- defaults:
name: linux-kernel
+ concurrent: true
description: |
<p>Job is managed by Jenkins Job Builder</p>
# As the source code doesn't contain a Jenkinsfile, multibranch pipelines don't work
sandbox: true
!include-jinja2: pipelines/linux/pipeline.groovy.j2
+ triggers:
+ - github
# Vars used by pipeline and/or projects
cc: 'gcc'
cxx: 'g++'
+ cross_host_arch: ''
github_user: ''
github_project: 'linux'
- github_branch_pattern: 'ci/*'
+ github_branch_pattern: 'origin/ci/*'
stable_mirror: 'git://git-mirror.internal.efficios.com/git/linux-all.git'
email_to: ''
default_label: 'deb12-amd64'
+ job_prefix: ''
+ job_suffix: ''
+ skip_arches: ''
+ skip_configs: ''
+ skip_checkpatch: false
## Anchors
## Job templates
- job-template:
- name: '{job_prefix}linux_kernel_pipeline'
+ name: '{job_prefix}linux_kernel{job_suffix}'
defaults: linux-kernel
-- job-template:
- name: '{job_prefix}branch_watcher'
- dsl:
- !include-jinja2: pipelines/linux/watcher.groovy.j2
## Views
- view-template:
email_to: 'mathieu.desnoyers@efficios.com'
github_user: 'compudj'
- - '{job_prefix}linux_kernel_pipeline':
+ - '{job_prefix}linux_kernel{job_suffix}':
+ github_project: 'linux-dev'
+ job_suffix: '_crossbuild_fast'
+ skip_configs: 'allnoconfig,allyesconfig,allmodconfig'
+ skip_checkpatch: true
+ cross_host_arch: 'amd64'
+ - '{job_prefix}linux_kernel{job_suffix}':
github_project: 'linux-dev'
- - '{job_prefix}linux_kernel_pipeline':
- job_prefix: 'dev_kstewart'
- github_user: 'kienanstewart'
- email_to: ''
+ job_suffix: '_crossbuild'
+ cross_host_arch: 'amd64'
+ skip_configs: 'defconfig'
- project:
name: linux-views
+// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Kienan Stewart <kstewart@efficios.com>
+// SPDX-LicenseIdentifier: GPL-3.0-only
+def calculateEnv(arch, config, cross_host_arch, cc, cxx) {
+ e = [
+ "ARCH=${-> calculateKarch(arch)}" as String,
+ "V=1",
+ "CONFIG=${config}" as String,
+ ]
+ if (cross_host_arch != null && cross_host_arch != "") {
+ e += [
+ "CC=${-> calculateCrossFromArch(arch, cc)}" as String,
+ "CXX=${-> calculateCrossFromArch(arch, cxx)}" as String,
+ "HOSTCC=${cc}" as String,
+ "CROSS_COMPILE=${-> calculateCrossFromArch(arch, '')}" as String,
+ ]
+ }
+ return e
+def calculateCrossFromArch(dest_arch, cc) {
+ arch_map = [
+ armhf: 'arm-linux-gnueabihf-',
+ arm64: 'aarch64-linux-gnu-',
+ ppc64el: 'powerpc64le-linux-gnu-',
+ riscv64: 'riscv64-linux-gnu-',
+ ]
+ return "${-> arch_map.get(dest_arch,'')}${cc}" as String
+def calculateLabel(arch, cross_host_arch) {
+ arch_map = [
+ amd64: 'amd64',
+ arm64: 'arm64',
+ armhf: 'armhf',
+ i386: 'i386',
+ ppc64el: 'ppc64el',
+ riscv64: 'riscv64',
+ x86: 'i386',
+ x86_64: 'amd64',
+ ]
+ default_distro = 'deb12'
+ distro_map = [
+ 'riscv64': 'deb13',
+ ]
+ def _distro = distro_map.get(cross_host_arch ?: arch, default_distro)
+ def _arch = arch_map.get(cross_host_arch ?: arch)
+ return "${_distro}-${_arch}" as String
+def calculateKarch(arch) {
+ arch_map = [
+ arm64: 'arm64',
+ armhf: 'arm',
+ ppc64el: 'powerpc',
+ riscv64: 'riscv',
+ x86: 'i386',
+ x86_64: 'x86_64',
+ ]
+ return arch_map.get(arch)
+def calculateKconfig(arch, config) {
+ arch_map = [
+ arm64: [:],
+ armhf: [
+ 'defconfig': 'imx_v6_v7_defconfig',
+ ],
+ ppc64el: [:],
+ riscv64: [:],
+ x86: [:],
+ x86_64: [:],
+ ]
+ return arch_map.get(arch, [:]).get(config, config)
pipeline {
agent none
triggers {
- pollSCM('H * * * *')
+ githubPush()
+ }
+ parameters {
+ string name: 'CROSS_HOST_ARCH', trim: true, defaultValue: '{{cross_host_arch}}'
+ string name: 'CC', defaultValue: '{{cc}}'
+ string name: 'CXX', defaultValue: '{{cxx}}'
+ string name: 'NOTIFICATION_EMAILS', defaultValue: '{{email_to}}'
+ string name: 'SKIP_ARCHES', defaultValue: '{{skip_arches}}'
+ string name: 'SKIP_CONFIGS', defaultValue: '{{skip_configs}}'
+ booleanParam name: 'SKIP_CHECKPATCH', defaultValue: {{skip_checkpatch|to_groovy}}
stages {
$class: 'GitSCM',
branches: [[name: '{{github_branch_pattern}}']],
- userRemoteConfigs: [[
- url: 'https://github.com/{{github_user}}/{{github_project}}'
- ]],
+ userRemoteConfigs: [
+ [
+ url: 'https://github.com/{{github_user}}/{{github_project}}.git',
+ name: 'origin',
+ ],
+ ],
extensions: [
- [$class: 'CloneOption', depth: 1,],
- [$class: 'CleanCheckout'],
+ [$class: 'CloneOption', depth: 1, noTags: false, shallow: true],
+ [$class: 'LocalBranch'],
+ [$class: 'WipeWorkspace'],
// project config.
// The '.git' won't be stashed, so any operations that depend
// on git information should be done now.
- sh (
- label: 'Check patch',
- script: """\n
+ script {
+ if (!params.SKIP_CHECKPATCH) {
+ sh (
+ label: 'checkpatch.pl',
+ script: """#!/usr/bin/bash\n
+set -x
+# Full fetch of origin for history
+git fetch --unshallow origin
+# Tags only from the stable master branches
git remote add stable {{stable_mirror}}
-git fetch stable
+git fetch --depth 1 --tags stable master
git branch -u stable/master
OUTPUT_DIR=\$(mktemp -d)
+git format-patch \$(git describe --tags --abbrev=0) -o "\${OUTPUT_DIR}"
-for patch_file in "\$(ls "\$OUTPUT_DIR/*.patch")" ; do
- echo \$patch_file
- cat \$patch_file | scripts/checkpatch.pl -q --terse --no-summary --mailback --showfile || FAILURE=1
+while read -r patch_file; do
+ echo "\$patch_file:"
+ cat "\$patch_file"
+ echo "---"
+ # Unfortunately, checkpatch.pl doesn't use a different exit code to differentiate between warnings and errors.
+ OUTPUT=\$(scripts/checkpatch.pl -v --no-summary --showfile "\${patch_file}" 2>&1)
+ if echo "\${OUTPUT}" | grep -q ERROR >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ fi
+ ./scripts/checkpatch.pl -q --terse --no-summary --showfile "\${patch_file}"
+ echo "---"
+ echo
+done < <(ls -1 "\${OUTPUT_DIR}/"*.patch)
rm -rf "\${OUTPUT_DIR}"
-if [[ "\${FAILURE}" == "1" ]] ; then
+if [[ "\${FAILURE}" == "1" ]]; then
exit 1
- )
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ // Create a tar archive of the source without '.git', as symlinks need
+ // to be preserved for buildings DTBs.
+ sh (
+ label: "tar linux source",
+ script: """#!/usr/bin/bash
+set -x
+tar --exclude-vcs -czf linux.tar.gz -C src/linux .
+ )
+ stash(name: 'linux', includes: 'linux.tar.gz')
+ }
+ }
+ stage('Matrix') {
+ matrix {
+ axes {
+ axis {
+ // The stops 'ARCH' from being passed into the environment for shell
+ // steps.
+ name 'ARCH'
+ values 'arm64', 'armhf', 'ppc64el', 'riscv64', 'x86', 'x86_64'
+ }
+ axis {
+ name 'CONFIG'
+ values 'defconfig', 'allnoconfig', 'allyesconfig', 'allmodconfig'
+ }
+ }
- stash(name: 'linux', includes: 'src/linux/**')
+ agent {
+ label "${-> calculateLabel(env.ARCH, params.CROSS_HOST_ARCH)}" as String
+ }
+ when {
+ expression { return !(params.SKIP_ARCHES.split(',').contains(env.ARCH) || params.SKIP_CONFIGS.split(',').contains(env.CONFIG)) }
+ }
+ stages {
+ stage('Build') {
+ steps {
+ unstash 'linux'
+ withEnv(calculateEnv(ARCH, CONFIG, params.CROSS_HOST_ARCH, params.CC, params.CXX) as List) {
+ sh "rm -rf src/linux"
+ dir('src/linux') {
+ sh(
+ label: "untar linux source",
+ script: 'tar -xzf ../../linux.tar.gz'
+ )
+ sh 'env'
+ sh "make " + calculateKconfig(ARCH, CONFIG)
+ sh 'cat .config'
+ // Build
+ sh 'make -j$(nproc)'
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ post {
+ success {
+ cleanWs()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
- // parallel (arch) {
+ post {
+ always {
+ emailext(subject: "${currentBuild.displayName} #${currentBuild.number} ${currentBuild.result} in ${currentBuild.durationString}", to: params.email_to, body: """
+${-> currentBuild.description ?: ''}
+${currentBuild.result} in ${currentBuild.durationString}
- // }
+See job logs at ${currentBuild.absoluteUrl}/pipeline-console"
- // Future: parallel (arch, platform) runtime tests
+-- scm --
+${env.CHANGE_URL} commit ${env.CHANGE_ID} branch ${env.CHANGE_BRANCH}
+ }