Fix: ust-app: per-PID app unregister vs tracing stop races
There are various races with UST application unregister performed
concurrently with tracing stop operation when tracing with per-pid
buffers. This randomly affects availability of data shortly after the
data pending check returns that no more data is available.
ust_app_stop_trace_all() iterates on all applications in the ust_app_ht
hash table to issue a flush on all buffers. This is needed to ensure
that the sub-buffers being written to are made available to the
consumer, for both data consumption, and for the data pending check.
Failure to execute the sub-buffer flush makes following data pending
check return that there is no data in the buffers too early, thus
resulting in an incomplete trace.
It is therefore important that an application flushes all its buffers
before it is removed from the ust_app_ht.
This is where ust_app_unregister() needs to be fixed. Note that
ust_app_unregister() executes concurrently with
ust_app_stop_trace_all(), only taking the per-session lock. The order of
flush vs hash table removal therefore matters:
We need to push the metadata before removing application from
ust_app_ht. We also need to issue a flush for all application buffers
before removing the application from ust_app_ht.
Once this is fixed, there is yet another race, this time in
ust_app_flush_trace() (now renamed ust_app_flush_session()). It is
caused by the use of ustctl_sock_flush_buffer() which asks the
application to perform the buffer flush. Unfortunately, if the
application vanishes (not reachable anymore), but its unregistration has
not yet been processed by sessiond, then ust_app_stop_trace_all() will
fail to flush the application buffers, because
ustctl_sock_flush_buffer() will fail.
This final issue is fixed by asking the consumer daemon to flush the
associated channel rather than relying on the application.