--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 Kienan Stewart <kstewart@efficios.com>
+# SPDX-LicenseIdentifier: LGPL-2.1-only
+Test that live doesn't hang when a traced UST application started before the
+session if the application doesn't produce any further events.
+import os
+import pathlib
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import time
+test_utils_import_path = pathlib.Path(__file__).absolute().parents[3] / "utils"
+import lttngtest
+def test_early_ust_app(tap, test_env, buffer_sharing_policy):
+ tap.diagnostic(
+ "test_early_inactive_app with buffer sharing policy {}".format(
+ buffer_sharing_policy
+ )
+ )
+ uid = None
+ user = None
+ if buffer_sharing_policy == lttngtest.lttngctl.BufferSharingPolicy.PerUID:
+ if os.getuid() != 0 or not test_env.allows_destructive():
+ tap.skip(
+ "Need to run PerUID test as root and have `LTTNG_ENABLE_DESTRUCTIVE_TESTS` set properly to create a dummy user",
+ 2,
+ )
+ return
+ (uid, user) = test_env.create_dummy_user()
+ # Run early app
+ early_app = test_env.launch_wait_trace_test_application(
+ 10,
+ wait_before_exit=True,
+ run_as=user,
+ )
+ early_app.trace()
+ early_app.wait_for_tracing_done()
+ client = lttngtest.LTTngClient(test_env, log=tap.diagnostic)
+ output = lttngtest.NetworkSessionOutputLocation(
+ "net://localhost:{}:{}/".format(
+ test_env.lttng_relayd_control_port, test_env.lttng_relayd_data_port
+ )
+ )
+ session = client.create_session(output=output, live=True)
+ channel = session.add_channel(
+ lttngtest.lttngctl.TracingDomain.User,
+ buffer_sharing_policy=buffer_sharing_policy,
+ )
+ channel.add_recording_rule(lttngtest.lttngctl.UserTracepointEventRule("tp:tptest"))
+ session.start()
+ # Connect live viewer
+ viewer = test_env.launch_live_viewer(session.name)
+ viewer.wait_until_connected()
+ # Run second test app
+ late_app = test_env.launch_wait_trace_test_application(
+ 10, wait_before_exit=True, run_as=user
+ )
+ late_app.trace()
+ late_app.wait_for_tracing_done()
+ # Wait for the viewer to receive at least the expected number of events.
+ # If the session is stopped and destroyed immediately, there is a small
+ # window where new streams with per-PID buffers may not be sent to the
+ # live client.
+ while len(viewer.messages) < 10:
+ viewer.wait()
+ time.sleep(0.1)
+ session.stop()
+ session.destroy()
+ # The viewer should be disconnected then the session is destroyed
+ viewer.wait_until_disconnected()
+ tap.test(
+ not viewer.is_connected(),
+ "Live viewer exited gracefully",
+ )
+ tap.test(
+ len(viewer.messages) == 10,
+ "Live viewer got {} / 10 expected events".format(len(viewer.messages)),
+ )
+ early_app.touch_exit_file()
+ early_app.wait_for_exit()
+ late_app.touch_exit_file()
+ late_app.wait_for_exit()
+tap = lttngtest.TapGenerator(4)
+for buffer_sharing_policy in [
+ lttngtest.lttngctl.BufferSharingPolicy.PerUID,
+ lttngtest.lttngctl.BufferSharingPolicy.PerPID,
+ with lttngtest.test_environment(
+ log=tap.diagnostic, with_relayd=True, with_sessiond=True
+ ) as test_env:
+ test_early_ust_app(tap, test_env, buffer_sharing_policy)
+sys.exit(0 if tap.is_successful else 1)