ReAdded lttng-tools jobs
authorMichael Jeanson <>
Thu, 3 Sep 2015 23:34:29 +0000 (19:34 -0400)
committerMichael Jeanson <>
Thu, 3 Sep 2015 23:34:29 +0000 (19:34 -0400)
jobs/lttng-tools.yaml [new file with mode: 0644]
scripts/lttng-tools/ [changed mode: 0644->0755]
scripts/lttng-tools/ [deleted file]
scripts/lttng-tools/ [deleted file]
scripts/lttng-tools/ [deleted file]
scripts/lttng-tools/ [changed mode: 0644->0755]
scripts/lttng-tools/ [changed mode: 0644->0755]

diff --git a/jobs/lttng-tools.yaml b/jobs/lttng-tools.yaml
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..e1c4a2b
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,385 @@
+- defaults:
+    name: lttng-tools
+    description: |
+      The lttng-tools project provides a session daemon (lttng-sessiond)
+      that acts as a tracing registry, the "lttng" command line for tracing
+      control, a lttng-ctl library for tracing control and a lttng-relayd
+      for network streaming.
+      <p>Job is managed by Jenkins Job Builder.</p>
+    project-type: freestyle
+    logrotate:
+        daysToKeep: -1
+        numToKeep: 2
+        artifactDaysToKeep: -1
+        artifactNumToKeep: -1
+    wrappers:
+      - workspace-cleanup
+      - timestamps
+      - ansicolor
+    scm:
+      - git:
+          url: git://
+          browser: githubweb
+          browser-url:
+          branches:
+            - origin/{version}
+    triggers:
+      - pollscm:
+          cron: "@hourly"
+    properties:
+      - github:
+          url:
+## Templates
+- job-template:
+    name: lttng-tools_{version}_{buildtype}
+    defaults: lttng-tools
+    project-type: matrix
+    node: 'x86-32 || x86-64' # Applies only to matrix flyweight task
+    execution-strategy:
+      combination-filter: |
+        (build=="std") || (liburcu_version=="master")
+    axes:
+      - axis:
+         type: slave
+         name: arch
+         values: '{obj:arch}'
+      - axis:
+         type: user-defined
+         name: conf
+         values:
+           - std
+           #- static
+           - no_ust
+           - python_bindings
+           - java_agents
+      - axis:
+         type: user-defined
+         name: liburcu_version
+         values: '{obj:urcuversion}'
+      - axis:
+         type: user-defined
+         name: babeltrace_version
+         values: '{obj:babelversion}'
+      - axis:
+         type: user-defined
+         name: build
+         values: '{obj:build}'
+    builders:
+      - conditional-step:
+          condition-kind: regex-match
+          label: '$conf'
+          regex: (std|static)
+          on-evaluation-failure: run
+          steps:
+            - copyartifact:
+                project: liburcu_${{liburcu_version}}_{buildtype}/arch=${{arch}},conf=${{conf}},build=std
+                which-build: last-successful
+                stable: true
+                filter: 'build/**'
+                target: 'deps/liburcu'
+                do-not-fingerprint: true
+            - copyartifact:
+                project: babeltrace_${{babeltrace_version}}_{buildtype}/arch=${{arch}},conf=${{conf}},build=std
+                which-build: last-successful
+                stable: true
+                filter: 'build/**'
+                target: 'deps/babeltrace'
+                do-not-fingerprint: true
+            - copyartifact:
+                project: lttng-ust_{version}_{buildtype}/liburcu_version=${{liburcu_version}},arch=${{arch}},conf=${{conf}},build=std
+                which-build: last-successful
+                stable: true
+                filter: 'build/**'
+                target: 'deps/lttng-ust'
+                do-not-fingerprint: true
+      - conditional-step:
+          condition-kind: regex-match
+          label: '$conf'
+          regex: (python_bindings|no_ust)
+          on-evaluation-failure: run
+          steps:
+            - copyartifact:
+                project: liburcu_${{liburcu_version}}_{buildtype}/arch=${{arch}},conf=std,build=std
+                which-build: last-successful
+                stable: true
+                filter: 'build/**'
+                target: 'deps/liburcu'
+                do-not-fingerprint: true
+            - copyartifact:
+                project: babeltrace_${{babeltrace_version}}_{buildtype}/arch=${{arch}},conf=std,build=std
+                which-build: last-successful
+                stable: true
+                filter: 'build/**'
+                target: 'deps/babeltrace'
+                do-not-fingerprint: true
+            - copyartifact:
+                project: lttng-ust_{version}_{buildtype}/liburcu_version=${{liburcu_version}},arch=${{arch}},conf=std,build=std
+                which-build: last-successful
+                stable: true
+                filter: 'build/**'
+                target: 'deps/lttng-ust'
+                do-not-fingerprint: true
+      - conditional-step:
+          condition-kind: regex-match
+          label: '$conf'
+          regex: (java_agents)
+          on-evaluation-failure: run
+          steps:
+            - copyartifact:
+                project: liburcu_${{liburcu_version}}_{buildtype}/arch=${{arch}},conf=std,build=std
+                which-build: last-successful
+                stable: true
+                filter: 'build/**'
+                target: 'deps/liburcu'
+                do-not-fingerprint: true
+            - copyartifact:
+                project: babeltrace_${{babeltrace_version}}_{buildtype}/arch=${{arch}},conf=std,build=std
+                which-build: last-successful
+                stable: true
+                filter: 'build/**'
+                target: 'deps/babeltrace'
+                do-not-fingerprint: true
+            - copyartifact:
+                project: lttng-ust_{version}_{buildtype}/liburcu_version=${{liburcu_version}},arch=${{arch}},conf=java-agent,build=std
+                which-build: last-successful
+                stable: true
+                filter: 'build/**'
+                target: 'deps/lttng-ust'
+                do-not-fingerprint: true
+      - shell:
+         !include-raw-escape scripts/lttng-tools/
+    # TODO: Scan for open tasks
+    publishers:
+      - tap:
+          results: 'tap/**/*.tap'
+          failed-tests-mark-build-as-failure: true
+      - warnings:
+          console-log-parsers:
+            - 'GNU Make + GNU C Compiler (gcc)'
+          #total-thresholds:
+          #  failed:
+          #    total-all: 0
+          #    total-high: 0
+          #    total-normal: 0
+          #    total-low: 0
+      - archive:
+          artifacts: 'build/**'
+          allow-empty: false
+      - workspace-cleanup
+- job-template:
+    name: lttng-tools_{version}_cppcheck
+    defaults: lttng-tools
+    triggers:
+      - pollscm:
+          cron: "@daily"
+    builders:
+      - shell: |
+          rm -f lttng-tools-cppcheck.xml
+          cppcheck --enable=all --xml --xml-version=2 $WORKSPACE 2> lttng-tools-cppcheck.xml
+    publishers:
+      - archive:
+          artifacts: 'lttng-tools-cppcheck.xml'
+          allow-empty: false
+      - cppcheck:
+          pattern: 'lttng-tools-cppcheck.xml'
+      - email:
+          recipients: ''
+          notify-every-unstable-build: true
+          send-to-individuals: false
+- job-template:
+    name: lttng-tools_{version}_scan-build
+    defaults: lttng-tools
+    node: 'x86-64'
+    triggers:
+      - pollscm:
+          cron: "@daily"
+    builders:
+      - copyartifact:
+          project: liburcu_{urcuversion}_build/arch=x86-64,conf=std,build=std
+          which-build: last-successful
+          stable: true
+          filter: 'build/**'
+          target: 'deps/liburcu'
+          do-not-fingerprint: true
+      - copyartifact:
+          project: lttng-ust_{version}_build/liburcu_version={urcuversion},arch=x86-64,conf=std,build=std
+          which-build: last-successful
+          stable: true
+          filter: 'build/**'
+          target: 'deps/lttng-ust'
+          do-not-fingerprint: true
+      - shell:
+          !include-raw-escape scripts/lttng-tools/
+    publishers:
+      - html-publisher:
+          name: 'HTML Report'
+          dir: 'scan-build-archive/'
+          files: 'index.html'
+- job-template:
+    name: lttng-tools_{version}_coverity
+    defaults: lttng-tools
+    node: 'x86-64'
+    triggers:
+      - pollscm:
+          cron: "@daily"
+    wrappers:
+      - workspace-cleanup
+      - timestamps
+      - ansicolor:
+          colormap: xterm
+      - credentials-binding:
+          - username-password-separated:
+              credential-id: lttng-tools_coverity_token
+              username: COVERITY_SCAN_PROJECT_NAME
+              password: COVERITY_SCAN_TOKEN
+    builders:
+      - copyartifact:
+          project: liburcu_master_build/arch=x86-64,conf=std,build=std
+          which-build: last-successful
+          stable: true
+          filter: 'build/**'
+          target: 'deps/liburcu'
+          do-not-fingerprint: true
+      - copyartifact:
+          project: lttng-ust_{version}_build/liburcu_version={version},arch=x86-64,conf=std,build=std
+          which-build: last-successful
+          stable: true
+          filter: 'build/**'
+          target: 'deps/lttng-ust'
+          do-not-fingerprint: true
+      - shell:
+          !include-raw-escape scripts/common/
+    publishers:
+      - workspace-cleanup
+- job-template:
+    name: lttng-tools_{version}_pylint
+    defaults: lttng-tools
+    node: 'x86-64'
+    scm: []
+    triggers:
+      - pollscm:
+          cron: "@daily"
+    builders:
+       - copyartifact:
+           project: lttng-tools-{version}/arch=x86-64,build=std,conf=python-agent
+           which-build: last-successful
+           stable: true
+           filter: 'build/**'
+           target: 'deps/lttng-tools'
+           do-not-fingerprint: true
+       - shell:
+          !include-raw-escape scripts/lttng-tools/
+    publishers:
+      - archive:
+          artifacts: 'pep8.out,pylint.out'
+      - violations:
+          pep8:
+            pattern: pep8.out
+            min: 10
+            max: 999
+            unstable: 999
+          pylint:
+            pattern: pylint.out
+            min: 10
+            max: 999
+            unstable: 999
+      - email:
+          recipients: ''
+          notify-every-unstable-build: true
+          send-to-individuals: false
+## Project
+- project:
+    name: lttng-tools
+    version:
+      !include jobs/inc/
+    jobs:
+      - 'lttng-tools_{version}_{buildtype}':
+          buildtype: build
+          version: master
+          arch: !!python/tuple [x86-32, x86-64]
+          build: !!python/tuple [std, oot, dist]
+          urcuversion: !!python/tuple [master]
+          babelversion: !!python/tuple [master]
+      - 'lttng-tools_{version}_{buildtype}':
+          buildtype: portbuild
+          version: master
+          arch: !!python/tuple [armhf, powerpc]
+          build: !!python/tuple [std]
+          urcuversion: !!python/tuple [master]
+          babelversion: !!python/tuple [master]
+      - 'lttng-tools_{version}_{buildtype}':
+          buildtype: build
+          version: stable-2.7
+          arch: !!python/tuple [x86-32, x86-64]
+          build: !!python/tuple [std, oot, dist]
+          urcuversion: !!python/tuple [stable-0.8]
+          babelversion: !!python/tuple [stable-1.2]
+      - 'lttng-tools_{version}_{buildtype}':
+          buildtype: portbuild
+          version: stable-2.7
+          arch: !!python/tuple [armhf, powerpc]
+          build: !!python/tuple [std]
+          urcuversion: !!python/tuple [stable-0.8]
+          babelversion: !!python/tuple [stable-1.2]
+      - 'lttng-tools_{version}_{buildtype}':
+          buildtype: build
+          version: stable-2.6
+          arch: !!python/tuple [x86-32, x86-64]
+          build: !!python/tuple [std, oot, dist]
+          urcuversion: !!python/tuple [stable-0.8]
+          babelversion: !!python/tuple [stable-1.2]
+      - 'lttng-tools_{version}_{buildtype}':
+          buildtype: portbuild
+          version: stable-2.6
+          arch: !!python/tuple [armhf, powerpc]
+          build: !!python/tuple [std]
+          urcuversion: !!python/tuple [stable-0.8]
+          babelversion: !!python/tuple [stable-1.2]
+      - 'lttng-tools_{version}_cppcheck'
+      - 'lttng-tools_{version}_scan-build':
+          version: master
+          urcuversion: master
+      - 'lttng-tools_{version}_scan-build':
+          version: stable-2.7
+          urcuversion: stable-0.8
+      - 'lttng-tools_{version}_scan-build':
+         version: stable-2.6
+         urcuversion: stable-0.8
+      #- 'lttng-tools_{version}_pylint'
+      - 'lttng-tools_{version}_coverity':
+          version: master
old mode 100644 (file)
new mode 100755 (executable)
index e69de29..b8f6576
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+#!/bin/sh -xue
+# Copyright (C) 2015 - Jonathan Rajotte-Julien <>
+#                      Michael Jeanson <>
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+# Create build directory
+rm -rf $WORKSPACE/build
+mkdir -p $WORKSPACE/build
+# liburcu
+# lttng-ust
+# babeltrace
+if [ "$conf" = "no_ust" ]
+    export CPPFLAGS="-I$URCU_INCS"
+    export LDFLAGS="-L$URCU_LIBS"
+case "$conf" in
+    echo "Static build"
+    CONF_OPTS="--enable-static --disable-shared"
+    ;;
+    echo "Build with python bindings"
+    # We only support bindings built with Python 3
+    export PYTHON="python3"
+    export PYTHON_CONFIG="/usr/bin/python3-config"
+    CONF_OPTS="--enable-python-bindings"
+    ;;
+    echo "Build without UST support"
+    CONF_OPTS="--disable-lttng-ust"
+    ;;
+    echo "Standard build"
+    CONF_OPTS=""
+    ;;
+# Build type
+# oot : out-of-tree build
+# dist: build via make dist
+# *   : normal tree build
+# Make sure to move to the build_path and configure
+# before continuing
+case "$build" in
+       oot)
+               echo "Out of tree build"
+               BUILD_PATH=$WORKSPACE/oot
+               mkdir -p $BUILD_PATH
+               cd $BUILD_PATH
+               $WORKSPACE/configure --prefix=$PREFIX $CONF_OPTS
+               ;;
+       dist)
+               echo "Distribution out of tree build"
+               BUILD_PATH=`mktemp -d`
+               # Initial configure and generate tarball
+               ./configure
+               make dist
+               mkdir -p $BUILD_PATH
+               cp *.tar.* $BUILD_PATH/
+               cd $BUILD_PATH
+               # Ignore level 1 of tar
+               tar xvf *.tar.* --strip 1
+               $BUILD_PATH/configure --prefix=$PREFIX $CONF_OPTS
+               ;;
+       *)
+               BUILD_PATH=$WORKSPACE
+               echo "Standard tree build"
+               $WORKSPACE/configure --prefix=$PREFIX $CONF_OPTS
+               ;;
+make install
+# Run tests
+# Allow core dumps
+ulimit -c unlimited
+chmod +x $BABEL_BINS/babeltrace
+rm -rf $WORKSPACE/tap
+mkdir -p $WORKSPACE/tap
+mkdir -p $WORKSPACE/tap/unit
+mkdir -p $WORKSPACE/tap/fast_regression
+mkdir -p $WORKSPACE/tap/with_bindings_regression
+cd $BUILD_PATH/tests
+if [ "$conf" = "std" ]
+    prove --merge --exec '' - < $BUILD_PATH/tests/unit_tests --archive $WORKSPACE/tap/unit/ || true
+    prove --merge --exec '' - < $BUILD_PATH/tests/fast_regression --archive $WORKSPACE/tap/fast_regression/ || true
+if [ "$conf" = "no_ust" ]
+    # Regression is disabled for now, we need to adjust the testsuite for no ust builds.
+    echo "Testsuite disabled. See job configuration for more info."
+if [ "$conf" = "python_bindings" ]
+    # Disabled due to race conditions in tests
+    echo "Testsuite disabled. See job configuration for more info."
+    prove --merge --exec '' - < $BUILD_PATH/tests/unit_tests --archive $WORKSPACE/tap/unit/ || true
+    prove --merge --exec '' - < $BUILD_PATH/tests/fast_regression --archive $WORKSPACE/tap/fast_regression/ || true
+    prove --merge --exec '' - < $BUILD_PATH/tests/with_bindings_regression --archive $WORKSPACE/tap/with_bindings_regression/ || true
+# TAP plugin is having a hard time with .yml files.
+rm -f $WORKSPACE/tap/unit/meta.yml
+rm -f $WORKSPACE/tap/fast_regression/meta.yml
+rm -f $WORKSPACE/tap/with_bindings_regression/meta.yml
+# And also with files without extension, so rename all result to *.tap
+find $WORKSPACE/tap/unit/ -type f -exec mv {} {}.tap \;
+find $WORKSPACE/tap/fast_regression/ -type f -exec mv {} {}.tap \;
+find $WORKSPACE/tap/with_bindings_regression/ -type f -exec mv {} {}.tap \;
+# Cleanup
+make clean
+# Cleanup rpath and libtool .la files
+find $WORKSPACE/build/bin -executable -type f -exec chrpath --delete {} \;
+find $WORKSPACE/build/lib -name "*.so" -exec chrpath --delete {} \;
+find $WORKSPACE/build/lib -name "*.la" -exec rm -f {} \;
+# Clean temp dir for dist build
+if [ $build = "dist" ]; then
+       rm -rf $BUILD_PATH
diff --git a/scripts/lttng-tools/ b/scripts/lttng-tools/
deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index 853c9db..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
-# Create build directory
-rm -rf $WORKSPACE/build
-mkdir -p $WORKSPACE/build
-# liburcu
-# lttng-ust
-# babeltrace
-if [ "$conf" = "no_ust" ]
-    export CPPFLAGS="-I$URCU_INCS"
-    export LDFLAGS="-L$URCU_LIBS"
-case "$conf" in
-# Currently disabled, ust doesn't seem to be built right for static linking.
-#    echo "Static build"
-#    CONF_OPTS="--enable-static --disable-shared"
-#    ;;
-    echo "Build with python bindings"
-    # We only support bindings built with Python 3
-    export PYTHON="python3"
-    export PYTHON_CONFIG="/usr/bin/python3-config"
-    CONF_OPTS="--enable-python-bindings"
-    ;;
-    echo "Build without UST support"
-    CONF_OPTS="--disable-lttng-ust"
-    ;;
-    echo "Standard build"
-    CONF_OPTS=""
-    ;;
-# Build type
-# oot : out-of-tree build
-# dist: build via make dist
-# *   : normal tree build
-# Make sure to move to the build_path and configure
-# before continuing
-case "$build" in
-       oot)
-               echo "Out of tree build"
-               BUILD_PATH=$WORKSPACE/oot
-               mkdir -p $BUILD_PATH
-               cd $BUILD_PATH
-               $WORKSPACE/configure --prefix=$PREFIX $CONF_OPTS
-               ;;
-       dist)
-               echo "Distribution out of tree build"
-               BUILD_PATH=`mktemp -d`
-               # Initial configure and generate tarball
-               ./configure
-               make dist
-               mkdir -p $BUILD_PATH
-               cp *.tar.* $BUILD_PATH/
-               cd $BUILD_PATH
-               # Ignore level 1 of tar
-               tar xvf *.tar.* --strip 1
-               $BUILD_PATH/configure --prefix=$PREFIX $CONF_OPTS
-               ;;
-       *)
-               BUILD_PATH=$WORKSPACE
-               echo "Standard tree build"
-               $WORKSPACE/configure --prefix=$PREFIX $CONF_OPTS
-               ;;
-make install
-# Run tests
-# Allow core dumps
-ulimit -c unlimited
-chmod +x $WORKSPACE/dependencies/babeltrace/build/bin/babeltrace
-export PATH="$PATH:$WORKSPACE/dependencies/babeltrace/build/bin"
-rm -rf $WORKSPACE/tap
-mkdir -p $WORKSPACE/tap
-mkdir -p $WORKSPACE/tap/unit
-mkdir -p $WORKSPACE/tap/fast_regression
-mkdir -p $WORKSPACE/tap/with_bindings_regression
-cd $BUILD_PATH/tests
-if [ "$conf" = "std" ]
-    prove --merge --exec '' - < $BUILD_PATH/tests/unit_tests --archive $WORKSPACE/tap/unit/ || true
-    prove --merge --exec '' - < $BUILD_PATH/tests/fast_regression --archive $WORKSPACE/tap/fast_regression/ || true
-if [ "$conf" = "no_ust" ]
-    # Regression is disabled for now, we need to adjust the testsuite for no ust builds.
-    echo "Testsuite disabled. See job configuration for more info."
-if [ "$conf" = "python_bindings" ]
-    # Disabled due to race conditions in tests
-    echo "Testsuite disabled. See job configuration for more info."
-    prove --merge --exec '' - < $BUILD_PATH/tests/unit_tests --archive $WORKSPACE/tap/unit/ || true
-    prove --merge --exec '' - < $BUILD_PATH/tests/fast_regression --archive $WORKSPACE/tap/fast_regression/ || true
-    prove --merge --exec '' - < $BUILD_PATH/tests/with_bindings_regression --archive $WORKSPACE/tap/with_bindings_regression/ || true
-# TAP plugin is having a hard time with .yml files.
-rm -f $WORKSPACE/tap/unit/meta.yml
-rm -f $WORKSPACE/tap/fast_regression/meta.yml
-rm -f $WORKSPACE/tap/with_bindings_regression/meta.yml
-# And also with files without extension, so rename all result to *.tap
-find $WORKSPACE/tap/unit/ -type f -exec mv {} {}.tap \;
-find $WORKSPACE/tap/fast_regression/ -type f -exec mv {} {}.tap \;
-find $WORKSPACE/tap/with_bindings_regression/ -type f -exec mv {} {}.tap \;
-# Cleanup
-make clean
-# Cleanup rpath and libtool .la files
-find $WORKSPACE/build/bin -executable -type f -exec chrpath --delete {} \;
-find $WORKSPACE/build/lib -name "*.so" -exec chrpath --delete {} \;
-find $WORKSPACE/build/lib -name "*.la" -exec rm -f {} \;
-# Clean temp dir for dist build
-if [ $build = "dist" ]; then
-       rm -rf $BUILD_PATH
diff --git a/scripts/lttng-tools/ b/scripts/lttng-tools/
deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index 853c9db..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
-# Create build directory
-rm -rf $WORKSPACE/build
-mkdir -p $WORKSPACE/build
-# liburcu
-# lttng-ust
-# babeltrace
-if [ "$conf" = "no_ust" ]
-    export CPPFLAGS="-I$URCU_INCS"
-    export LDFLAGS="-L$URCU_LIBS"
-case "$conf" in
-# Currently disabled, ust doesn't seem to be built right for static linking.
-#    echo "Static build"
-#    CONF_OPTS="--enable-static --disable-shared"
-#    ;;
-    echo "Build with python bindings"
-    # We only support bindings built with Python 3
-    export PYTHON="python3"
-    export PYTHON_CONFIG="/usr/bin/python3-config"
-    CONF_OPTS="--enable-python-bindings"
-    ;;
-    echo "Build without UST support"
-    CONF_OPTS="--disable-lttng-ust"
-    ;;
-    echo "Standard build"
-    CONF_OPTS=""
-    ;;
-# Build type
-# oot : out-of-tree build
-# dist: build via make dist
-# *   : normal tree build
-# Make sure to move to the build_path and configure
-# before continuing
-case "$build" in
-       oot)
-               echo "Out of tree build"
-               BUILD_PATH=$WORKSPACE/oot
-               mkdir -p $BUILD_PATH
-               cd $BUILD_PATH
-               $WORKSPACE/configure --prefix=$PREFIX $CONF_OPTS
-               ;;
-       dist)
-               echo "Distribution out of tree build"
-               BUILD_PATH=`mktemp -d`
-               # Initial configure and generate tarball
-               ./configure
-               make dist
-               mkdir -p $BUILD_PATH
-               cp *.tar.* $BUILD_PATH/
-               cd $BUILD_PATH
-               # Ignore level 1 of tar
-               tar xvf *.tar.* --strip 1
-               $BUILD_PATH/configure --prefix=$PREFIX $CONF_OPTS
-               ;;
-       *)
-               BUILD_PATH=$WORKSPACE
-               echo "Standard tree build"
-               $WORKSPACE/configure --prefix=$PREFIX $CONF_OPTS
-               ;;
-make install
-# Run tests
-# Allow core dumps
-ulimit -c unlimited
-chmod +x $WORKSPACE/dependencies/babeltrace/build/bin/babeltrace
-export PATH="$PATH:$WORKSPACE/dependencies/babeltrace/build/bin"
-rm -rf $WORKSPACE/tap
-mkdir -p $WORKSPACE/tap
-mkdir -p $WORKSPACE/tap/unit
-mkdir -p $WORKSPACE/tap/fast_regression
-mkdir -p $WORKSPACE/tap/with_bindings_regression
-cd $BUILD_PATH/tests
-if [ "$conf" = "std" ]
-    prove --merge --exec '' - < $BUILD_PATH/tests/unit_tests --archive $WORKSPACE/tap/unit/ || true
-    prove --merge --exec '' - < $BUILD_PATH/tests/fast_regression --archive $WORKSPACE/tap/fast_regression/ || true
-if [ "$conf" = "no_ust" ]
-    # Regression is disabled for now, we need to adjust the testsuite for no ust builds.
-    echo "Testsuite disabled. See job configuration for more info."
-if [ "$conf" = "python_bindings" ]
-    # Disabled due to race conditions in tests
-    echo "Testsuite disabled. See job configuration for more info."
-    prove --merge --exec '' - < $BUILD_PATH/tests/unit_tests --archive $WORKSPACE/tap/unit/ || true
-    prove --merge --exec '' - < $BUILD_PATH/tests/fast_regression --archive $WORKSPACE/tap/fast_regression/ || true
-    prove --merge --exec '' - < $BUILD_PATH/tests/with_bindings_regression --archive $WORKSPACE/tap/with_bindings_regression/ || true
-# TAP plugin is having a hard time with .yml files.
-rm -f $WORKSPACE/tap/unit/meta.yml
-rm -f $WORKSPACE/tap/fast_regression/meta.yml
-rm -f $WORKSPACE/tap/with_bindings_regression/meta.yml
-# And also with files without extension, so rename all result to *.tap
-find $WORKSPACE/tap/unit/ -type f -exec mv {} {}.tap \;
-find $WORKSPACE/tap/fast_regression/ -type f -exec mv {} {}.tap \;
-find $WORKSPACE/tap/with_bindings_regression/ -type f -exec mv {} {}.tap \;
-# Cleanup
-make clean
-# Cleanup rpath and libtool .la files
-find $WORKSPACE/build/bin -executable -type f -exec chrpath --delete {} \;
-find $WORKSPACE/build/lib -name "*.so" -exec chrpath --delete {} \;
-find $WORKSPACE/build/lib -name "*.la" -exec rm -f {} \;
-# Clean temp dir for dist build
-if [ $build = "dist" ]; then
-       rm -rf $BUILD_PATH
diff --git a/scripts/lttng-tools/ b/scripts/lttng-tools/
deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index 853c9db..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
-# Create build directory
-rm -rf $WORKSPACE/build
-mkdir -p $WORKSPACE/build
-# liburcu
-# lttng-ust
-# babeltrace
-if [ "$conf" = "no_ust" ]
-    export CPPFLAGS="-I$URCU_INCS"
-    export LDFLAGS="-L$URCU_LIBS"
-case "$conf" in
-# Currently disabled, ust doesn't seem to be built right for static linking.
-#    echo "Static build"
-#    CONF_OPTS="--enable-static --disable-shared"
-#    ;;
-    echo "Build with python bindings"
-    # We only support bindings built with Python 3
-    export PYTHON="python3"
-    export PYTHON_CONFIG="/usr/bin/python3-config"
-    CONF_OPTS="--enable-python-bindings"
-    ;;
-    echo "Build without UST support"
-    CONF_OPTS="--disable-lttng-ust"
-    ;;
-    echo "Standard build"
-    CONF_OPTS=""
-    ;;
-# Build type
-# oot : out-of-tree build
-# dist: build via make dist
-# *   : normal tree build
-# Make sure to move to the build_path and configure
-# before continuing
-case "$build" in
-       oot)
-               echo "Out of tree build"
-               BUILD_PATH=$WORKSPACE/oot
-               mkdir -p $BUILD_PATH
-               cd $BUILD_PATH
-               $WORKSPACE/configure --prefix=$PREFIX $CONF_OPTS
-               ;;
-       dist)
-               echo "Distribution out of tree build"
-               BUILD_PATH=`mktemp -d`
-               # Initial configure and generate tarball
-               ./configure
-               make dist
-               mkdir -p $BUILD_PATH
-               cp *.tar.* $BUILD_PATH/
-               cd $BUILD_PATH
-               # Ignore level 1 of tar
-               tar xvf *.tar.* --strip 1
-               $BUILD_PATH/configure --prefix=$PREFIX $CONF_OPTS
-               ;;
-       *)
-               BUILD_PATH=$WORKSPACE
-               echo "Standard tree build"
-               $WORKSPACE/configure --prefix=$PREFIX $CONF_OPTS
-               ;;
-make install
-# Run tests
-# Allow core dumps
-ulimit -c unlimited
-chmod +x $WORKSPACE/dependencies/babeltrace/build/bin/babeltrace
-export PATH="$PATH:$WORKSPACE/dependencies/babeltrace/build/bin"
-rm -rf $WORKSPACE/tap
-mkdir -p $WORKSPACE/tap
-mkdir -p $WORKSPACE/tap/unit
-mkdir -p $WORKSPACE/tap/fast_regression
-mkdir -p $WORKSPACE/tap/with_bindings_regression
-cd $BUILD_PATH/tests
-if [ "$conf" = "std" ]
-    prove --merge --exec '' - < $BUILD_PATH/tests/unit_tests --archive $WORKSPACE/tap/unit/ || true
-    prove --merge --exec '' - < $BUILD_PATH/tests/fast_regression --archive $WORKSPACE/tap/fast_regression/ || true
-if [ "$conf" = "no_ust" ]
-    # Regression is disabled for now, we need to adjust the testsuite for no ust builds.
-    echo "Testsuite disabled. See job configuration for more info."
-if [ "$conf" = "python_bindings" ]
-    # Disabled due to race conditions in tests
-    echo "Testsuite disabled. See job configuration for more info."
-    prove --merge --exec '' - < $BUILD_PATH/tests/unit_tests --archive $WORKSPACE/tap/unit/ || true
-    prove --merge --exec '' - < $BUILD_PATH/tests/fast_regression --archive $WORKSPACE/tap/fast_regression/ || true
-    prove --merge --exec '' - < $BUILD_PATH/tests/with_bindings_regression --archive $WORKSPACE/tap/with_bindings_regression/ || true
-# TAP plugin is having a hard time with .yml files.
-rm -f $WORKSPACE/tap/unit/meta.yml
-rm -f $WORKSPACE/tap/fast_regression/meta.yml
-rm -f $WORKSPACE/tap/with_bindings_regression/meta.yml
-# And also with files without extension, so rename all result to *.tap
-find $WORKSPACE/tap/unit/ -type f -exec mv {} {}.tap \;
-find $WORKSPACE/tap/fast_regression/ -type f -exec mv {} {}.tap \;
-find $WORKSPACE/tap/with_bindings_regression/ -type f -exec mv {} {}.tap \;
-# Cleanup
-make clean
-# Cleanup rpath and libtool .la files
-find $WORKSPACE/build/bin -executable -type f -exec chrpath --delete {} \;
-find $WORKSPACE/build/lib -name "*.so" -exec chrpath --delete {} \;
-find $WORKSPACE/build/lib -name "*.la" -exec rm -f {} \;
-# Clean temp dir for dist build
-if [ $build = "dist" ]; then
-       rm -rf $BUILD_PATH
old mode 100644 (file)
new mode 100755 (executable)
index e69de29..4640904
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
old mode 100644 (file)
new mode 100755 (executable)
index e69de29..bf3c7fa
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+#!/bin/sh -exu
+# Copyright (C) 2015 - Jonathan Rajotte-Julien <>
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+# temp directory to store the scan-build report
+SCAN_BUILD_TMPDIR=$( mktemp -d /tmp/scan-build.XXXXXX )
+# directory to use for archiving the scan-build report
+# Create build directory
+rm -rf $WORKSPACE/build
+mkdir -p $WORKSPACE/build
+# liburcu
+# lttng-ust
+export CFLAGS="-O0 -g -DDEBUG"
+./configure --prefix=$PREFIX
+make clean
+# generate the scan-build report
+scan-build -k -o ${SCAN_BUILD_TMPDIR} make
+# get the directory name of the report created by scan-build
+set +e
+SCAN_BUILD_REPORT=$( find ${SCAN_BUILD_TMPDIR} -maxdepth 1 -not -empty -not -name `basename ${SCAN_BUILD_TMPDIR}` )
+set -e
+if [ -z "${SCAN_BUILD_REPORT}" ]; then
+    echo ">>> No new bugs identified."
+    echo ">>> No scan-build report has been generated"
+    echo ">>> New scan-build report generated in ${SCAN_BUILD_REPORT}"
+    if [ ! -d "${SCAN_BUILD_ARCHIVE}" ]; then
+        echo ">>> Creating scan-build archive directory"
+        install -d -o jenkins -g jenkins -m 0755 "${SCAN_BUILD_ARCHIVE}"
+    else
+        echo ">>> Removing any previous scan-build reports from ${SCAN_BUILD_ARCHIVE}"
+        rm -f ${SCAN_BUILD_ARCHIVE}/*
+    fi
+    echo ">>> Archiving scan-build report to ${SCAN_BUILD_ARCHIVE}"
+    echo ">>> Removing any temporary files and directories"
+    rm -rf "${SCAN_BUILD_TMPDIR}"
+exit ${rc}
This page took 0.034838 seconds and 4 git commands to generate.