- ax.plot(curr_df, marker='o')
+ # Plot each line and its errorbars
+ for (data, stdev) in zip(data_cols, stdev_cols):
+ ax.errorbar(x=df.index.values, y=df[data], yerr=df[stdev], marker='o')
ax.set_xlabel('Jenkins Build ID')